I'm not even mad

I'm not even mad.

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Why would you be?


That Ubisoft have to nerve to release downgrade dogs 2 so soon.

It wasn't a terrible idea or a terrible game.

It was a lackluster experience that was hyped way more than it should have been and was unable to deliver any of what they promised. Only after a long time did they fix most of the game breaking bugs.

Even then, only after a year modders were able to make the game not look like ass.

It's okay now. The multiplayer is tense and fun as fuck but I wouldn't buy it for a quarter of it's original price.

for what reason? did anyone even buy or like this game? i felt cheated and i pirated it on pc.

was pissed as it looked nothing like chicago but a few meme land marks.

Why would you care? Why would anyone?

You can get an uplay key for less than 10USD.

The first game was flawed and needed more polish among other things, especially when its direct competitor was fucking GTA V.

But mechanically speaking, the environment control was a very interesting take on the open world concept and it did a few things really damn well - online tailing for example is one of the most fun online modes I've ever played in anything. Presentation was also top fucking notch in places.

It was a flawed but enjoyable game with a unique twist on a well known concept and I really enjoyed it. More polish, improved vehicle physics and more location variety would make me very interested in the sequel.

>did anyone even buy or like this game?
It's one of Ubisofts most successful games ever and I believe it's their most successful new IP ever.

So yes, people bought it. I liked it personally, also.

>It's one of Ubisofts most successful games ever and I believe it's their most successful new IP ever.

ahahaha wtf. i dont even know anyone who bought this shit and i work with autists and chads who buy all the meme games.

ubishit lied about numbers i bet.

If something get announced at E3 2016 it is probably a 2017 title right?

Maybe late 2016.


>100% a game thats shit

go figure

it sold a lot because people thought they were going to get something close to what was shown at E3 but it got shit on by gamers because of stuff like this


it was easily the most disappointing game of 2014

I loved how intense it would get trying to find somebody who was hacking you or whatever only to find them hiding in a corner. Or switching cars and hiding while the guy you're hacking is freaking the fuck out.

I also love Splinter Cell blacklist's multiplayer. I love the differences between two different groups and unequal/asymmetrical multiplayer. It just makes things more interesting than two samey people going at eachother.

I wouldn't mind another splinter cell game if was more like the old games but as long as they improve upon the mp I'm sold. It's a shame that the only people playing with eachother are Brazilians and Mexicans.

I'm looking forward to this
I had a lot of fun with it
I'm hoping they don't screw it up like they screwed up Far Cry 4, and Ass Creed Unity

What about a new Splinter Cell game?

How Sup Forums feel about the more pew pew approach to the Splinter Cell games?

They should tone down the dumbass assault approach. They should focus on making espionage and stealth more important this time around. I doubt they'll ever make the game less action and more stealth based or just find a way to make "stealth" more violent and cinematic or some bullshit.


The game came out two years ago

Eh, Watch_Dogs 1 was kinda bland, but it wasn't irredeemable trash. It was like a 5/10. A sequel might actually be ok.

i don't care about assault playstyle, played everything on perfectionist, enjoyed it quite a lot

Ehh not really even a bad game, just overhyped, downgraded, and yet another radio tower ubisoft open world. Maybe if they give the MC more personality this time and vary up the world design to make it feel more alive it'll actually be good. I'm not holding my breath though.

>am i cool yet guiz

I hope they add a way to sit down or blend in with the crowd in multiplayer this time.

Did anyone even care for the first one?

didn't hype up the first one and never fell for the hype train BS

Really enjoyed the game.

They can fuck off, not cyberpunk enough. On top of that, the first game was absolutely terrible.

I was playing it this morning. Multiplayer still fun, when you aren't up against cheating 12 yo's.

First one was shit, don't care for another one.

I enjoyed the game, but I'm definitely not buying it at launch again. There was too much shit that needed to be polished that never was

WD was underrated. It was a GTA clone that everyone shat on because it wasn't as good as GTA. People forget that Rockstar has been doing GTA for 15+ years.

