When was the last time you played, or even discussed, this game? It's okay, you can be honest

When was the last time you played, or even discussed, this game? It's okay, you can be honest.

I played it for like 3 hours like a month ago and hated it.

I'm writing a blog post about how much better it is than Overwatch right now, actually.

3 days ago.

played it for the last time about three weeks ago, l'll jump back into it once the new weapons are available

I'm still mad at the fact this game is not on other consoles to, I looks fun, please tell me how does it feel when you use the mini gun?

A few days ago.

>I'm still mad at the fact this game is not on other consoles to

Do you ask for Smash Bros and Mario Kart on your PS4 and PC on Wednesdays too?

>I'm still mad at the fact this game is not on other consoles

Why would a game developed by EAD be on other consoles?

this game was never being discussed in the first place
these threads are just pedo neckbeards circlejerks and loliporn dumps

Months ago.
Game is legit fun. But team-based games are better with friends, and since no one was actually that dumb to buy a Wii U I dont see a point on playing. Although customization was amazing.

It still had problems, like getting that piece of clothing you wanted was pure rng, or the weird tick rate meant you always went for double KO.
Might come back someday, but honestly OW is like this, and friends are actually playing it.

I enjoy it in spurts, but my connection is ass and I keep getting jumped by carbon rollers. I wunder if an ethernet port would fix that.

It's nice to yell Boo Yah regardless if you're winning or losing.

A week and a half ago. Played with a friend. Don't get as much time with it as I'd like because the internet currently doesn't reach my bedroom in the attic. Moving to a new place in 2 weeks.

Played it yesterday senpai. Actually, I've played it a lot over the last week.

After like months of not doing it

Month ago. I really love the game but i get too salty in rank mode. I wish it would come to pc for convenince

I honestly haven't touched it since I got Pokken.

Who knows, maybe I'll get to play it at night, but honestly, it really gets repetitive after a while.

Some people... also tend to take this game a little too seriously too in multi-player. Whether in Rank matches or the easier ones, a person just wants to have fun and possibly kill some squids, not even minding that much my rank (I'm B- IIRC), and it's nice if I get to have a chance to move up and then come these maniacs literally watching your every move and not even letting you breathe, much less paint. Yeah, you can call me casual or maybe it's because I'm not all adjusted to that many weapons. I used paint roller but then wanted to try something else because that was ezmodo. There was one I really liked but now I can't remember its name, it had a nice balance of range, power and ink though. Mostly about having it balanced rather than just focusing on one point, although I like my weapons slightly fast and powerful.

Single player was pretty cool, but that obviously ran out of things to do after a while. Collected everything too.

> There was one I really liked but now I can't remember its name, it had a nice balance of range, power and ink though.
tentatek splattershot, the one that looks like a super soaker

I realize it's futile to complain, but this. I like the game but I fucking hate playing it on the Wii U.

This game would be fucking great if it came to PC.
Sadly it will never happen.


I work through the week

Tried playing the game 2 days ago. Still filled with people with shitty connections and naps make the problem 2 times worse.

It will come to pc. In 20 years

What's with the passive aggressive post, OP?

I was thinking the same thing when I played it. It would've been awesome on PC.

Not since January after the December splat fest if I recall.

Sorry but 2016 is Sony domination year and I have already sold my Wii u cause Nintendo are practically already letting it die.

Splatoon and bloodborne were my 2015 goty and it was fun while it lasted.
It was truly one of nintendos best released games in the last decade.

All honestly, I dropped it you can't play it on just the d-pad. I like having TV or movies on when I play long session games like this.

>Muh PC

In other words

>This game would be better if it was F2P on Steam

If there were enough people to actually want to form squads you could get Sup Forumseekend shit like with smash and mario kart.

Squads are fun as shit.
People literally can not be bothered to start the game up and get squads going.

Absolutely not. Put it behind a paywall to keep faggots off.

>people wanting Callie and Marie for Smash5

Sorry, Final Smash is automatically Kraken to drum up intrigue in the series, so you get different colors of Girl and Boy Inkling which are easy alts.

The paywall is WiiU ownership. It works very well at keeping faggots out.

I've been working through my backlog finally so I haven't played it in awhile

>Yeah, you can call me casual

Casual scum stop complaining because of your lack of skill.
It's always you b and c tanks that complain the most

>Wii U
>keeping faggots out

I think you may be confused. If anything, it's a containment platform.

