>one week left
>No hype , no ads
>Nobody knows it exists
This game is going to be bad isn't it
>one week left
>No hype , no ads
>Nobody knows it exists
This game is going to be bad isn't it
Other urls found in this thread:
But if we said anthing about it we are shills can't win
Maybe it'll be delayed again.
>Open world
>Story focused
>Locking default moves from the first game behind skill trees
>Made by EA
It's going to be bad.
I'm still going to buy it.
I hope it doesn't suck.
Well since the first game was bad, of course this will be bad.
>a game is hyped to hell, ads out the ass
>people complain that it'll be bad
>niche game not hyped unless you follow closely
>not fucking you in the face with ads
>people complain that it'll be bad
what do you fuckers want
B b but Anita gave the devs input on how to improve the game!
>>Open world
so you're freerunning from mission to mission that are all about freerunning?
Not only is it Origin exclusive, it has Denuvo on top of that too :^)
Anita was the consultant.
>Anita was the consultant.
on what exactly? she's neither a developer, an artist nor a writer.
Just gave a Power Point presentation.
they based their whole game on that powerpoint presentation
source: my ass
gonna play devils advocate here and say it was fun in dying light, But im also going to be sensible and say it's not going to be fun this time around.
Through boring routes which haven't had nearly as much effort put into them as if it were a linear game.
Hey fuck you! I just remember reading some response from a developer on twiter that was posted here year a go about this.
Why are EA shills invading this thread downplaying Anita
>Locking default moves from the first game behind skill trees
Aaaaand dropped.
Locking skills behind a progression system means that those skills will actually never be truly needed in the game.
I didn't play Mirror's Edge, how right or wrong is Anita there?
Because they don't accept one Sup Forums post as a reliable source
It's fine if you don't have fucking palsy or some shit.
I'm pretty hype for it though.
It'll probably turn out to be a hidden masterpiece like the first game.
Reserving my judgement until it releases.
>big marketing means good game
>no marketing means shit game
those are some thick lips famalam
you wanna tell me there's no sexualization in vidya
All the hate must dissappear and love only remain
Jesus fucking christ, the controls were simple and, dare I say, perfect. If this is actually true I'm dropping the game as well, not that I had much hope for it in the first place.
What were Mirror's Edge's controls, specifically? Never played it.
The controls are straight forward, except for the southpaw button config, You use the analog sticks like you would any other game, and melee attacks are on the triggers.
Some firearms are in the game, but the emphasis is on running, I think even one of the triggers or the bumpers allows you to wall run and so on.
>Upgrade system
>You need to upgrade to turn around 180
This game requires a tree of upgrades for basic commands, it's enough for me to warrant that this game is going to be shit.
this, I own it on PC but haven't played for a long time and have no idea how it could be on consoles
It's an out of nowhere remake of what was a divisively good game in the first place. Of course it's going to be shit, they'll dumb down the parts that made it good in order to appeal.
They were extremely simple and intuitive. The left trigger ducked/slid, the left bumper jumped, the right trigger attacked and the right bumper did a 180-spin I'm pretty sure.
These were perfect because it allowed you to keep your thumb on the right stick at all times.
Anita is a fucking idiot.
It's pretty straightforward, it just favors lefty's in my opinion, The left trigger does all the mechanical maneuvers, along with the left bumper.
You can change that though, I think.
i hate so much this new trend with unlocking skills through the game. its like todays kids have no attention span so game must remind them every two minutes
>yeah you doing good buddy, keep grinding and squeezing more hours from this game so you can be sure it was worth the money
Hard to sell this game here, try tumblr you might find some shills there.
>I've pre-ordered
Fuck you I already have it pre ordered and can't wait for more leaderboards for fastest score
They're pretty much the same. Played the beta, and I didn't notice any huge difference.
>8 years for a FUCKING REBOOT
It's too little, too late. A second Mirror's Edge should have come out in 2011 at the absolute latest. Instead, EA has been sitting on the IP and letting it rot.
All downhill from here calibros, Asian devastation on the thug wallet.
You're on the fast track to being on the right side of history then.
Oh great time to see Sup Forums defend it forever and accuse everyone who criticises it of never playing the game despite any evidence to the contrary
>first two spoilered statements are facts
>third one is complete conjecture
user had a good run
Fourth, that is
Counting is hard
I really dont like how hand holding the red guides are. In the first game I was able to play the entire game with them off with only a few hiccups; in this game they seem necessary. Sure, you can disable them, but its easy to get lost. The game was unfortunately built around them.
Mirrors Edge is my favorite game of all time, beat it around 7 different times. Own 2 physical copies, one for ps3 and one for PC. I really liked some ideas the new game presented, but god dammit the skill tree and the game design just being built around following a red line makes me sad. Probably just gonna buy Overwatch because I had so much more fun in that beta
Okay so it's not like the Prototype X+B move.
So in other words, bitching about being unable to move your thumb a few inches. I guess the "many gamers" must have been a slight exageration.
There's a 6 hour trial on EA access, might pay for a month and that'll be enough time to conclude it is bad.
Isn't this the game that's Feminist Approved™?