But it was better than GTA V

That's an unpopular opinion though

It had it's own problems entirely though
>driving was absolute trash, to the point to where it was impossible to catch other cars in speed chases without using hacks
>trains stop on a dime if you get in front of them
>huge graphics downgrade
>Despite having a melee weapon you never actually used it except for tackle takedowns
>Trivial things, like changing a street light, would drain your very limited hacks

>its okay to be a shit game as long as its from ubisoft! please buy there game guys! doesnt new (insert yearly ubishit title) look so great, epic and game changing?

just because a game is a new series doesnt mean it cant be comparable or better than a established series faggot.

I know but I still think so

it will never be person of interest

Why are people complaining about the downgrade?
That E3 demo was running on 2 gtx 580s at 30fps
And people already complained about performance of the game post-downgrade

>what are settings
>games can't be demanding anymore

>why are people complaining that they baited and switched out good graphics/performance?
If they had a big ass GRAPHICS WON'T BE THIS GUD sign on the screen I wouldn't complain about them misleading people with bullshots.

There's no defending tricking dumb people who don't know that won't be the finished product like that

Seriously how the fuck do Ubisoft games continue to sell?

Same reason COD does. Marketing.

Watch dogs did have a ton of graphics settings, too bad people just crank everything up to max settings and then complain
Oh trust me it was bad, I am pissed mostly because if it had those insane graphics I might have replayed with the 1070 I might buy this year, but the complaints would have been eternal
Instead I played ot on ultra on a gtx 760 at 40fps
Why did the 760 age so horribly?

What I dislike the most in Watch Dogs is how the privacy violation system is underdeveloped in a stereotypical Ubisoft way. Citizens of Chicago are randomly generated out of a pool of attributes, and nobody bothered to give it reasonable probabilities. What you end up with is a Chicago where exactly 25% of the people are white, asian, black and hispanic, paedophiles are as common as bronies, muslims and nitrous oxide addicts, and it's also the home of about 500 9/11 survivors more than there actually exists.

Yes it did have graphics settings, that's not the point, the point is that it looked like shit even when maxed. If it looked like it did at E3 on max and people could get the same performance as the final game by lowering settings, it would be fine and the complainers would be in the wrong. Because if you max a game and it runs like shit then you either need a better PC or you need to lower settings. The only time it's ok to complain about a maxed game's performance is if the technical graphics aren't actually good enough to warrant such performance. WD's graphics at E3 were good enough.

I can not even begin to care.

isn't everyone who lived through 9/11 technically a survivor?

>Iconic glasses case
For fuck sacks Ubisoft, just die already.

Here's a game that had an incredibly good concept but an incredibly flawed execution.

The game likes to say how you can use all sorts of ways to complete missions, like "Stop the escort"

But the only reliable way is to use a fucking grenade launcher. Everything is basically done better through brute force. You're supposed to be a hero, but the only way you make money is by stealing it.

Stealth means nothing. Trying to hide in a crowd? Better wear a big fucking trenchcoat. And it's the only clothes you can buy.

Story had some okay parts. Infiltrating this giant gang empire whose leader has the same skills as you? Pretty cool right? You confront him in a generic shootout. and then you jump back into the shitty main story. The game has a generic revenge story "Gotta protect muh family", but they added a "twist" to it, by making your daughter and son your niece/nephew, and your wife your sister.

I really enjoyed the first one a lot but for the gameplay and its missed potential like ac1, story was ass though.
Looking forward to this one, hope its more about conspiracy instead of mafia stuff, the whole point of hacking and stuff is about crazy conspiracy not fucking mafia shit

The ending twist made no fucking sense to me
>Your friend warns you at some point that there's been a huge contract put out on you
>You do your mission and avenge the family
>Friend comes out of nowhere "You know, I've decided to collect on that contract that I originally warned you about. Sorry bud"

I hope it's not as bland as the first one
I also hope they don't give you the best weapon in the game at the very start.

