NEW XBOX 1.5: 4x more powerful

Who else is hyped about the Xbox1.5?!!

The original story reported by Kotaku and later corroborated by Polygon suggests the new Xbox console, codenamed Project Scorpio, is expected to release sometime in 2017 and will feature a more powerful GPU. Power is one of the primary concerns for the refreshed console as Sony’s PlayStation 4 has remained a constant leader in relation to the Xbox One in this regard, and this has been evidenced by games running at both a higher frame rate and resolution more often than not.

With Scorpio, the intention is to end this narrative and perhaps outperform the heavily-rumored NEO before it’s even launched. Rumors point at the targeted performance peak of the new Xbox being between 5 and 6 teraflops. This is in contrast to the expected performance peak of NEO at 4.14 teraflops, which will be 2.25-times more powerful than today’s PS4.

The second of the rumored consoles, a cheaper, more compact model is expected to release by year’s end and is scheduled to be revealed at E3 later this month. The slimmer model is reportedly going to be “40 percent smaller than the current model and will likely include 4K support,” according to sources at Polygon’s sister site, The Verge.



No leaks have every told us what is their policy for trade ups and such
No one is going to sell their entire PS4 library to play Xbox One-Two, and no one is going to want to buy another 500 dollar box.

I feel this seems too early for new boxes, AMD's new shit would be able to put into these boxes by end of next year.

>1.5 units sold in Japan

All of your favorite videogame franchises, the games that got you into videogames will now have THE superior platform.

THE best gameplay
THE most epic moments
THE most epic stories
THE NUMBER ONE platform for you and your friends.
Women play this console more than any other home console, meaning YOU are more likely to play with a CHICK.

>Kucktaku and SJWgon
I need legit sources op.

All of your favorite games in one platform

All of the most bleeding edge technology in your home, to impress YOUR friends.

THE most creative games of the generation.

What about the CPU and the RAM? HBM so they don't have to use ESRAM?

this is the new xbox 1.5
i know because my dad works at microsoft

This is so badass

It doesn't matter if it's more powerful.

PS4 has the the strongest momentum of any console in history, and add to the momentum, the PS4 Neo will be lunched 1 year ahead of the Xbox.

If you add to those two things above a lower pricing, then the specs become irrelevant.

i dont give a shit until it comes out

Shill thread

Microcuck is out of control today

Thanks Pajeet. Enjoy your rupees.

>I buy consoles because I like knowing I never need to upgrade for an entire gen (8ish years)

>but its still an Xbox one

>more sales = better and more premium experiments

PS4 cheap for a reason


This, power matters only when Sony is more powerful. Otherwise power doesn't matter.

More sales, better online communities, less dead online games, and higher numbers of exclusives.

>PS4 cheap for a reason
Because it wasn't burdened by ESRAM, which made the Xbox xpu super large, and didn't help it much compared to its cost.

This guy is 100% right: the masses ONLY eat trash and ONLY care about bullshit.
Sony can't lose.

Power matters when you have all the other aspects in order.

When you have better launch timing, better pricing, and add more powerful console to that mix, your device will ascend to a higher plane of existence.

Of you only have Power, and the launch is 1 year late, and the price tag is higher, then you have a PS3.
Scorpio is Xbox's PS3.

The Playstation will never recover the dominance it once had with the PS2. A fuck up could just as well throw them to early PS3 levels or worse.

>The Playstation will never recover the dominance it once had with the PS2


Look at all that garbage and multiplat

really makes you think. . .

Means that it will probably just be called "Xbox" and actual console generations are officially over, including Sony's. It'll be like buying a cell phone from now on and more people will be moving to pc gaming because of it

I could probably get an xbox slim just for forza.

And likewise, we also have the Xbox One also outperforming its predecessors. And since the generation is about to end prematurely, they'll have to compete soon with themselves. The console ecosystem is risk of getting extremely suffocated. imo

If Japan meant anything to any of these companies, they'd all go bankrupt. The real money comes from the West.

The logic (not saying I agree with it) is that games will be bc so it isn't ending the generation, much like the 3ds

>low on money
>decide to go for a PS4 because it's cheaper than having to upgrade my PC after 4 years
Back to PC it is. At least Destiny was worth it.

Every one of these consoles will just be using Polaris 10. So they'll all pretty much be the same shit with minor differences as usual. Stop shilling.

>upgrading a console
I already have a PC.

HoloLens can ONLY be found on Xbox

WE are the bleeding edge

The Xbox 1.5 will be the premier platform for video games and all media.

Polaris 10 is launching in august/september.
The same time as PS4 Neo.

Xbox 1,5 is launching in 2017, same time as Vega, not Polaris.

if the new xbox has full 360 backwards compatibility then im interested

>More powerful Xbone

for what purpose? It doesn't have strong Japanese support as PS4, MS will lose lots of money with it.

lets be real, more sales is what determines whos winning.

Well by that logic 2.0 or 1.51 or whatever the fuck it's going to be called will be 4x more powerful than that. I'm sticking with my rig for now it's ageing but a new moboard and CPU and I'll be set for 5 more years.

In short, Gen 8 was a mistake, and now both MS and Sony are paying the cost of being cheap fuckers

>Only console that does cross region right
>doesn't have niche japanese shit
This world is so unfair.

I mean, save for a few games it actually has such as Raiden V and Strange of Sword City but lol they've released those on the NA/EU store so so much for crossing borders.

