Blizzard and porn dmcas

I saw this yesterday and made me check the overwatch porn on hentai foundry.
It was at 25 pages yesterday(this is with me not logged in so pictures were filtered out)

Today I checked hentai foundry and it's at 21 pages(again didn't log in so there's probably some pictures filtered.)

They're definitely not going after just SFM porn using their models now.
Overwatch porn is gonna get wrecked.

Other urls found in this thread: phoebe rule34&oq=battleborn phoebe rule34&gs_l=img.3...7998.10843.0.11060.

The people running the site are just being fucking cucks and actually listening to blizzards demands.

If they don't they risk having their entire site shut down. That sure makes them "cucks".

Blizzard has no case.

Using the official models does not fall under parody

This doesn't involve SFM. They're taking down 2D art.

We're talking about 2d friend

It actually is fair use, they have nothing to stand on there.

Good luck taking them out of the boorus lol


Why? Just use R34 or boorus. Nothing ever gets taken down.

Any lawfags on Sup Forums that can explain why or why not Blizzard can restrict the use of SFM models? I'd like to understand it.

1. It's all drawings on that site
2. The pornographic versions of their models are not their models. They have to be built with new meshes and textures, Blizzard doesn't just have naked Tracer and Widowmaker in their game you know. There is MORE than enough deviation from the original that it's easily a transformative/parody work, which falls well within the scope of fair use.

Blizzard are the only fucking company to pull this shit repeatedly, and it's bullshit that people defend it.

>Game is practically built on the back of porn for the waifus
>So much so that people thought Blizzard was secretly endorsing the porn
>Game comes out and so many people buy it up because they've already become attached to their fap material
>Blizzard then tries to carpet bomb the internet of OW porn

I don't get it. I just don't get it. Is this game marketed to children?
Japan (excluding Nintendo) has the right idea. They think of porn as free advertising.

Even Nintendo doesn't pull this shit user.

Let that sink in.

Does anyone have any idea of how to track how posts on tubmlr is tagged with rule34+overwatch?

I want to see if it'll decline over the week

how many posts on tumblr*

Even Nintendo doesn't do this anymore. They started allowing doujins and such of their works awhile ago.

Blizzard's case is that they're using official models which is arguably true, the artists are taking the official models and remodeling them to include vagina/breasts/penis models as well. But I don't know enough about legal shit on when the line gets blurry.

However, they're also taking down drawn drawings as well, which can argued that those drawings count as parody works and you actually have a strong case to counter that.

But most artists don't have the time or money to contest this. A lot of them will just fold and move onto something else.

>But most artists don't have the time or money to contest this. A lot of them will just fold and move onto something else.
Cool legal system you got there, Amerikkka.

>But most artists don't have the time or money to contest this.
And this is the crux of the matter. Even if Blizz is in the wrong (they are, imo) it doesn't matter. They've got money and lawyers that your R34 creators don't, so they can push them around with DMCA's and get their way without a problem.

>MFW artists decide to draw Battleborn porn in protest.


>game is practically built on the back of porn for the waifus

lol, the game is built on the back of it being a casual shooter you can play with friends that isn't old and ruined like TF2. How did you manage to delude yourself into thinking the porn was the reason for its popularity?

Has there been a case of a DCMA case for vidya going to court?

Like if there was a solid victory for someone that got a DCMA notice, I wonder if companies would be a lot more lax on this.

Is there an attractive Battleborn character?

don't worry blizzard never going to find my content in the web

there's one that was based on brianna wu, if you're into that

We've heard our female employees," he said. "And my daughter tools me out about it. She saw a World of Warcraft cinematic of the Dragon Aspects, and my daughter was like, 'Why are they all in swimsuits?' And I was like, 'I don't know. I don't know anymore.'" - Chris Metzen

Because metzen is a cuck


no one want to draw it but phoebe is the best girl of battleborn phoebe rule34&oq=battleborn phoebe rule34&gs_l=img.3...7998.10843.0.11060.

I'm afraid not.

None of you have any idea how copyright law or fair use actually works.


david you're like 16, you don't know shit either

blizz could take them to court and lose and still win $$ overall with publicity

Keep bending over for those corporations friend

Pretty much. Large companies can in fact bully you pretty hard and there isn't much you can do about it.

However if you do win a court case against a big company, you will be compensated for any money plus usually a huge payout.

