>TF2 agonizing
>No real update for years
No, shitty crates are not updates
Blizzard does it again
>TF2 agonizing
>No real update for years
No, shitty crates are not updates
Blizzard does it again
Other urls found in this thread:
What the fuck is wrong with that body?
>TF2 agonizing
>No real update for years
>Overkids this delusional
A lot of things, but mostly the rear and the legs
>Western """"""""""""""""""art"""""""""""""""""""""""""
>No real update for years
Are Blizzard shills even trying anymore?
someone needs to answer a question for me
>get overwatch yesterday
>play ten games, win 8 of them
>almost all of them are close and very fun
>hit level 8 or so today
>suddenly everything turns to shit
>win or lose, almost every game is now a curb stomp because at least 3 people in the game are retarded
>some even rage and yell at their team when they lose because of it
so my question is this:
The matchmaking is built around everyone having a 50% winrate, if you're doing well the system will start to pair you with shitters. After a win streak I always notice that almost everyone on my team is noticeably worse than the other team, it's really obvious when they are using the same heros. Once you lose a few games the system will start to give you some competent team mates
Look im not OP but TF 2 is stale as fuck and ruined thanks to all the new shitty updates that came out and slowly ruined all the classes, levels, and ascetics the game had. The Man Co update ruined the game and if you can't admit that then keep on playing that shitty game until you die
The more levels, the less people, so the matchmaking feels less balanced.
Were the curb stomps in your favor or against you?
Maybe you crossed the barrier between people who play for fun and try-hards.
>nigger lips
>dat godawful anatomy (da fuck is wrong with her left leg/butt cheek?)
>that terrible and flat shading
Is this sum shitshad?
both, it seems one team is almost always incompetent
That sounds like a shitty matchmaking.
If I am a 5/10 player and win to be 8/10, I should then play with and against 8/10, not play with 1/10 VS 9/10 to get sent back to 5/10
Shadman does it again!
Is she giving me the finger?
>tfw blizz devs tried to hide this and say its not true
In the beginning i had 70% winrate and won almost everything with my friend until they kept putting us with 4 total idiots vs probably a 6man premade
and this happaned like 100x and now my winrate is already in the 60s ;_;
>That "anatomy"
winrate is now 62%
also would leaving matches make you more likely to be teamed with shitters?
I left one because someone kept yelling at me for swapping out of support when someone else went zenyatta
Everything navel down is an abomination.
>No piercings
>No analingus
>No tattoos
>No sadism
Art style aside, how in the fuck could you think this is shad?
>no benis
shadman has fine anatomy he just has sameface and most of his girls look like they have fake tits
Well, let's be fair here. He usually does a dick and dickless version side by side, so that alone isn't a real indicator.
>TF2 agonizing
It still has the same amount of players. Nothing's change.d.
>Shadman has fine anatomy
If you want to find a server with good players and map rotation as the game was meant to be played (24 players with no respawn time changes), then TF2 is dead and has been dead for years.
But you can still join a Valve server and pretend it's Dynasty Warriors while carrying the entire team with literally no threat to you besides crits.
I really want to support Valve but god damn are they terrible at managing there franchises.
Gotta give it to Blizzard this time.
You heard it right my friend
>He doesn't even know what the meme man looks like.
>shadman did overwatch
i-i want to see it
Do you even have eyes?
lol idots fell for my bait fucking lol ofc it isnt shad
he does nowadays
inb4 cherrypicking
Almost as bad as shadman.
At least there's no visible penis.
>im not a retard, i was just baiting, right guys?
>copy [GAME] years after it came out
>people buy it
Blizzard in a nutshell
>At least there's no visible penis.
>At least
He definitely does, at least now.
Maybe stop being a casual and play in a league?
That's shadman? He must be changing up his style, that or I'm losing my sight
Wow you really are autistic.
Dude... Contracts and shit are pretty non-stale. Not to mention all the new skins, stat traks, picking up dropped weapons.
You're obviously baiting us hard right now.
What does she do when she needs to shower or go to the beach or just change clothes? Without the device she gets lost in time,
TF2 is 10 year old game and first cartoon fps based game..
>I-I was just p-pretending to be retarded
>People are defending shadman's art in this thread
You've changed, Sup Forums
shadman doesn't draw shit like that. look at that retarded ass.
I wanna stick my banana in Winstons mouth
>on defense
>only Lucio support
>team comp is okay, though no real options to deal with flankers/prolonged fights
>our lucio decides to go Genji
Yeah im gonna rage quit
His art is good you muh board culture autist
>go to shadbase
>see reaper naked getting a rimjob from shota
The hate he gets is a bit exaggerated. I've seen worse artists getting a lot of praise but for some reason everyone nitpicks every little anatomy mistake in his drawings
Hi shadman, how are you
Better than you'll ever be you cretinous reprobate
>that sleepycast episode where shadman admitted to legally being a menace to society in his home country
based, what a memester
Well he did draw porn of his mom
>first cartoon FPS based game
Can't tell if joking or not.
I would like to see them draw more of Winston.
There are so many Sup Forums nowadays I dont even know where to send you
Sorry meant to say first cartoon graphics fps team based game with micro sanctions.
What is wrong with Shadman ? Is this a new meme ?
is that an entire board dedicated to feeding reddit, or is it just Sup Forums 2.0
It's a dead shitposting board that was a April fools joke
Wow, thanks for the nightmares shad. Who the fuck is the shota? Why reaper? Why this?
Hes made 1 good picture, the rest are shit
pic unrelated
I wish Blizz had a refund like Steam. I was too drunk during my time with the open beta to actually know if the game is worth $40.
>no chronal accelerator
The perspective on those headphones is bothering me
>being against smoking makes you an autist
Is this what kids these days beleive? Does smoking really make you that "cool" these days?
leaving games gets you matched with other people who leave games
damnit that picture isnt on shadmans page
Are you talking about CSGO?
>Who the fuck is the shota?
Hopefully the next hero.
>doesn't have a penis
Pick one
I hope he becomes the new Doomfist.
Play too well and the game will pair you with knuckledraggers against level 50s.
you bought the worst game of the year user
nobody told me winston was so good
what the fuck is wrong with her skeleton
pick both.
i fucking love shadbase stuff desu
>no piercings or dick on tracer
I know his art it shit but it reaches my fetishes senpai.
Slowly, very slowy, Shad is getting better. Compare some of his newer stuff to his old stuff and its like night and day.
Still wish he would quit it with the anal piercings though.
When i play on my own, i do decently.
When i play with my friends, we get matched up against other groups, and we get totally facefucked.