6 days!
6 days!
6 days until the same game all over again
Except without shitty gameplay or a shitty framerate.
It's a remake?
Vita demo when
My local store says 1 day + in stock now.
Several weeks
Is this the most remastered "HD remaster"? I feel like it's very rare for these sorts of ports to actually go to the effort to improve the games core gameplay and sub systems
Only for americans.
>mfw wanted to buy it myself as birthday gift but must wait one more month cuz eu
>store in city started selling it 4 days ago, another local store is selling it today
too bad I can't drive, I have to settle with giving FUCKING GameStop my business
It's closer to being a remake than to being a remaster. The only reason that's not obvious is that they couldn't radically change the graphics, because if you change the graphics it's not Odin Sphere anymore.
Is this on PC?
false flaggers need to go!
A month
23 days here
Could just import it. Not like the PS4 is region locked.
>Don't own a PS4
Eh, any use getting it for PS3 or PSTV?
Yes, it's still a great game and it runs well.
>PS3 or PSTV
If you're a poorfag, sure.
If not, don't.
I've heard it runs fine on both.