Howdy! I'm the cancer killing Smash 4!

Howdy! I'm the cancer killing Smash 4!

You're third party roster additions in general?

Mewtwo and Roy aren't as bad as the rest.

Op is an autist for complaining after all this time

Get a life you fucking loser

fuck u

Still better than SFV.

>all these flavors, and OP chose salty
git gud.

Top 4 most EZ mode for Smash 4 in no order

Top 4 are all Cloud.

cloud is actually good? i thought he sucked and people forgot about him already

he does and they did.
OP just salty af

nigga top players are saying he's best in game wtfsd

They aren't third party, although Roy is a waste of $4.

>league memes

just go to vg

Cloud is a monster on frame data alone, and his moves pack a punch on top of it. His moves, most notably his aerials, have hitboxes that last for eons and uair, nair, and bair are shorthop spamable.

Sm4sh kills itself by being boring and slow

>league memes

>people actually takes this game seriously

it's got a lot of money going fo rit


And of course they all:
"wait and shield/dodge when they attack and punish"
Know all the hitboxs, attack and air land lag, and movement patterns
Use lag to their advantage, and still play well in it

not to mention half my inputs don't mean a damn thing anyways
Autism will forever make the game not fun, and only with autism will you succeed, but at what cost?

>top players
i don't follow manchildren and neither should you

i doubt it

and this

You fucks are what's wrong with the video game industry. Fucking sick and tired of this harassment.

He was never bad. His only downside is shit recovery and having to fish for a killing blow. Both of which are easy to compensate for.