Zero Time Dilemma: PC ed. releases on the 29th of June

>Date one day earlier than previously believed
>Trivial information but excuse to start a new thread

Only rule: no console war bullshitting allowed, you fucks.

Other urls found in this thread:

Are we dead already?!

I really - REALLY - wish they did the VLR/999 thing instead of doing the 3D animation thing. It looks fucking disgusting.

Hopefully the story delivers


fuck off
jesus christ

OP needed a source. Chill.

3DS version is shit.

OP needs a bullet to the head for linking retarded sites like that and kotaku.

...And the point is?

great. im going to pirate the shit out of the PC version then

It's not even out yet

OP is me, y'know. I don't even go on Polygon--it's just that they're the only ones that got the official confirmation.

perhaps a small concession can be made whenever the news from such retard-sites is actually news, and not just regular clickbaiting

Ah, the thread yesterday was so chill.
Guess all the people with a sense of humor left already. We could've had it all, too...

leaked cia when

You should probably get out of here. Only the bitchers and the pirates seem to be still around.
Leak won't be anytime soon. Check back in a week or so.

Post music that makes you cry like a bitch

Played 999 but never got the opportunity to play VLR. Still worth trying to rush through VLR even though I spoilered the shit out of me?


Who would buy this? Seriously, if you don't have a 3ds or vita why would you get this? The first 2 aren't even on PC yet
the one and only


No offense, but I never really understood all the "MUH COLLECTION" stuff. Pretty much everything that makes the series great isn't the platform. It's the content.

>Seriously, if you don't have a 3ds or vita why would you get this?

He's saying there's no good reason for newcomers to buy ZTD because 999/VLR aren't on PC yet

Yep, thats why i dont going to buy it, maybe in an offer dunno

Got it. Normally I hear stuff about being "faithful" to its original platform, so I got confused.

I am getting it on PC tho. I welcome the new experience.

If you're excited for ZTD, please play it. VLR was made specifically with a sequel in mind. They're well interconnected.

Just a newfag question: is this normally a slow part of the day for ZTD boards, or is this our new reality?

There's no new information beyond something spoilery coming "soon" and people constantly lying about the .cia being up. The threads will pick up again once there's actually something to talk about.

That's a relief. The last few threads made it seem like most were leaving because of the spoilers.

I'm buying the steam version.
I actually had the 3DS version pre-ordered but I cancelled because I wanted better graphics and there's no collectible watch since I don't like in burgerland.

O shit nigger, here comes the snail

Dubs to kill him and stop Radical-6
Trips to wipe Brother out of the universe
Quads and Akane gives Jumpy a lumpy in his fumpy

Singles and we all die

Are they bring VLR to steam?

They're only considering it. We won't see it anytime soon.

I mean, a few are, but the really spoiler-averse left awhile ago. I'm here at least until another decision game is shown, maybe a bad end or one big thing (Q's or Zero's face), if we get those before release at all.

They said they might. Honestly, I only really see them doing it if ZTD sells really well on steam.



I can't wait for the shitty, fake, photoshop spoilers. Dio's head on Q's body when?

What's the best way to play this series? I have a 3DS, a capable PC and an Android device but I don't really expect it to run well on an Android.

Hmm. I wonder how the "bad ends" are differentiated from the 7 ends shown in the trophy list. I think we might've seen a few in the trailer already, but it's hard to tell. I'm just hoping that bad ends are fleshed out beyond just the participants dying in, uh, creative ways. If they aren't, then I'm not even sure if they'd be real spoilers.

Personally, I wouldn't feel spoiled if they revealed half the escape rooms and decisions...I would, however, go full Eric if they revealed something big. They wouldn't do that, would they? I'm assuming they didn't for VLR.

You should probably play 999 and VLR on your 3ds. Avoid Android. PC is kind've annoying to emulate the touchscreen on.

That's my only hope. Since Nintendo won't be getting any fun E3 "spoilers" this year ZTD is all I have left

>By sheer cosmic coincidence you happened to be born into the timeline where Zero Escape 3 actually got made

I still can't believe it bros

27 days left

I mean, the 2nd japanese VLR trailer showed Alice killing herself which totally shits on that mystery in three timelines, but that was probably the biggest thing.

Yeah, I hope the bad endings have some sort of middleground between 999 and VLR. I want a lot that you can roll into by fucking up or being a dick, but not all of them need to be as long and drawn out as Sub or Axe were.

Huh. I totally just realized that they probably did away with the story locks from the first two games, since the fragment system lets you play shit out of order. No more "To Be Continued"s.

>one day earlier
Who cares 3DS version launches 2-3 weeks earlier :^)
Better play worst version or get spoiled hahhaha

...Y'know there's no guarantee that the game is gonna get leaked? It's already rare for that shit to happen.


As long as they don't do that shit with one of the protagonists, I'll be good...then again the "Don't worry, shoot me. I won't die" thing might be a bigger spoiler than we think.
Anyways, yeah, I hope we get some really wild bad ends. The Dio End was absolutely hysterical to me. Chasing him across the surface of Mars, finding out about Free the stuff.

I'm a bit lukewarm towards the fragments. Seeing the end of a timeline early on just doesn't seem too good to me. Here's to hoping I'll be proven wrong.

Is there a loli in it?

VLR needed for ZTD?

Where's the CIA?

No. Only a shota.


Mars? It was a Moon!

That's nice too.

