Why was there never an original story Harry Potter game? Feels like a wasted opportunity...

Why was there never an original story Harry Potter game? Feels like a wasted opportunity. Does JK Rowling hate video games?

Also no, Quiddich does not count.

hermione a shit

i suspect your thread isn't about video games

I hate sjws. Always ruining everything. This is such forced bullshit.

I sure ain't gonna watch that shit.

Could they pick an uglier woman to play the part? Holy shit.

calm down it's just a theatre play, 99% people complaining about it isn't going to watch it

speaking about witches, in what game can I be an absolute bitch of a witch like pic related?

She plays Minecraft, apparently. But I imagine it has something to do with EA.

>Harry dumps hot Asian and gets with butterface ginger

James, pls

it was awkward for him since he was kinda responsible for getting her boyfriend killed

Because the hot Asian was obsessed with her boyfriend? Bitch probably would call his name during sex, that's not shit you can cope with.

>Theater play

at least hardly anyone will see it anyway

We waz wizas n shieet

>not using that forget spell like they used in hollows 1

Luna forever best

Deathly Hollows was just one book user

Isn't it fun when they do changes like this to be "political correct" and "pogresive" and end being more racist?
mudbloods are niggers

would be better with the image of her talking about feminist porn

they can make her black, asian, robot, whatever, i dont care.
at least make her good looking though.

Same problem I had with Finn from TFA, honestly. Dude looks one of those Sup Forums propaganda posters came to life.

>Isn't it fun when they do changes like this to be "political correct" and "pogresive"
it's theater you autistic shitposting piece of weeb shit. From the dawn of time men have played women and vice versa, children have played adults, adults children, whites blacks and blacks whites. It's fucking theater

Why is HP so popular when it's full of stupid ass plot holes? Plot holes that aren't even acknowledged or handwaved as magic.

Because every child wants to go off to a magical school and have adventures.

Men played women in theater and opera back in the day because women are incompetent and they weren't allowed to act. Children don't play adults, adults play children because children are retarded and can't act, and you would think it's illegal based on the reaction you'd get if a white person portrayed a black person.

This is just more SJW pandering, more backwards attempts at trying to fix racial inequality by turning a white character written by a white person into a nigger, as opposed to actually making a new character themselves.

I would argue that HP is actually more popular now than it was when books were being released, and that most of the fandom are adults.

you sound triggered

>I would argue that HP is actually more popular now
You would be wrong.

You would be right.

Funny thing is, I went off to a school where weird teachers in robes showed us their wands, but we just called it Catholic school.

yes you're absolutely right it's the jewish conspiracy to have more niggers on theater how could I be so blind kys

>gets shit on
>"u mad bro??"

>Men played women in theater and opera back in the day because women are incompetent and they weren't allowed to act.
This. Men are simply better at everything, including being women

>pretty white young actresses won't stop blabbering about diversity and inclusion
>they'll be out of the job in 10 years and will all be replaced by minorities

Serves those race traitors right.

surreal feeling to see your OC reposted so quickly

was Shakespeare an SJW according to your standards?

I hate SJW as much as anyone else but it's a theater play

Isn't the whole point of a theater play that the actor and the character aren't the same?

Hermione was always supposed to be ugly, did you even read the books

>caring about how a male character looks
What are you, gay?

Why? He didn't change someone else's work for retarded reasons now, did he.

In Goblet of Fire, there were witches and wizards from everywhere. Yes, even America and Africa.

>something about jews

It's hip and trendy to hate white people, self-flagellate, and pander to minorities. That's what this is.

15 years ago no one would've thought taking an important, main cast white character and turning them black for no reason and then making a giant hubub on twitter as you shove your foot in your mouth saying "HERMIONE WAS NEVER SAID TO BE WHITE I'M THE AUTHOR I KNOW MY BOOKS" would be a good idea, because it's retarded.


>written by William Shakefpeare
Nice try dude it's not even the same guy


So how do you guys feel about Fantastic Beasts?

Why do black women look so ugly.

didn't realize, Theatre is so irrelevant, why is this even a thread?

Because all blacks are ugly?

If you knew anything about Shakespeare you'd know most of his plays are adaptions of folk stories.


I'm actually from London but I'm male.

It's literally just your racist bias that anime, vidya & general media has made you believe.
>but that would mean media is racist!
pretty much, yeah

not him
what kind of male

That's not the same as completely changing an existing work. Most folk stories are like open source

>Ok Joanne, Harry Potter is getting a bit irrelevant. The kids have moved on to this thing called 'Minecraft' so I think you should drop some hints that you play it so you can still connect to that audience. Here's some pre-made tweets and responses I've compiled for you so you can look hip and relevant.

It's uncanny valley, they look too similar to monkeys to be registered as full human in your eyes so they look like some sort of hideous orc-like beast race.

Disgustingly cis, unfortunately.

Fact is that even people back in Old Bill's day were concerned about racism.

So Emma became a feminazi and everything went to shit.

Post YFW you realize you fell in love with the character instead of the actress.

Although I would've probably banged Luna instead.

She wasn't suppose to be ugly, you moron. She was just plain.

How does Ashley from Fresh Prince look now?

The girl who played Luna is absolutely insane and has Micheal Jackson's eyes tattooed on her back.

Th-that's why you make sweet love to her being on top.

Yeah man how dare they not show African facial features as Caucasian, we should all follow anime's sexample and just make them brown people with the same facial features as everyone else.

"How dare you have a racial preference or fetish? You don't like the race that I suck cock from the most? It's your racist bias!!! Now hang on as I bend over for this limp black dick to enter my ass"

>be me
>expect Sup Forums not to be racist

Oh, it was a bait
Good one, got me.

Kill yourself

Go on, fail to read my post, it's fine.
Really, no, it's not like I said anime is a contributing factor. Idiot.
8/8, luv it
Because one's sexuality obviously determines one's opinions.
8/8, luv it
Maybe Sup Forums should be less fucking racist, then?
>80s were da bess, games were better then cuz no black ppl ;(

Why are you even here?

>Maybe Sup Forums should be less fucking racist, then?

No. She wasn't. Did YOU read the books?

Regardless of whether or not this is bait, you need to leave. Like right fucking now

In other words, you want every show to make their black characters have "standard" appealing facial features, because the only thing you are rallying against is people not liking African facial features.

How dare they have preference.

Wasn't me who posted that but fuck off regardless, Cailan.


Because fuck you, that's why.
>seeing people with darker skin as human fucking beings is bait
yeah okay
My point is it's the people who would actively get rid of black people and call them ugly purely because they're black who need to be evicted. I wasn't aware this was such a novel fucking concept.