Of course they don't.

Shayne if you're into tomboys.
Thorn if you like THICK RUSSKI ACCENT
Mellka for alt girls
And Ambra if you're into sticks.
Seriously. That Russian accent scares me a bit.

>people ripping models out of a game
>using copy-written characters without permission
It was really just a matter of time, but I'd bet it won't go beyond C&Ds.

They are just legally protecting what's theirs, because if they don't it won't remain theirs.
>stupid laws

Nintendo went after a particular doujin artist who was making Pokemon doujinshi and made him pull his works from sale.

Neither do you, or you would have corrected them instead of being a faggot.

xxzero said that wasn't true but you might be talking about someone else.

Nintendo only pulled this shit in the 90s taking people to court over porn parodies. It didn't work out well so they just gave up

If you're talking about zero, according to him that's false.

The game is marketed towards all ages, but with an emphasis on the teen/kid demographic.

Blizzard is probably facing pressure from angry parents to crack down on the Overwatch porn. I imagine that little Timmy is going online and doing innocent searches for stuff like "Tracer hits Widowmaker from the back", then little Timmy finds more than he expected, and then his parents get mad.

Was it Nintendo or the Pokemon Company?

SFM is trash

The porn and characters definitely play some role. It's part of the reason why MOBAs and other shit have become so big.

Blizzard is gonna trash your 2D art too.

Hentai Foundry has no spine since the loli ban, more at 11.

I bet it was the pokemon company. They are sue crazy people. Nintendo doesnt give a fuck of drawn porn of their characters.


>Fanfiction of any kind is outlawed
>Fanart of any kind is outlawed
>Talking about what you've seen in a movie or a game with someone who hasn't paid for seeing it will immediately alert the authorities and they will track you down using subdermal implants
>More than two people present while you're playing a game they haven't paid for or watching a movie they haven't already paid for is a capital offense

Loving every laugh. So glad I'll be dead by the time this shit comes out in full force.

Do you think Valve regrets releasing SFM to the public?

Fun fact: fair use isn't carte blanche to do whatever you want with existing properties.

Fanfiction and fanart don't necessarily fall under fair use. Companies legally can take down fan works if they really wanted to. They don't though, because 1) it's expensive with virtually no money to be made and 2) it makes fans hate you.

Are waifucucks the most cucked people on Sup Forums?

>Blizzard takes down overwatch stuff
>I reupload it again under a fake name
>They repeat the process
>I do it again anyway
>Meanwhile they keep wasting money on lawyers while it only takes me a few minutes to upload everything again

They can't stop it :*

blizzard has lawyers just sitting around doing nothing
this doesnt cost them anything extra

>Neither do you, or you would have corrected them instead of being a faggot.

Because copyright and even fair use alone is complicated as fuck and trying to explain how it works in less then like 10 paragraphs is a bitch

Here's a t;dr though:

1: Porn isn't automatically protected under parody. In fact, what is or isn't parody has a pretty specific legal meaning in this context. A parody speffically has to be commenting or ridilicuing the allegedly infringed work in question, which is distinct from satire, or situational humor ul;itizing the work.

The porn isn't making some sort of social; commentary on overwatch, so it probably wouldn't qualify. On top of that, it's not an instant get out of jail free card, it's merely an additional factor on top of the 4 points of consideration when determining is something is fair use or not.

On that note....

2. Fair use isn't cut and dry, and if something counts as fair use or not heavily depends on the spefficis of the insdivual case, but in general, 4 factors are weighed:

A:The purpose of the allegedly infringed work. is it making money? is it nonprofit? Is it for educational use? Etc.
B: The nature of the original work. Is it factual or fictional, is it of historical value, was it intended to be for public consumption or private consumption, etc.
C: How much of the original work is being used in the alledged infinging one, and how important the parts used are
D: How the allegedly infringing work would affect the commercial value of the original work or the brand, if at all

When deciding if something counts as fair use, a judge is considering those factors. You don't nesscarily need to meet all 4 to count as fair use, but even if you meet all 4, you might still not count as it, it depends, and the bar for counting as fair use (sadly) is much higher then what you think it would be.



Not for a second.

do you think blizzard doesn't have lawyers on retainer?

>I don't get it. I just don't get it.
It's really simple bro.