Do yourself a favor and play it before it all is spoiled by ZTD. You'll never get another chance.

no 3ds or vita so it got shelved

There's some fuckery with the fragment system and the flowchart, mark my words. There's something going on there that we still haven't figured out. I don't think it's gonna be story locks, but something is gonna be preventing us from seeing the true ending early on... Like maybe an extra player character that gets unlocked later on. Could just be part of another timeline ie Phi's false ending where you jump to the start, which means it won't be mentioned in achievements.

Thanks for reminding me of the Dio ending. I'm actually replaying VLR right now, and while a lot of the bad endings are just "person leaves without you," they managed to have some fun ones... Like everyone going apeshit on Sigma for betraying a passed out kid.

I'm still pushing for some sort of full on joke ending like Silent Hill's dog ending, though. Like if Gab isn't more than he seems (Kyle, Brother, etc.), then I would love just one ending where he's behind it all. I know that can't really work because of how the endings are connected via timelines, but something along those lines.

Mars just sounds cool, alright?..okay I'm kidding. It's been years since I've played VLR.

It was supposed to be our Moon. My whole theory with the Schrodingers cat shit going on is that it was actually one of Mars' moons, meaning its a timeline where the mars mission was a success and earths fine!

Basically all the bad endings were on the moon and the final ending would have been the whole AB project made on mars moon instead so it was still orbiting a "red earth"

An Ambidex Gate has been opened. 27 days remain until Ambidex Game polling closes.

That idea really nice...I hope I won't be disappointed. I'm just afraid that the overthinkers among us will connect the dots a little too early, and effectively spoil timelines for ourselves. I can't believe I actually want there to be goddamned locks.

And, yeah, I like my bad endings to feel like I'm going on a long acid trip or being dunked into an ocean of sorrow--I hope Uchi has/had a lot of fun with making them. B)

Im pretty sure the actual main lock for the game is getting into the timeline that leads into VLR and then ending up with You and Kyle in the game from then on meaning fragments will have more choices and paths and such

You're making my head hurt, user.
That's still some interesting shit though.

Ugh, that sounds so cool although I do hope the protags and their development/importance aren't shafted in that process. I actually like them.

You heard me, spoil me.
Don't worry. I won't cry.


Diana looks like she's struggling to accept her new and terrible life


I kek'd

>implying that a life with Carlos would be terrible

Friendly reminder that the 999 stream will continue Friday at 10PM CEST/4PM EST/1PM PDT


It makes a shit ton of sense when PHI wont talk about the past MEANING its possible they are in a winning timeline!

I really hope they don't give any characters the 9th man/Quark treatment, and relegate them to being just a plot device. If it happens to anyone though, it'll probably be someone from Q-team, most likely Mira, since titty monsters don't have a great track record in the importance department.*

I know Lotus had more going for her than she seems to (and so did Alice, though her father-avenging never really resonated with me), but they're still quite low on the totem pole plot-wise.

Carlos is ultimate husbando, but a) Diana's heart is for Sigma, and b) she has to raise Q as her kid

Amen. While I do hope the heavy hitter characters of the series do get the most screentime, I don't want Eric and Mira to be fuel for the ol' incinerator.

Bump. I'm really afraid of this thread being snuffed out.

i'm actually the most excited about team Q
akane is my favorite character hands down, but we already know (to some extent) why she and the other returning characters are there
team Q is full of unknowns, i'm dying to know why they got involved in all this

>pic related

The VLR ending is ending 1 of D path, as evidenced by PSVita trophies, so not even the definitive ending of that path.

Just read hthe leaked spoilers. I think it's bullshit. Junpei acting like some "kaikaku" master, pretending to be working for Free The Soul, while in cahoots with Kyle, ??? being the player as a fourth dimension being, summoned to allow the transfer of impossible information between timelines, Akane is mindwiped at the end, Clover and Alice are woken up in the pat basically creting a huge time paradox, etc.

It's one of the few sites giving ZTD exposure. They're alright.

I was thinking that maybe the array of participants are supposed to reflect the spectrum of human morality or something. I dunno, there seems to be a lowkey theme of justice in the game. A scale - symbolizing justice - in the title. Humanity hanging in the balance...

>probably am overthinking shit
>but if I'm right then maybe the participants are being judged, somewhat like 999 did but in a bigger way.

So this is another game from 999 and virtue's last reward devs, right?

Are those on PC already?


Is that official? Sure looks a lot nicer than the sketchy 3d from the 3ds shots.
I really wish they hadn't gone for that artstyle. I already had some getting used to to VLR's, but this one just doesn't look nice at all.

I just finished replaying 999 for the new game, and VLR is next.

>Y-You know how after June, we aren't gonna get to see each other too much?

I always loved that line.

Glad it's coming out on PC.
Now I can pirate it without feeling bad about doing it.

Thank you. I mean, I don't even know jack shit about Polygon so it really confused me when someone wanted me to die because I linked it.

Ugh, don't tell me it's already time to bail. Didn't read it and I'm sure any "spoilers" are likely to be fake at this point, but I really don't want a bunch of fake theories floating around in my head as I play

Man, the female cast from both games is so cute. Looking back on VLR, it's funny when you imagine old sigma asking Phi for swimsuit shots or the flirty talks with clover.

Actual Japanese fanart?

Anyone gonna buy the 3DS or Vita version to own/support the project and then pirate the PC version?

Sup Forums just likes getting mad at things it's told to blindly hate
If it helps, an user said similar junk when I posted the 9 mins of gameplay video

No, 100% American. Or European, I think, if it was for the contest.

I would have bought the vita version, but the PC version is free.

Got the Vita one, maybe I'll get it on Steam too later

Ah, the Louvre, of course.