SJWs is on the loose again:

SJWs is on the loose again:

> Operation Caucasus developer Dream Games has given out tons of early access keys for their shooter. But when this player asked for one, sporting a colorful avatar signaling support for LGBT rights, the developer responded with a simple message: “We’re not support lgbt. Please, just f**k you.”

>Instead of walking their comment back, knowing something like this could easily spread much further than a comment thread, they doubled down.

>“We’ll never support ‘lgbt,” said a developer writing under and official Dream Games account. “We’re not a toy. This is our freewill.”

>These cunts posted negative review for the game they never played

What happened to "praise the art not the artist"? What kind of cunt post negative review for the game he got for free and never played only because he does not like specific person?

As much as i don't like P.Fish I won't shitposit n the review section of FEZ.

They seem like unprofessional fucks that overreacted way too fucking hard and will likely pay for it.

>expecting SJWs not to be massive hypocrites whenever possible

This. They could have easily just ignored the request

they can do whatever the fuck they want with their property lmao

>“We’re not support lgbt. Please, just f**k you.”

Developer seems pretty clearly in the wrong and acted like faggots. Honestly don't see the issue here, they got what they deserved.

>Operation Caucasus
>Dream Games

Yep, they're fucked.

Why are the guns so fucking small?

Act like an asshole, get treated like an asshole. What's new?

Could have just ignored it.

And I can't say I feel bad for them. I mean this isn't like they responded with "We do not want to take our game in that direction" or some other shit, they just started insulting customers and shit like amateur faggots. They deserve to get negative review bombed.

>Patrick Cuckek talking after he got BTFO by Rapp

If it was Kamiya you faggots would be sucking his dick for it.

>Developer drumming up controversy for their shitty game
>Game journos fall for it hook line and sinker

How can you possibly blame this on "muh SJWs" when it's obvious that the devs are the fags in this situation?

Why is Sup Forums so goddamn retarded? It hurts.

Ultimatly this.

I don't nessarly agree with his reasoning and I think its a retarded reason but the dev should feel free to give a key out to whoever he choese.

They sucked Notch's dick for the same thing a few days ago.

It's Hatred marketing 2.0: LGBT Boogaloo

I sort of like it when I see a company act in ways that I deem 'counter-culture' and currently that's what anti-lgbt is. Something that is counter to a modern progressive culture. Pretty cool, I'll support that with some cash.

>be a huge faggot who wants free shit
>dev says no

It's almost like they wanted tabloids to talk about their game

No, I wouldn't. I have always felt Kamiya is a fucking faggot and acts like a jackass on top of his company mostly being a shovelware company

They're marketing their game.

and believe me, no sjw or librul is the audiance for a game called "Operation Caucasus"

yeeeup. r.i.p. these edgelords

Are these guys Russians?

they're doing it for the free publicity aren't they

Well it's not, so you can't really say that for sure, you fucking bitch.

They're fully in their rights to do so.


it's been established though that sjws/anti-sjws don't have enough self-awareness to tell however

i like these guys

They do what the fuck they want to do.
Their game

There's "counter culture" and being a faggot. Also you're a contrarian m8

>Game and developer I never heard before now reaches me through some silly internet drama
The dev got the publicity he couldn't afford earlier.

>people trying to destroy peoples lives for not supporting lgbt
fucking facists

I'll guess you have a hint, as I still don't know what the game is

Honestly sounds like the devs have the right idea.

I can't feel any sympathy to anyone in this situation. It just seems like a silly PR move coupled with buzz-feed style bait journalism. Perhaps they are both using each other and it's just outrage for the sake of clicks, but it's dumb eitherway. Anyone else would have ignored the request for early access, or simply refused.

That's like, your opinion 'man'.

I have never heard of this game until now.
Thanks, I'll look into it.

wow if this is their grammar i can't imagine their game is going to be much better

>haha we big bad guy now!! fuk you!
>oh no shot me have you!


i would've never heard of this game otherwise but it looks like they're about to get a ton of sales thanks to SCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPS

I'm a liberal, why would I not like the game?

What's your logic m8?

Holy shit what the fuck

If it was Zoe denying Prob McMatic a game SJW would be sucking her dick.
Not trying to defend his actions just pointing out your logic goes both ways.

