This is actually, literally fucking impossible. One? No problem...

This is actually, literally fucking impossible. One? No problem, but when you add two into the mix it becomes extremely difficult. You dodge one gargoyle's attack and the other is there to either burn you or over head hit you. Two is bullshit. Furthermore you are too early into the game to actually do any decent damage. Fuck this.

>literally fucking impossible

oh good, a new term to add to my filter. Thanks!

step 1: summon solaire
step two: win

pretty easy op

Where do you even summon

Fire link bonfire

Do Queelag first if you've got the masterkey
Infinite souls

Step 1: Git
Step 2: Gud
Don't make pointless threads about you being shit at games you useless nigger

Holy fuck dude what cryo pod did you step out of?

theres a halberd in the front, upgrade it to +4

itll take 4 minutes tops to beat the boss

Beat them! :D

you just gotta strafe near their mouth whenever the breathe fire


I fought the moonlight butterfly and Sif before the Gargoyles. Don't talk to me about difficulty.

>Soulsdrones are still false-flagging to maintain their precious game's "OMG SO HARDCORE!!!!1" reputation

Sif? Fuck man that is actually kind of impressive.

I found Sif super easy in my int/dex run, but got my ass kicked so much by the 4kings I decided it was a waste of time joining the darkwraiths

you're the only one falseflagging right now

I started DS1 on Saturday, user. Just summon Solaire and show some respect to the gargoyles in evading them. I agree it's hard as shit to deal with 2 aggroing on you, so if you can't kill one before the other enters you just need another body. Gold pine resin can help with soloing it.

this game teaches you to wait

there are no attacks that are difficult to respond to, you just move around a bunch and watch them

a moment will inevitably come when one is breathing fire and the other is out of position, and you just whack it a few times

you do not need to summon but its always a good idea to upgrade your weapon

>tfw discovered a way to snipe Sif from outside his room by accident
It took like 150 poison arrows and 300 feather arrows to kill him but it was worth it. And I didn't have to watch him limp about.

I don't think you know what that means.

lol ok

uh oh

>moonlight butterfly

not op, but I actually beat him on my second try, only boss i found to be easier was the one right before tomb of the giants

still haven't beaten sif, though

you haven't seen shit. the real deal is dark souls 2 gargoyles

>This is actually, literally fucking impossible
Yes OP. is literally impossible, everyone dropped the game at that point. noone knows whats beyond that point

Fucking kill yourself

Pretty sure you can do the same with Manus. Kellogs you can jump to a ramp where she can't hit you and you can bomb Capra outside the fog wall.

Just leave the poor pupper alone user

>tfw had to summon lautrec AND solaire to beat the gargoyles

still took me more than one go. found it smoother sailing after that, quellag and gaping dragon were easy. stray demon and capra a little tricker (in surviving the first 4 seconds)

You seem to be new to this game, judging you're having a hard time passing the first real boss of this game.
Protip : reinforce your weapon and use you gold pine resin. You should be able to take down the first gargoyle before the second one shows up.
If the second one spawns, focus on her for she has less health and usually just spits fire, thus being more vulnerable.

>having this much trouble with two bosses

You should probably stop playing before reaching Anor Londo.

Also, do yourself a favor and avoid DaS2 like the fucking plague.

Literally maneaters 2.0
And the maneaters were extremely easy

Seath is pissing me off. Super easy boss, but I'm trying to get ML/GS and the fucker keeps spamming that tail slamming attack


damn son, Solaire can practically solo them

>falling for meme weapons
The MLGS isn't worth it

Is DaS1 PvP actually dead nowadays? Can't invade for shit and even running around Darkroot as human doesn't bring me any trouble.

B...But A Int Scaling!

>dumb mustards never played DeS

These fuckers are nothing compared to the Maneaters

Maneaters a shit
Gargoyles a shit
O&S a shit
dual bosses are actually the easiest of em all.

Last time I invaded on Xbox One, I ran into a guy in Darkroot Garden with two Smough's Hammers and wearing full Havel's while I only had the Elite Knight set and a Black Knight Sword.

get the lightning buff in undead burg and r1 spam them and dodge, like thats fucking it you boy molesting fruit. HES NOT EVEN THAT HARD.