Where were you when PC was confirmed dead?
Not only do consoles have mods now, 50x the amount of PC users are enjoying them. And the leading console this generation hasn't even entered the fray yet.
Better luck next time, Mustards.
Where were you when PC was confirmed dead?
Not only do consoles have mods now, 50x the amount of PC users are enjoying them. And the leading console this generation hasn't even entered the fray yet.
Better luck next time, Mustards.
PC has literally thousands of games.
Doesn't really matter if there's no one playing them.
I don't even play Fallout 4 and even I know that's because there are better places to get mods for it on PC
Bait for the bait god.
These type of bait threads don't really work you know
>playing other games when one long dong campaign takes like 500 hours
>consoles have mods now so pc is dead
>need a pc to create the mods in the first place
>Better luck next time, Mustards.
Good luck running the same quality/level of mods. You wont have nowhere near the same level or amount of graphical effects, same detail models, same structure additions or anything PC can do because your hardware will always be behind. With your current consoles or the PS4k or next xbox. It doesnt matter because it'll always be subpar dedicated hardware made to sell to budget consumers with no money.
Here's your (you)
I'd rather have 10 diamonds than 10 diamonds hidden deep in an enormous like of shit.
It's because the cancer made everyone worthwhile leave. Don't know if the situation improved yet, but here's some fun shit to look at.
I give them a month before the console mods start to fall apart from lack of interest from modders.
I will have 50x the players though.
not everyone have the same shit taste as you
Haha, consolefags aren't literate, nice bait faggot sage
I think they are referring to the bethesda net mod thing, not the nexus
mods on consoles are cute, but nothing to what PC can and will do
>2GB limit
How does Bethesda know how much traffic nexus mods had?
>only official bethesda approved mods are being counted
>2gb limit
So if they have 50x more the players that means 20 million people on console are still playing fallout 4?
Quality over quantity son, like you said here in your attempt to damage control. Looks like it backfired on you huh?
>implying I play shitpiles like Failout 4 in the first place
and if I did have the gall to waste money on that overmarketed pile of shit, I wouldn't be playing it on limited hardware.
Looks like its back to the shill drawing board for you. No more (you)'s for you for now.
>Only Bethesda Approved Mods
>2gb Limit
Oh no
Let's see, be forced to direct 100% of the traffic to a really shitty mod website
Or have the option to go to an objectively better website aka fucking Nexus and get every mod they would have had and more
Gee I wonder why Xbox traffic is higher
And nothing of value was lost.
>Official mod launch
By the time Bethesda's official system, which is ass and half the community refuses to use btw, launched players had been modding fallout 4 for months. I assure you there are more mods and modders on PC, though I am glad consoles are getting them even if they are majorly hamstrung by the requirements
(You)'re getting pretty defensive for someone who uses a "non"-dead platform.
Too bad you only have shit.
that doesnt make any sense, 10 diamonds is still 10 diamonds
Starving people will rush to get food offered to them 50x more than people properly fed.
Dumbfuck console kids. Consoles are dead. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.
Yeah, because 90% of the PC traffic is taken up by Loverslab and Nexus
What is dead may never die.
What are you talking about? There are plenty of people playing Overwatch
>mandate that all modders must make the mods compatible with console versions.
> success, profit
>implying you'll ever even need close to 2GB worth of mods
More like majority of PCfags are old enough to know what good Fallout is like and would never play this pile of shit.
>2GB limit on mods
>No script extender
>Have to be approved by todd
Where were you when consoleplebs got meager scraps?
That's cool, this 4 is also pretty cool.
Wow, you never modded anything before
>can't even use most mods
>have HD limit on mods
>platform war thread
Go get a summer job, Timmy.
Okay? That's just the way I like it. Keep the casuals and autists on their media boxes, and I'll play good games.
Consoles are locked to simple mods that don't require script extenders, so no overhauls.
This is rich. What mod was it?
>console tards take mods from PC sites and put them on the bethesda site then complain when they don't work
>mod relies on files and resources that does exist on consoles
>console players don't know what this means and instead insult the content creator
Bravo retards.
Supersized horsecock mod.
red orchestra/cs/Dod used to be a mod
let that sink into your little tiny underage head
>tfw I'm making a mod and I don't want to release it on bethesdas site because I don't want to deal with ungrateful console kiddies but I want my roommates with bones and ps4s to play with it too
They don't. They go off their shitty Beth.net thing aka no one on PC ever will use
>Doesn't count the Nexus
Good job I guess
>PCucks getting this defensive
Lmao fucking niggers paying up $1000 to play Indies are getting triggered isn't
Because the game is shit and consoles have nothing else to play.