I mean, if they really did respond by saying Fuck you it's pretty shitty

>Sup Forums when devs make political statement pro-SJW
>"fucking censorship bringing politics into vidya pandering to people who'll never play the game"
>Sup Forums when developers make political statement anti-SJW
>"Well you see they're well within their right to do whatever they want with their property"

I think it's dope when people buck cultural norms. Kudos to them.


>uses his lgbt status to bully the dev into forking out a key
>dev curses his lgbt status and tells it to fuck off
>cucktaku to the rescue

Sure but Hatred was actually a fun isometric shooter. This game is very buggy even for a early access game from the vids I watched.

In this particular case I don't really agree with how they handled it, but I wish more devs and companies in general would put their foot down when it comes to faggots. The LGBTSJWBLT community needs to fucking learn they can't get everything they want and change everything they don't like just because they're homosexual.

Nigga I hate both anti-sjws and sjws, they're equally as terrible and BOTH need to get their politics off of fucking Sup Forums and vidya.

Can you read? Most of the people in this thread are saying the devs were assholes and unprofessional

well he could avoided controversy but SJWs will provide free publicity for their games so

I meant liberal as in US politics, not the European ones


all me

>le enlightened fencepost

I mean I can agree with this, had they just made a calm fucking response I would be on their site.

But reasponding with terrible grammar and insults kind of removes you from being in the right.

Whats a pro-SJW statement?

>t-they have fweeewings I don't agwee this so I get to end their carrer ;_____;
Go back to Tumblr you dopey cunt

There are no politics in the game. Its fine as long they left the politices outside the game.


>im not anti-sjw but i hate sjws though!

fuck off cuck

>Hating a game because of it's creator

Isn't this what Sup Forums does literally all the time?

>Why is Sup Forums so goddamn retarded? It hurts.

Sup Forums is laughing it off, but tumblr rejects like yourself are getting all offended and preachy


Looking at those statements and the steam page, the devs appear to have english as a third or fourth language.
Hope they're based slavs, might toss money their way for this.

[muffled JUST in the distance]



>kotaku thread
200 replies
sasuga neo Sup Forums

I'm an American, m8, I'm still not following the logic.

>trying to create a safespace on Sup Forums
wew kiddo

Isn't this the game funded by actual terrorists?

Only 4 NeoGAF users are saying this retard

They either did it because they're genuinely retarded or because they want the controversy wagon.
Either way this case is so retardedly blatant in discrimination that it could easily lose in court. They should have just shut their mouths and left it ambiguous because this is just going to give SJW fucks a "win" when this whole thing should have been nothing.
It's gay wedding cake all over again.

It's obviously a really dumb thing to do from a business standpoint, there's really no defending that.

>blue haired whale that bursts into tears at the sight of a strong man
>y-youre thin skinned!

Nah, you're not counter culture, you're just a contrarian for the sake of not aligning yourself with society. Do you go out of your way to lynch gays and shit? No, you sit in front of your computer and call people niggers on Sup Forums because it makes you feel like you fit in. Kill yourself senpai

>Adding trans characters and Gamergate references to a 20 year old game

>called someone a fag on Facebook

Definitely the same thing.

that guy would look okay with a shaved head

but no, gotta be a special snowflake


Easy there bud, I said I disagree with his reason, I just respect his right to make one.
Just like I respect Anita's right to make her videos.

How am I wanting to creat a sa-
Oh nevermind, I'm just arguing with a shitposting leftist

Well it's their property, they can do whatever they want with it :^)



Using le doesn't make your extremism a more attractive stance, nor should you be surprised people do not want to associate with your extremisml.

they are clearly a small studio, so it doesn't matter if they suck the political mainstreams teet or not




Every time.

Counter-culture isn't code for rude asshole without business sense.

fuck off SJW

>because of it is creator

Honestly, why so much hostility? Does that observation bug you that much?

Deal with it, what's considered 'cool' changes grampa.

>tells someone to leave for tumblr because he doesn't like their post
You are trying to shoo away opinions you cannot handle so the board stays "pure" to your specific brand of opinions.

Perhaps tumblr is more your speed, Sup Forums user?

Lol how fucking dumb and autistic do you have to be to say something like that?

Nice downloading now

back to plebbit, newfag