Ill say when i lost the interest in this games story
>kike magic
Ill say when i lost the interest in this games story
Wow so glad to know that about you
Great blog
how to tell someone never played older wolfenstein games, jew magic had been around long before new order
thanks, now go back to masturbating to overwatch porn
lost interest when it ran like garbage console port with bad performance and dumb effects that cant be turned off even with editing config files
>not believing in the jew magic to place sheeny curses on the nazis
Get redpilled, cuck
>Franchise about Jews killing Nazis
>Protag is named Blacowitz
>Expecting Jews to not be portrayed as magic warriors
Oh, so you're the guy who leaves bad reviews on games because his toaster can't run anything more demanding than Maplestory
>Acting like there's anything wrong with masturbating to Overwatch porn.
Why do they feel like they need to include hook noses in any way? The game was decent just fighting these over the top bad, ebil guy natzeesh until that part came. Just to describe jews as some higher level magical creatures that can do no wrong.
Blazkowicz is Polish though.
my computer can run fallout 4 but couldn't play this game.
so are 90% of last names that Sup Forumsfags thing are steretypical jew last names
Wolfenatein 3Ds manual stated that the protag was a Polish Immigrant out to kill Hitler while being fueled by vengeance for the holpcaust.
It's always been Jewish Propoganda.
>RtCW/Wolf 09
Occult themes
Jew magic
RtCW had Nazis raising the dead and Wolf 09 had a fucking parallel dimension. That's clearly the same thing as IT WAS THE JEWS THE WHOLE TIME.
>Jewish iron man suit
It was literally about the Jews from game one.
The protag is half jew.
In the end, who gives a shit about story in a porno?
Its also disrespectful that they implied they stole all the high level tech from the hook noses, everyone knows germany was the most advanced country before and during the war.
Stupid jews ruin everything.
I couldn't give a shit less. The gameplay was great and that's what matters.
Yes, the manual even confirms the protag was raised Jewish in America.
no it doesnt
B.J is a jew, you stupid fuck.
It literally does.
It was okay, just less good version of metro redux and light.
I'll say when I lost interest in this game
>when the gameplay was not an oldschool shooter nor was it good like RtC Wolfenstein
This game is average and I got savagely meme'd by you fucks
>the gameplay was not an oldschool shooter
No FPS will feel like that ever again, the best you can hope for now is Doom2016 gameplay.
>Nazi super science
bigoted, idiotic and problematic
>jewish super science
that will do nicely
Made me dig out my RtCW manual.
>born to Polish immigrants
Doesn't say anything about jews.
RtCW through TNO is one timeline. Everything before got retconned with RtCW
shut up and kiss me
lol BJ stands for blow job haha
>Polish immigrants in the 20s
>Not Jews
Are you trying to meme me again? After TNO I've lost all hope in oldschool FPS's ever coming back
The last thing I played that reminded me of old times was Devil Daggers, but a man can't live on arcade games alone
yet, they still lost to a bunch of poor communist "subhumans"
>nazis are pure evil. Everybody and their mom should hate nazis.
Think about it for a second.
I wouldn't have any interest if there was anything Jew related in a game about Nazi's. I mean it would be like a porn without sex.
Golden post 100000/10
Devil Daggers plays nothing like an old school fps. It's SS in a single, tiny black room with Quake 1-esque visuals.
are you sure it doesn't play like old school shooters, matey?
Is just a videogame and in that videogame nazis are evil. You must kill them all.
Old school shooters are games like Doom or Duke, with actual level design, enemy placement, weapon placement, and other such things. Not being locked in a room as waves of enemies spawn until you kill them all, or, in Devil Dagger's case, kill until you die.
>This game is average
I've been saying this since it came out. It was a very generous 7/10 at best and held in somewhat high regard because everything else that came out around then was garbage.
Old Blood was an 8/10 tho
Youre an idiot
Chapter 13 right now and will have to force myself to finish it.
I can't hear half the dialogue at a moderate volume, the Nazi chick part was stupid, every fight is either Nazis or a robot, no different than any other FPS, story is generic. I could tell from the first part of the game that it was going to suck. I mean, maybe some 15 year old kid might find it fun but it's just not. Stupid and boring.
>red army
ITT: Nobody knows about ROTT
>subhuman meatwalls that just rush blinding until they overrun a position
>backed by the the US, a juggernaut of industry at the time
The commies were literally just trash to keep armies busy while the important countries did the real fighting.
It's a mix of (everything the devs thought) is cool. Brings nothing new to the table. But in a SP FPS drought it helped.
>North korea took over south korea and japan and china and taiwan and singapore and vietnam and cambodia and thailand and invaded the usa
Oh and I almost forgot
>written by one of the guys that made Red dawn