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>near perfect framerate

what the fuck did he mean by this

>near perfect framerate
this game ran like shit on ps2, really thought it would be silky smooth this time

silky smooth 23.976 fps

Kamitani strikes again

>near-perfect framerate
It runs at 144fps?

Might br because the actual 2d characters animate at 30 fps or less.
2d frame rates are not the same as 3d frame rates.

Best remake since REmake confirmed?

>have to wait another 23 days
Thanks Fatlus, thanks NISA.

Near perfect frame rate is a plus? I can understand if it's not bad enough for them to consider it a detriment, but if it's not perfectly running like it's supposed to then I don't see how that could be a positive

Better than waiting for a whole year for a digital only edition.
And hey, they even added more than just ENG subs this time. Huge improvment compared to other games from them.

Still 30fps more than other games.

Have you played the original Odin Sphere? "Near perfect" is a hell of an improvement, and heaven forbid a game have a framerate hiccup here and there.

Are there massive titties in this too?

>actual 2d characters animate at 30 fps or less



>no negatives

Yes, but NISA won't publish Atlus games in the EU anymore. Sega will, and I doubt they will publish smaller titles. Already seeing it with SMT IV Final. Not announced for EU at all.

This is fucking bullshit. Since they stepped their game up a lot in the past years.

How bad was it?

it needs to be a fucking requirement

what caused the fallout?

Sub 20 fps.

SEGA buying Atlus and now wanting more money, basically.

Yeah that sucks, SEGA is very weird with EU. Sometimes they are pretty good, sometimes they just suck.


I thought ign hates eastern games
what happened?

>talking about Sega
>this pops up

Can't give you a hard number but slowdown was pretty common in battle.

Look man, even games with a rock solid framerate can still accidentally an occasional frame skip or drop. In the case of Odin Sphere there are screen filling effects that I can see causing a little stutter. When I played the Japanese demo it ran just fine so calm your tits.

Paid review and fanboyism happened

Okay developer of Hyper Light Drifter, this is exactly how it works.

IGN's cool with Vanillaware. Colin's last hurrah there was shilling the everloving fuck out of Dragon's Crown.

This game is a remaster right? The original game was ok but not 9.5. Fixing the frame rame don't boost the score by that much

Changed the gameplay and item crafting system. It even included an original mode where you can play the PS2 version of the game.

It's a remaster, and it also includes the old game.

> remaster

Full blown remake that includes the original, m8.

They don't. They just give mediocre weebshit the scores they deserve.

They redid the battle system and added new bosses. Try the demo.

>It even included an original mode where you can play the PS2 version of the game.

Then why did they reviewed the same game again?

The game was just patched because the original release was garbage.
I don't think they should consider and charge full price for a game that happens to receive patches and updates. That's kosher.

Nice rebuttal

review score threads should be deleted

he's right though, 2D animations do NOT draw 60 different images per second

>near-perfect framerate

dumb pcuck, "near-perfect" means 120fps. 144 is perfect

Sounds fun. How much is it? $60 I'm assuming?

>Try the demo.

I sold my PS4 long ago. garbage PS3 remasters and PS1 remakes don't interest me.

$60 on PS4, I think it's $50 on PS3 and $40 on Vita.

But they didn't? The option is there and I really doubt they reviewed the old version.

FUCK, im to broke to get it for ps3 owwel il buy it second hand some day

So they release a broken game in 2007 and now a patched version in 2016 for the same price


i dont remember any massive titties in odin sphere

You are retarded.

>PS only
Damn wish it was compatible with PSP in that case...

Is this coming to PC?


It's pretty much a base game + expansion

> patched

I'm starting to wonder if you're retarded. It's an HD remake with gameplay improvements from Muramasa and Dragon's Crown. It's not a touched up 2007 game, they rebuilt this motherfucker.

Queen Odette and Titania.

The characters are puppet animated retard. They do move at 60 fps, only the actual frame-by-frame-animated cores are drawn at a smaller framerate.

They could. Nobody is crazy enough to draw that amount of frames tho.

And in games you can have your animations be 30 or less frames but have the game engine run at 60 fps if you wanted to.

Most likely no

>Then why did they reviewed

Surprisingly, your post only gets more retarded from here.

thats not the point retard

PS4 remasters

Beyond Two Souls
God of War III
Uncharted I,II and III
Odin Shpere
The Movie of Us
Devil May Cry 4

>Sony is giving the middle finger to everyone who bought a PS3 to play sub 30fps games

I have the PS2 version on PS3 and played the PS4 demo.

The PS4 demo is smooth as fuck in comparison. It feels more like Murumasa and the controls are way less clunky

>Odin Sphere "remaster" it's actually good
>DMC4 is multiplat

So who's behind the shitposting this time?


The demo is pretty much locked 60 unless there're 1000 explosions on screen
Better than any vanillaware game up to date

That's the power of the PS4.

A games framerate and the amount of animation frames in a sprite are not the same thing.

You can animate a sprite with 12 frames per second, doesn't mean the game can get away with being 12 FPS

Sonyggers are mad when someone dislike their weebo remasters.


nah. They're mostly stick to Sony.

God damn Odinsphere is fucking good, i loved that shit back on the ps2 and i fucking love the remaster.

At least post the current version

>SEGA will publish Atlus games in the EU

Good. NISA is fucking incompetent. Some of their shit can brick your consoles.


Well considering the massive amount of people who switched over its nice. I haven't played any of those on ps3 except gow.

You don't know what you are missing

All great games.

> tfw I bought my PS3 right after PS4 launched

It's funny to me how aggressively boring PS4's current lineup is.

The current version was downgraded to 900p and has the same frame rate drops. But don't worry, The PS4K is around the corner and you won't have to defend Sony shit anymore

Yes. A fucking shitty 2d brawler shouldnt be having framerate issues on a fucking ps4

>mfw not even odin sphere threads will be save from shitposting

Can I still pre order the ps4 special edition or is it too late

>beyond two souls
>UC outside 2
Stop lying shill

Why do you care if it's so shitty?

>people actually believe the PS4.5 will run in 4K resolution
Are you actually delusional?

It's a ps4 game. What did you expect?



>muh U3, TLOU and DMC4 are bad meme

Considering the PS4's reputation with framerates I'm not surprised.

I'm glad it actually comes out in EU, i thought i had to import and wait even longer or pay too much

Actually Uncharted 3 and The Movie of Us are horrible movie games.

It's a ps2 game user ¬¬

when you kill yourself

I'm gonna get this on Vita - no PS4, and Vanillaware games are gorgeous on it regardless.

All games writers with female names are male trannys until proven otherwise.

If anything it'll be 1080p to 4k upscale. But it's most likely just 4k BD support

The original is well known for its terrible frame rate, it was the games only real flaw for me

Oh, I didn't realize that the remaster was on ps2. Didn't know they were still releasing games for it.


Same as U2 then

>PS2 was by far the weakest console of its generation. With the GC being 50% more powerful, and the Xbox being twice.

>A console released over 12 years later, 2 generations, being the most powerful of it's competitors being 50% stronger then the Xbone, and over twice that of the WiiU

>That said console has problems running a game that was 480i/sub30fps
>Barely managing 1080p with a somewhat stable frame rate

Why is this okay? Why? Is it because it's only okay when Sony does it?

TLOU is an okay game, if not one that runs short on ideas. I'd say it's a bit more gamey than any segment of Uncharted I've seen.