They tend to mean people that were in the towers or otherwise placed in direct danger.

Me either, I couldn't give a fuck of the series dies here or goes on to be their nenxt Assasain's Creed desu. I'm not buying them either way so what does it matter.

She's hot though. I do enjoy porn of this character quite a lot.

Ubisoft tends to be painfully mediocre with new IPs then gets the sequel right. Even still, I'm not hyped for this at all. Worst part of the game was its soundtrack.

Exactly, remember how shit Far Cry 1 was and how much they improved in Far Cry 2?

The sequel better have an equally hot sidekick who isn't voiced by Ubisoft's token "We're Canadian" bad Montréal actress.

Will it feature more "iconic" hats?

Fuck GTA, even Sleeping Dogs absolutely destroyed Watch Dogs and it was made by a smaller team with much less marketing

>find out that Focus doesnt work once someone invades.
>run around like a paranoid autist pressing the focus bar every few seconds to make sure someone isnt in your game.

Nice Sup Forums parroted hipster opinion. Sleeping dogs was a turd and it was even worse than WD.

didn't the last game sell like shit?

maybe they'll bring the series back to CT standards

The problem is that the performance was good
A gtx 760 is marginally better than a 580 and as I said I got 40+ fps on ultra while that E3 demo was at 30fps on 2 gtx 580s
I never understood where the complaints about performance cane from, especially considering that the ps4 runs this at 900p 30fps

Nice Shit taste, SD had great colorful city with fun missions and combat.

You can't really compare Ubisoft games post the fall to ones before the fall. You know, comparing stuff like AssCreed to Chaos Theory, Rayman, or Beyond Good and Evil. There was a point some time near 2005-2007 when Ubisoft suddenly imploded into its own asshole and stopped producing quality for specific target groups, and started producing lack of quality for all breathing and arguably thinking life forms.

Sleeping Dogshit was a shitty game.
>muh jackie chan arkham ripoff combat!!

Nope. SD had a shit tier city with copy pasted buildings everywhere, terrible missions with cringe worthy dialog, shit tier combat ripped off from batman and some of the worst gunplay to be seen in the last decade. You are the one with shit taste and you fell for the Sup Forums meme of liking games that are unpopular.

>GTA babies


Lol. if anything, we're GTA Adults. You fuckinh Watch/Sleeping dogshitters.

I've never seen the performance to be an issue. The downgrade was the real issue.

GTA is most overrated game series of all time fucking pleb

>liking gta
GTA is literally a game for 10 year olds

Well yes, as I said the downgrade was disappointing but people complained about performance as well

I'm sorry you're not grown up enough to understand the refined taste of GTA Lovers.

Is it like your job on Sup Forums to be as contrarian as possible? You guys literally hate everything.

If GTA is so bad, recommend me some better open world games.

Watch dogs

Sleeping dogs

Hear dogs

How is liking SLeeping Dogs hipster The game got great reviews and sold well, better than Watch Doge for sure

They cant have fucking "Dogs" in their name you fags.


Saints Row

I agree. My biggest Issue with Gta V was that you had a big open world but nothing to do in it.

They made the map bigger but it was empty as fuck and the city was as big as the city from GTA IV
What was the point of that?

Maybe because of the multiplayer?

Fuck that shit, they released the game without it
I got it finished and sold it before it came out

>sold well
If it sold well SE would've let the devs make another game.

It was okay... for a GTA clone/Arkham clone hybrid.

But its going to be interesting to see what will happen with Ubisoft itself in the midst of the hostile takeover they're experiencing with Vivendi.

>Arkham clone

The stealth sections in the game. Hiding in shadows, setting traps, seeing though walls, manipulating the environment. Of course I can say that about any stealth game, but doing it under a vigilante context in an urban setting made it feel like Arkham.

I hope the game comes shipped with Denuvo, that way literally no one will play this game.