Lol very true

>discussing a fucking crappy game that only serves to enable lolicons to fap to a videogame

The game is already fucking great. What the hell would it gain from being on PC? Better graphics? Fuck off already.

That's the one. I really enjoy using it. I also grew fond of the bucket weapons as well, although they do tend to be tricky to use in certain situations, but they can really save your ass at the best times too.

All around, I could use practicing for more weapons, but those seem to be my main gig.

>I think you may be confused. If anything, it's a containment platform.
>containment platform

Let's see.
>No cinematic experiences
>No F2P garbage
>No sports shit
>No dudebro games
>No nepshit
>No paid online

The WiiU is, if anything, protected from the worst trends that vidya has been facing in years.

Well, I did say "call me casual".

Great incentive to work my ass further though. Thanks for calling on my shit.

I'd like to say that I was discussing this game today but clearly /ink/ doesn't want to.

I loved the gameplay as it was, it reminded me a lot of Star Wars Battlefront 2 actually. And I did pay full price for it on launch day, so the cost of the game was not an issue.

For me the problem was all the little Nintendo-isms that wouldn't be in the game if it was made for PC.

>No chat and/or voice communication
>Very few emote/quick message options for communicating
>Minimap in your lap where you have to completely refocus and readjust to see, instead of in the corner where it's easy to glance
>UI does not show your actual health bar/number, which PC players are accustomed to
>Motion controls that are admittedly better than sticks, but not as good as a mouse
>Shoehorned tablet controls that could have easily been adapted into something else
>No regional matchmaking forces you to play with laggy japs
>No spectator mode
>Locked to 8 players, which is sufficient for most gamemodes but the option to have more would be fun to try

Again, I liked the game on Wii U a lot, but I'd probably have liked it more and stuck with it longer if it was on PC.

Dumb nigger.

It's protected from video games too

2 weeks, been studying, gonna play this weekend.

Cool blog thread

Are you trying to imply that it does have an Ethernet port?
Unless you're referring to those shitty overpriced adapters, which are useless unless everyone else in the match also has one. No matter how good your connection is its not going to make Little Tommy's or Yuyuwaka Hakamoto's any better.

So basically what everyone wants is a Not-Splatoon on PC. Wonder why no one wants to make it if there's such high demand like Sony Smash was.

I use Squid memes all the time

>>No chat and/or voice communication
It's worldwide servers, you play with many different languages. Voice chat means implementing regional servers, and I'd rather just be in a match in 10 seconds rather than waiting 3 minutes to play with Jack, John and xXxEPIXxX

During the Splatfest, Most of my time has gone to OW recently.

I beat the single player and got all the scrolls.

Haven't touched it since.

that doesn't even make any sense.

>Haven't played Splatoon except during Splatfests
>Most of my time has gone to OW recently
>Game released last week

>overpriced adapters
$12 is really expensive.

I'll fire up my Wii U to play Ranked occasionally, I main L-3 Nozzlenose D.

Poor nigger.

Except all the ones you pcucks keep begging for ey :^}

That's one whole amiibo I won't be able to buy.

Having to buy the damn thing is enough of a barrier. If parents don't even know the Wii U is a fucking console, what the hell makes you think they'll decide to spring for an Ethernet adapter?

They have no excuse for not adding Ethernet to a so-called gaming machine right out of the box.

I have a habit of stopping for like a month, then coming back and playing for several days repeating over the past year or so. I really like the game but I still haven't found a weapon I like better than the N-zap 89'. Feels kinda bad seeing all these cool varied weapons but I just stick to a standard automatic one.

Are you a parent and commenting on your child's console?

I've only ever heard Splatoon begging, but I guess we've just about reached the end of that now that Overwatch is out.

>what the hell makes you think they'll decide to spring for an Ethernet adapter?
The fact that they spring for xbox live and shit.

They already pay for the internet, but pay for a separate service. Monthly.

Discussed it a few days ago, haven't played it recently, though. Not really sure why, I really enjoyed the game. Would be much more fun with some pals and without the autistic map rotation, but since nobody owns a Wii U I'm kinda SOL.

Played for a few games yesterday morning.
I haven't been playing much vidya lately, waiting for the new update.

I don't think you understand how P2P gaming works. I can have a godly connection, but it doesn't help me at all against the Japanese teleporting lagrollers because they don't have one. Nor does it help the Kyles and Billys whose parents bought them the game.

I want everyone to have a decent connection. Or better yet, dedicated servers so that there's actual incentive to have a better connection.