How can the first open world RPG from a polish studio look and perform better than the latest blockbuster AAA rpg from a developer like bethesda with huge dev team and inexhaustible budget? Does this mean that Capitalistic gamedev just does not work?
How can the first open world RPG from a polish studio look and perform better than the latest blockbuster AAA rpg from...
>Sprite grass
Poland is capitalist you fucking mong
What's with the ugly, weird sepia tone?
>huge dev team and inexhaustible budget
Quantity means shit all if they're as incompetent as they are
Because Bethesda doesn't care about making a game to raise the bar they care about making games to reach the most amount of people and make the most money.
>that city on a hill like whiterun on the left
Wow, so they're literally just ripping off Bethesda now? Nice """""""""""""devs"""""""""""""" you got there.
Because they actually work and not blow all the budget on coke.
Nah is slaves.
>games in general
>not 3D fire
Because they don't have a shitty Publisher spending 90% of the budget on marketing and forcing their games out as fast as possible. Skyrim was rushed as fuck.
And yet 90% of the people who actually manage to finish Blood and Wine will never touch Witcher 3 ever again, even though they'll still be playing Skyrim, a 5 year old game.
I've heard the witcher games aren't really open world, is this true? people make it sound like you can't revisit old areas after a point or you can't just do what you want when you want to.
i have 3 hours in skyrim.
im 5 hours in on blood and wine, with 300 hours in total playing witcher 3.
cant wait to finish blood and wine and start another newgameplus with the level scaling and the mutagens.
good one
He was being sarcastic. Stop sperging out.
>lady of the lake doesn't even get out of the lake
>aerondight is shit
what a failure
Lol, eastern europe IS capitalism at it's finest, only fittest survive, unlike your welfare-ridden sjw countries where every snowflake gets to develop for AAA companies because they've got colorful hair and gender studies degree.
You missed the point of what he was saying.
Capititalistic game dev = developing games to maximize immediate and long term profit, focusing less on creating a polished and "fun" game, and more on creating hype and making sales.
cdpr arent a small indie studio anymore, id bet you the development team behind w3 wasnt much smaller than the one behind f4
also cdpr actually try to make a goid game, unlike bethesda who know the public will just buy their games anyway
>Game launches
>Huge shit storm about its graphical downgrade
>Fast Forward a year
>Everyone praising it for its graphics.
That's exactly what polacks did. Difference is they don't have to fill some transexual employees quotas or whatnot, and generally aren't brought up in sheltered, overprotective environments, and if you live in slavland and making a succesful career in gamedev then you're sure to be a competent dev and not some sjw-boosted transgender hack. Just look at some photos of some western dev teams, half of them looks like they have down syndrome, the other half decided to paint their hair in some bright color on top of that for some reason.
>obligatory curry indian dev crouching in the front of the pic, next to the standing obligatory chubby female dev who is larger than all of the manlet devs
Bethesda Game Studio is smaller than Witcher 3 development team.
150 members in bethesda development team, Witcher 3 had 200-250 members.
plus cdpr is rolling in cash
no way is this game not an AAA title
But it's true.
and this proves what exactly?
except aerondlight wrecks shit
I only play Skyrim because it's ultimate porn game at the moment, Tod.
The same way a game with a 1 million dollar budget can have better gameplay and design than the latest 100 million dollar monstrosity from Konami or SquareEnix.
Medium and small development teams are putting more effort into their work as they have more direct connection to the core development team. While these major games with 250 programmers and 500 artists are just trying to fill work quotas.
I went afk for a few minutes and it was like this when I came back.
Witcher 2 was the impressive feat OP.
Witcher 1 was a real indie dev attempt and W2 was a huge huge huge graphical leap from it. W3 is still impressive, but by then they had popularity + budget.
They didn't try hard enough the actual game parts of their games still suck like Bethesdas
>why does Bethesda make shitty games?
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