It was nice to play Dark Souls 3 one month before everybody else though


>Just Japan
>No sales units

What the fuck are you saying man? The real cheap fucker award should go tho the Wii U.

The Playstation and Xboxes are like luxury devices compared to that trash.

Destiny was shit and you don't deserve to make purchasing decisions on the first place.

>Strange of Sword City
That's a drgp, it's best played on the PS Vita anyway.

You don't need a home console to play a fucking drpg.

Oh boy, another box without anything to play on it but movie games and a focus on online interactivity.

I'm pretty much done with consoles at this point. Guess I'll just emulate old shit on my computer from now on, because the gaming industry isn't just dead but buried at this point.

>people believe consoles will ever support 4k

in 10 years maybe

fucking hell i bet its gonna be huge!

>consoles already having to re-release with upgraded GPU's every two years

>PS4 has the the strongest momentum of any console in history
That was the Wii buddy, of course Nintendo fuck up.

the DS is still the fastest selling Handheld/Console or anything Video game related, during the same frame time of the PS4 it had almost 100mil sold, only the iphone reached that many customers in human history,

I can't snap to Forza, Halo 5 or Dark Souls 3 after getting tired of Strange of Sword on a fucking Shita my man.

>console generations are becoming as short as smartphone generations

>hype for shit box

If it ain't Sony or Nintendo you need to stfu and delete this thread.

Your kind will never be accepted here as a majority of us are all weaboo in some form or way as we all started gaming during a generation where 90% of games were Japanese and most of our all time fav games are Japanese

>Xbone come out, does it's thing, that's it
>Xbox fans are almost silent on Sup Forums, stick to threads about their exclusives and stuff like console-tan threads
>easily the most polite and quiet microsoft folk have been since the 360 was announced
>to the point where it's "sony vs. nintendo" in almost every discussion
>actually play some more shit on my 360 in recent months since looking at my other consoles reminds me of endless arguments
>new Xbone gets announced
>suddenly lots of "normal people" are posting about it's specs and how fucking hyped they are and all that shit

fuck off, microsoft. Just fuck off.
I hate that the rest of the internet is such shit and the only place i feel comfortable discussing vidya is this shill-hole

Wii didn't do shit. It only sols slightly above the PS3 and 360.

>the DS is still the fastest selling Handheld/Console or anything
PS4 > PS2 > DS

Smartphones is in a different category, they are nearing 2 billion devices soon.
That's a lot more 000 than your DS.

I can't believe how far technology has come....

>slim version

So it will only be the size of a PS2 instead of a CDi?

Compatible with the Xbox 1.5

>Project Scorpio

I like it, has a nice ring to it y'know...

SCALEBOUND only on Xbox One.5

you sound like a butthurt sony fanboy


you know the meaning of Momentum? momentum has a different meaning from quantity.

God I hate summer kids.



Marketeer please stop

No idea why you are laughing, if this concept is adapted Modular Consoles could actually be a thing of the future, and we all know how fucked PC would be if that actually happens.

>Xbox One
>Xbox Won
>Xbox Wife's Son

It's spelled "marketer", you fucking idiot.

The Wii ran out of steam once everybody got tired of the gimick. That isn't momentum.

By definition momentum is not something that stays forever, is uhh.. a momentum? do you even speak English?

Regardless, why the Wii won? well it sold 10mil less than the PS3 since like you say, it lost steam after 2010, but what about games sold? ah yeah, almost double of the PS3 ok.

Also the Wii was on the lead for 4 years out of the 5-6 last gen run, idk about you buddy bit that sounds like a clear winner.

>Slightly above

the "neo" will most likely just replace current models, due to the old components being phased out.

Difference between PS2 and Wii: 50 million
Difference between Wii and 360: 15 million

Slightly is perfectly fine for that usage.

No they are two different devices with different pricepoints for different markets.

Most people are retarded and won't lift a finger to find out how to actually build a pc.

that's why there's also going to be an Xbox mini

Wii sold a lot of smartphone apps.

Am I the only one on Sup Forums who prefers Playstation?

I just want a fucking answer to whether or not this extends the life of this generation or not. I don't want there to be a whole new console a couple years after this shit with exclusives

The difference between the Wii and the 360 is 32 million.
But I know you don't actually care because that would cut your shitposting speeds down.

Wii: 100 million
360: 85 million


absolutely not!

Destiny was cool...

Who cares, just buy a new Xbox 1.5

>NEW XBOX 1.5: 4x more powerful
>people actually believe this

Take it from someone who has been around for a lot of these. You're going to feel like an idiot pretty soon. Stop getting your hopes up.

Xbox One.5

I can dig it.


4 times more powerful than Xbox One isn't an accomplishment.

It's launching a year later than PS4 Neo anyway, so it better be more powerful, or it will get its ass whooped.

xbox has no chance to compete with sony anywhere besides usa.


yes, pls leave

Why do blacks prefer the Sony Playstation?

Would they even be able to afford an Xbox One.5?


so why do we have to buy a whole new console because microsoft fucked up bigtime? Some spent 500 bucks to just have a few games to play while getting raped in the ass with another console that should have come first

>most of that shit is shit or iffy AAA games

>hurr durr destiny is bad!
>am i cool yet rest of shills?
destiny is good and you know it
stop acting like a massive faggot

>anywhere besides usa

Yeah PCs never need to be upgraded.