So I've decided to get into the PC gaming scene

So I've decided to get into the PC gaming scene
im going with a cheaper build because its my first but have finally decided on an AMD FX 6300 and a GTX 950 along with 16 GB of RAM

The entire build will cost me less than $500 since i have friends that are willing to sell me their older motherboards, power supplys, etc for cheap

and people say PC gaming is expensive

I guess this is a post your build thread?

You don't need 16gb of ram

Why dont you just wait for the new RX480 that AMD announced?

As an editor and someone who fucks around in Unreal 4 I think you're full of shit

go for intel and wait for new rx 480

8GB RAM, 4/5 gen i5 and maybe 960 OP

Pretty much the standard for the next 5 years if you are on a budget.

anonku dont get the 950 get this or get a r9 380

less on ram

more on something else

Selling my 7950 and getting a RX480 this month.

Hopefully I'll only spend about $100 for the upgrade and get the performance of a 980/Fury.

the RX 480 is $199 and performs like a 980, I'd wait for it

Dont be a retard and fall for the extremist faggots here on Sup Forums .

Just buy a PS4, Xbox or a fucking Wii U if you want to play good games instead of watered down ports that don't release until months or years later after the console version with a shit ton of bugs AND will never fully utilize your specs

dont be a fucking cuck.

lel, why are you so fucking mad?

hey man cheer up

Wait one month and get this. The rest of the build looks fine for a starter though.

it's falseflagging PC. i have a good rig and even i know this

Someone got touched as a child

whatever ya say ya fucking peasant

I bought the CPU for $40 on an Ebay auction already
so should i just cheap out and wait until the 480 comes out?
what do you have in mind that would only cost $25?

Instead of using normie tier insults how about deflecting with proper points.

or never got that PC they asked their mom for.

nigger, i've been playing DaS1 at 60fps. it's not hard to spot falseflagging. every fanboy on Sup Forums does it

>he's still going at it

Should I get a refurbished 980ti or go a month without a computer to get one of the new cards?

>friends are selling me parts on the cheap, how can you say pc building is expensive
are you literally retarded?

I mean, a lot of things are cheaper when you get people to sell them to you used and cheap. I got my PS4 for $200 with 2 controllers and Bloodborne. Just gotta look around.
Anyway. With the new ATi card announced, I'll probably get that.

come on, now, user. you shouldn't insult someone who is on your "side"

OP here, and i have all 3.
the only thing i play on my PS4 is street fighter so as soon as i build this ill sell it for $300 before the 4k gets announced.
im keeping my bone since all my friends play on it and our party chats are extra fun.
and my wii U has too many games for me to consider selling it without tearing a piece of my heart out, that and my niece and nephew always gravitate towards it when they come over
here's the (YOU) that you were so desperate for faggot

One month isn't that long to wait considering how good a deal the 480 is compared to anything else out on the market.
Just use it as is until you get the 480, and the gpu is one of the last things to go in so it's not like it'll be a pain to put it in later.

was the divorce that harsh young one?

>its an overcuck poster
lost all credibility.



how do you even know that's from overwatch, you overcuck?

I've no idea how good my build is but I can play Doom, DaS3 and SF5 at 60 fps on max settings so I can't complain.

Pic related

Why do people get red leds? It gives the idea that the red is making hotter than it actually is.

Like the colors fuck with your mind.

Blue master race.

I'm an editing student. I need the processing power. And I plan to OC it to 4.4 or 4.5 since I've seen reports of people getting to 4.6-.8 easily.