>allow porn for free publicity
>ok games out, everyones paid already
>bring down hammer

>Blizzard is fighting porn on the internet
>fighting porn on the internet
>fighting porn

Ahaha... AHAHAHAHAHA. They literally can not win this.

Also, once more western devs prooving to be entitled crybabies compared to based japanese devs.

i don't think you laughed as hard as your post claims you did user

If anything, the porn may boost sales by a little, and I don't see how it could negatively impact sales at all

Why the fuck is blizzard doing this shit

it's very likely an overzealous 3rd party they hired.

That or a clever marketing thing. No publicity is bad publicty. They'll let the porn back up later, without any kind of official comment


Putting side the question of fanart in general since I could do another two whole posts on that, almost all overwatch porn is likely to not fall under fair use because they arguably fall afoul of the 4th standard, which is usually considered the most important (effect on market value or brand). Blizzard would argue in court that the porn harms their image and makes it less likely that parents would buy the product for their kid.

>b-but it's giving them expsoure!
Yeah, it is, and while I personally agree it's getting them at least as much sales as it is losing them, that argument isn't gonna fly in court, especially not with judges who are in their 40's-60's.

I'm not saying it SHOULDN'T be fair use, i'm just saying it likely WOULDN'T be.

and this post fuccboi

No, MOBAs have been huge for a long time, League is what brought them back by being F2P.

>design almost every female character to be sexualized waifu-bait
>get mad when people do what waifufags do
Is Blizzard capable of doing anything right?

>upload your stuff on a russian/chinese server

Is that so hard?

but why?

Faithful tepig omake from the recent comiket.

Dance puppet, dance

Pimp Daddy Bobby has you in the palm of his hand. You addicted to them hoes.

thanks for explaining this to people.

God copyright law is such a mess


>The following artists have requested they be removed from the site.

Like he said this is most likely a bot

still, Blizzard are fucking retards if they think this will end well

Battleborn ain't my type of game, but man do I got a thing for bird people.

Well he shouldn't look up such loaded things. Besides everyone knows Widowmaker's the one hitting her from the back. Why is his safe search off?

>not using the superior Gelbooru



Someone needs to get all of the OW porn out there and upload it to various different sites.

Blizzard can't keep fucking things up for us.

>superior to anything

Why would Blizzard do that though? Do they think it's gonna hurt the image of the game as an esport or some nonsense like that?

I prefer how Danbooru links back to the original source.

>Quality non-porn
>Recent stuff
>Stuff from Pixiv, sorted out from shitty fanarts
>Even gay stuff if you are into it

There is only one (1) problem in Gelbooru: there's this specific bastard who uploads a fat whale in the cosplay tag


The porn has served its purpose, to get people to buy their game. Now they need to protect their IP so they'll go after people now. Blizzard dont give a fuck.

Not even Ken Levine does this and he was treating Elizabeth as his fucking daughter.

>banned toddlercon
>poor's man sankaku

>protect their IP
God if they actually think this, porn is harmless.

Overwatch is a T rated game.

Gotta protect the children.

While putting your own female characters in jumpsuit that ride up the whole ass.

>being a pedophile

not if their SJW audience turns on them. This is damage control in their mind.

You have to understand that a lot of people are willfully taking down their own work out of fear till this blows over. There's been porn of Blizzard characters for a long time now. Rexx has made a living off doing WoW porn for years and he's been doing fine. He made a really good post on the whole situation. Blizzard likely went out of there way to make sure as much content as possible linked from mainstream sites went to dead links. After that it's a waiting game for the whole thing to die down. The LAST thing you want to do is make it a big deal and keep it in the mind of the public. As long as you do that shit will keep being taken down. Blizzard has no issue with porn of their characters so long as it stays in the spaces where such things are considered acceptable.

Danbooru has all of the things you just listed, except for the shitty cosplay.
Danbooru also actually provides the sources for images, has a quality filter instead of keeping every shit that gets posted, has pools that are actually useful, and has far better tagging.
Gelbooru is certainly not helped by it getting most of its shit from Danbooru with a scraper that doesn't include the source link and does nothing to fix tagging errors or any tag changes made after the original upload.

Fucking over fan artists doesn't seem like a good way to promote the game. It's the opposite of publicity.

Toddlercon is there you dense fuck. Also nice shit taste, bet you like scat and futa, too.