Just my wild guess.
>2GB of mods.
Enjoy no actual content mods. Kek.
On the Bethesda official system, which is retarded
so tussled right now
Just release it and let the tears flow
2gb is barely enough for some mods especially if they involve new textures and skins
I had a 2k texture mod for skyrim that was 1.5gb by itself with no extra ENB or SweetFX stuff
I haven't been keeping up with this.
Is it 2GB of installed mods total, or 2 per mod?
Where were this mods made?
Oh that's right on the fucking PC.
Fucking hell, why even bother?
PC will never be dead because there will always be people disinterested in console games and using a controller.
oh fuck thats even worse
Doubt that consoles can handle big res textures
>Console autists are happy for 2GB of mods on console, and for this reason they think PC will die out.
>2GB of mods
>Trophies/achievements turned off as long mods are on the disk
Are you fucking joking, honestly?
>Total War: Warhammer had the best sales
Will they let Copyrighted stuff on the consoles? Like MLP dragons or whatever? Because when I think of Skyrim mods I think of graphic mods (that the consoles cant run) and stupid shit like MLP as dragons.
Why not have a pc and some consoles? Also if your interested in mods get a pc end of.
They can't.
You can only replace textures with different textures of the same resolution, iirc.
yeah, I don't think I'd let tards get to me. it'll be on there whenever I finish it.
Pic related, it's a fo3 inspired assault rifle using animations that don't have your hand clipping through the gun like half of the shit gun mods that are out right now
Consoles dont have too fust HDD's and Fallout 4 with mods is already a pain in the ass on PC to make work and load faster than 5 min
Can someone make a mod that bricks Xbox consoles.
I feel that a lot of this shit could be killed off.
I'm interested whether can you release the mod on beth site, mark it compatible, download then mark it incompatible. Does the game check the status of the mod and remove from the drive it if it's market incompatible?
That's because most of the PC gamers weren't retarded enough to eat up Bethesda's shit with a smile. Fallout 4 is a fucking piece of shit game and fuck them for ruining fallout after how good 3 and NV were.
>implying someone would be mad or give a shit about a mod of 1 fucking gun
Appreciate the hustle but nigga people will not care
>biggest mod packs in size are texture mods
>anything adding gameplay changes is a couple hunrdred MB at most
Sure you can have plenty of texture mods (for now) , but you are the one that needs them not me . I'll just wait for when they extend the filesize and in the meantime i'll play all these mods you beta tested for me all these years
You just mad boi , because the last excuse to not own a console is slipping through your fingers
>muh mustard rayc
>muh mods
good thing we're talking about Fallout 4 and not about a dead and forgotten game
I've barely played 4 and on console, I don't want a pc because every retard will want to use it and fuck it up or bitch at me.
Not going to blog so won't say reasons.
>Not going to blog
too late for that
>A contoured hand guard rather than a random black piece sticking out of it
Thank fuck for you.
Sure user meant the reasons for not having pc.
You do get that most people on pc still use nexus because its much better right?
Beth.net is the only option for xbones.
You need a PC for the Creation Kit, retard.
>Only allowed 2GBs and heavily restricted mods
>This is just Xbox One
>50x more people cared tahn the entirety of the PC user base
I thought you said the Xbone was dead?
There's still 25 million Xbones sold, not the 40 million PS4 has, but it's stilla fuck tonne. Also
Xbox mod launchtraffic was 50x the PC mod launch traffic because PCs had Nexus from the moment FO4 came out.
>Tfw I'm enjoying my 276 mod list.
I guess It's just too hard for some people to wrap their heads around
Fallout 4 is a soulless video game
i was in 1994
Enjoy all the mods that require the script extender
I was so apathetic towards making the same point that I am almost angry that you made it.
Make it xbone compatible so I can bitch at you!
I don't care how people play games, just fucking play them instead of bitching how other people play.
Real talk, he's comparing XBOX traffic on the official Bethesda mod market thing. PC users have been getting mods from Nexus, and nothing exclusive to Bethesdamods is worth making an account for.
Only modding selected games is not a great achievement.
They can't even handle regular textures
I don't own a PC because I want to 0lay all the newest garbage that gets shot out today. It's because consoles today fucked off with backwards compalibity and searching for an older console you want and the game is ducking awful. PC I can
>Emulate older console games
>Will able to emulate ps3 soon
>Can play older PC games
>Can play with a mouse and keyboard or any controller I want
>Can decide graphical options on my game
>Don't have to pay extra money to play the multilayer on a game I bought