ITT: We post only the best armor designs video games have to offer

ITT: We post only the best armor designs video games have to offer.

I'll start with an obvious first place contender.


That's it.

Go home.


Real question is, what dye looks good with it?

I tried brown but it looked to light for my liking

I'm thinking green would look decent

the dyes are really fucking lame. especially with boots and gloves. at least for the viper gear, i havent tried with any other gear yet and i dont have the manticore gear yet (i like viper more anyway) but it really doesn't change much, especially the green one. most noticable were blue and orange, which change all the straps and leather on him, but really not that much noticable difference with green.pic related, all of that is green except the boots which are orange, though they look almost no different than the base color except for being a slightly brighter shade of brown. ran out of green. ill probably go with blue once i buy more, but i blew all my money on buying out the dye merchant and retardedly i kept switching instead of just previewing them.



>No Grandmaster Viper Armor

That looks extremely boring though

>I don't know what I'm talking about please fuck my face

Say what you will about the games but their armors are always nice to look at.

I'm gonna agree with this

I fucking loved the one in the first game, but the rest look gay as shit to me. Except for old Ezio's grey one maybe.

out of the way faggots

only the best

Mmm Hmm. Bungies armor design in general was godly

Hate how neither game's ultimate armor could get near this one

All Dead Space 3 armor was ill fuking nasty

Pretty much it

>terrible combat
>even armour design cannot match bloodborne

Never played game but looks good

How about the worst armors in vidya.

Pretty much everything in Oblivion. Other than the simple low-level armors.


Base leather set was 10/10

>Still mad that Witcher III was GOTY 2015


FFXIV has some stuff going on here and there

I wasn't a big fan of the game, but the Judges in FFXII were swag as fuck. Also the promo armor with the fur from Dark Souls 2 (another iffy game).

Also really liked pic related.

>no hoontah yet


>a million different runestones
>can't commit to which ones to put on

This is me too

I love Bloodborne but I'm not a fan of how the hunters look in that game. Monster design is godlike though.



>lots of belt for no fucking reason
>edgy tattoos

into the trash

I actually like the Daedric set. It's edgelord as hell but it looks like rusty blood hellish armor

>viper armor
>reskinned hunter armor


But the viper armor is butt ugly. It looks like a gimp outfit.
Bear armor best.
Except if you really get the TW1 witcher armor in BaW, then it's that, naturally.

>Witcher 3 armor

I miss halo

the headpiece looked weird in game
I didn't like the mouth piece on it

Am I the only one who absolutely hated that armor?

It looks waaaay too nice, it looks like a modded armor in skyrim.
Poor vagrant fucking Witcher but walks around in an eternally clean and chink-less armor like that?
The thing looks like it cost more to make than the combined wealth of all of Velen - and then I go kill ghouls and shit in it?

but that's a good looking set of armor. it has color and actually looks like a gambeson.

or would you prefer some skin tight black or brown bike leathers?

its just leather and some chainmail
A lot of craftsmanship sure, but I'd imagine the resources to make full plate would be more expensive
I'm sure witchers know quite a few high end craftsmen

Witchers are poor because they have to get the best stuff.
Otherwise they end up killed by peasants

Exactly, a lot of craftsmanship - to be torn apart by ghouls and other shitty monsters. In general it looks hard to keep patched up and really, my problem is just that it was too clean and didn't have the slightest imperfection.

Also looks so skintight and top-heavy, especially in black it reminds me of some Batman getup.


Came here to post this exact image

Halo 5 is good

>Not Ursine armour

yeah its not really the best choice for realism
but it looks badass so it works for me
I would have preferred an aragorn style ranger getup with a cloak and some more agile armor, but its a minor issue
leather and chain is pretty tough to puncture though. I'm sure an armor like that would be pretty durable against ghoul bites and scratches

>Halo 5 is good



Wait where the fuck can you dye armour?

>tfw no concept art Ursine armour

Which one?


cloak would not be the best idea against monsters that can grab you

Oh man I loved that armor on my first playthrough.
Never got as attached to an armor set in any of the other souls.

1.0 FFXIV had god tier equipment design.


thats true
they did wear them in the intro cutscene though

Blood and wine makes the grandmaster armor the concept art armor.

Hacker suit is best suit

For real though how do you Dye Armour in Witcher 3? is that something I've just missed or what

>trench coat

Pally and necro full plate are fuckin tight, too bad you'll almost always wear some shit like dusk shroud and shako in the end

Skyrim, too.
But at least Skyrim let you improve the low-level armors to be on-par with high-level armors.

Why the fuck do Witcherfags think 3 had good looking armor?

>Strap random bits of chainmail everywhere
>School of the Cat armor has a fucking turtleneck
>Wolf School armor with random spikes that make you look like you just came out of a Hot Topic

No, user. That's an example of shitty design.

Oh shit really? Fuck I need to play Blood and Wine

>walking around in the fucking desert without something like a trenchcoat or cloak
are you retarded m8

I loved pretty much all the armour in this game. It was so refreshing.

I dunno about the rest of the armor since I've never played the series, but that patch-work chainmail looks like it could be plausible to me.

Haven't played blood and wine but I knew somehow Regis would come back. Goddamn I need to get on that shit.

like the wolf armor and kaher morhen?

What exactly did that shit do? Like...I get the whole Arab getup thing because it's so fucking impossibly hot there and it's basically a canopy but how does just some hot heavy long coat do anything beneficial?

Shame it's mostly garbage though. I just can't get into the game because most of its armor looks shit.

>subtitle says regis

so much for no spoilers

>not this

Best healer armor coming through.

It protects your armor, and you, from the sand, you dipshit.

these all look shit fan art

From one side...sure. Assuming the wind is at your back, yeah, that's great. But it's also heavy and fucking hot because most of them were either leather or canvas. So again, how the fuck is that beneficial? Arab dresses are like super light cotton and silk so they breathe incredibly well and actually surround you giving you full protection. Just admit it. They don't protect you from shit. They just look cool.


Well you have to go through a lot of shit to find people who are capable of crafting brand new high quality armor and spend a lot of money and supplies on it so I would hope it ends up looking nice.

Okay. Let the sand get into the joints and various other little cracks and holes in your armor, powered or not, and watch it get completely destroyed because you didn't take care of that shit

armor isn't supposed to "look nice"
it's supposed to be effective



New to Blood and Wine


>tfw I do that erry summer w/ my Stanley boys


best answer