Is there an updated Tier list? Where do you rank Witcher 3 and Fallout4?
WRPG Tier list
oblivion needs to be in high tier
W3 god F4 low
lolno faglet
I tend to mid tier. The level scaling seems to be too retarded to put it higher than that.
Also Divinity: Original Sin.
>Van Helsing
Should be in Low Tier.
I don't care about faggy tier lists, but does Might and Magic 3 get any better after Fountainhead? If not, should I move over to 4-5 or 6? I've already tried out 6 a little bit and it seems fun.
>god tier
>all old games
what's wrong with old games ?
Okay, so what does Dark Sun have that makes it god tier? How is it any different from all the gajillion SSI DnD games? I thought they were all basically the same thing,
W3 high, fo4 low
>mass effect better than mass effect 2
Jesus Christ....
Take it from someone who is a massive fan of the whole series and has probably played it dozens of times.
It isn't.
people might argue that the rpg elements are even way more dumbed down in ME2
what new games besides witcher3 have a chance to be up there?
>Diablo II god tier RPG right next to first Fallout
>Fallout 1
>god tier
That game was so disappointing. The missions were incredibly primitive and usually the dialogue for completing them was "good job, here is your reward". I'm still fucking mad about blowing up a super mutant base for the BoS and the only response is one line about how I now need to go blow up the cathedral.
d2 is godlike you shitter
Even though it was made in Japan, couldn't you technically categorize Dark Souls as a western RPG since it uses western motifs?
yes, i think all fallout games had massive weaknesses besides the great settin.
yes absolutely. it would most likely be considered god tier by the majority of people.
It's not a rpg
Not that user, but I agree. However Mass Effect 1 had a lot of flaws like a tedious to manage inventory system, OP powers like lift and immunity, most side missions recycling indoor rooms for indoor battles, game not autosaving as often as it should, and having unfun planet travelling when it wasn't for the main missions. The main missions were really good though especially Vimire and the Citadel battle.
other games arent either.
Need Grimrock 1 in Mid or High Tier, and Grimrock 2 in God Tier.
Arent those basically remakes of old dungeon crawlers? I never got the appeal of those, but is Grimrock better than all of them besides graphics?
It's just a modern version of an old genre that was essentially dead. It's a great starting point for people who never got into the genre back in the day, I highly recommend it, both as an entry point and just because the Grimrock series is incredible.