They've given up on the whole "blind playthrough" schtick now, right?

They've given up on the whole "blind playthrough" schtick now, right?

they've given up on alot

I can't believe how fat is that fucking midget.

Patt sounded really drunk in that Doom playthrough. Or did I misheard that?

That's what they look like?! Shieee

I never cared about their videos, though.

It's for the best. Blind playthroughs are fucking stupid and just lead to hundreds of comments about how someone can't believe how blind Pat is and how obvious something they blew past was. Just have one person have beaten it in a two man group. The fucking Game Grumps get it.

You should see the right one without the hat

>walks right past a bonfire
>misses the one npc in dark firelink
>somehow knew exactly how to get to archdragon peak
>couldn't even find the place to get there without having to bumble around

I wanted to say one-shot.



Fucking worst running joke they've ever done

He's the sheriff

they've given up on playing interesting games. Now they're 75% shilling, 20% personal shit and 5% video games.

>Woolie Hole
>Every black person is Woolie

>Kill Them All X
like damn matt, it was funny that one time on the podcast, just stop it already

Every black person with dreads is Woolie.

This is fucking boring. How do people sit through it?

I've falling off with them lately since they keep playing the most boring games possible nowadays.

I cant believe how much of a casual Liam is

>Was a nintendofag most of his life
>SF4 was his first SF

I literally use it to help me sleep

i find it funny that both liam and woolie go on Sup Forums

woolie even posted with a trip on here.

pat looked at Sup Forums once, and he saw someone making fun of him and left.

Matt probably doesn't even glance at the place.

All I wanted was the DS 2 lp, but pat was the one playing and someone else was all spoilered up and guided them to get everything

>stop coming to Sup Forums 3 years ago
>come back today
>still non stop spam about these two complete faggots

Jesus, I'll see myself out, back to re-dd-it thank you very much

what does it matter what his first Street Fighter is tho.

pat had a whole thread for himself here once

You don't like the two complete faggots?

What amazes me about that is the fact that Liam was born in 1992.
Meaning that he was only even a toddler when the N64 came out. Liam was just some kid playing GameCube when Matt and Pat were going full-on console wars

who gives a shit about matt

>it's a "Liam is still a contrarian and defends Mighty No.9" episode

>"weapon ahead"
>Weapon ahead. Thats good.
>*walks past it*

Seems blind to me.

by the time liam was 16, SF4 came out. He was a youth literally when the only fighting games being played were KOF02, GGXX, VF and Tekken

I do.

i wish hed stop being a pussy and come back.

>defends Mighty No.9
You gotta be kidding me.

He defends everything though, even ninja turtles

fucking ninja turtles that runs locked 30 on PC, I dont know why he is such an apologist on everything and for that reason alone, I wouldnt trust his opinion on anything

alright Liam

Podcast is the best part of what they do. And I sit through it while playing a video game on mute.

I feel like Liam feels like its his duty just to hold all the crap opinions for everybody else sometimes.

>Deadly Premonition and SH2 playthroughs won't happen
that's hilarious

Can you really blame him? These threads have reached such a negative and hateful point that it's bordering on parody.

Ever notice how every LP they said they'd never do they end up doing?
P4 LP when

All we need is a FF game involving Lightning playthrough.

>I could use a bonfire
>Let me check my NPC places

It's the best thing they do for sure, I cant remember the last playthrough I completely watched

Also it is the hardest for them to fuck up every though they do fuck up the podcast

I have no idea why their editing skills are so shitty, the fucking momocon video have syncing issues

but I do think they are getting better, the new mic setup is pretty good

that's a bad watch though, P4 is very repetitive to look at

More effort is put into editing a single TPHD video than most of their full lps

Persona 4 is the most dragged shit there is. It would get boring as hell.

I honestly don't even watch the videos anymore. They're more background noise for me with maybe the occasional glance if they sound excited about something.

Dark Souls 3 isn't blind?

To be fair, there was a "try gesture but not here" message when they picked it up and had seen the place to use it with a similar message in the same session

But yeah I'm 99% sure woolie's at least guiding pat to all the important stuff to show

wollie has the guide so they get the "best ending"

>He defends everything though,
No he doesn't, he's the guy that shits on Nintendo the most since 2012. Half of the SMRPG playthrough is just that.

I find it hard to hate Woolie. I've had a softspot for him ever since I found out he liked Meltan and actually knew some Nasuverse lore.
I'd like to think he gets involved in the dumb powerlevel arguments.

alright Liam

Woolie's cool but sometimes what he says makes me roll my eyes.

And he didn't defend the no 9 trailer, he said it was horrible, just that the anime joke could have been somewhat funny if used somewhere else. Sup Forums wants to hate SBFP so much that they make up events just so they can be angry about something.

>Hot-blooded doesn't mean that
>Woolie it means literally exactly that
>Oh, well whatever

I thought the only Nasuverse thing he even talked about was the Tsukihime anime

All of their ''blind'' playthroughs since Dark Souls 2 involves them using a guide anyway, like Mario RPG which pissed off a lot of people. Then again they were retarded enough to get lost in the forest maze when exiting it is super simple as all they had to do was follow some patterns.

I listen to it in work cause I've got nothing better to do. After the biggest problem in the universe decided to fuck off forever I've only got this, Sleepycast and RadioLab


fucking pat

>pat sounded really drunk
pat has alcohol instead of blood, keep up on your friends lore faggot.

i thought it was Red Bull?

No, this about him defending the game itself, not the trailer. He says it looks good and is excited for it and that people are unjustly hard on Inafune.

Liam's really bad at twilight princess, but at least he's not as bad as Arin is at OoT.

Please don't remind me. I haven't even listened to the last episode yet because I don't want it to be done. I doubt any of the new projects will be anywhere near as good

>Pat uses estoc for 3 or 4 videos
>massive outrage, dark souls ruined forever, pat eats baby heads on sticks
>switches to twin spears
>I bet he's gonna go right back to the estoc
>switches to washing pole
>remember when he used the estoc, he ruined the game for himself, worst play through ever

Souls fags are the worst

>watching gamefucks

I thought Matt was the alcoholic

They gave up on that at episode 5.
Promised something that had no intention on delivering.

>he says in the TBF thread

glass houses bro.

Don't forget
>"He grinded too much, I want snailborne2.0!"

Matt wants a hugbox like the fat tumblrina he is.
If anyone disses him he makes sure to bring it up in the next video like a bitch.

I need to see the Clarence clip Woolie was talking about and the bear costume guy that wanted to ruin their panel, though I'm sure he's hyping it up.

>Pat uses the estoc
>There is no possibility that he is able to determine for himself whether a weapon is good or not on his own

I wouldn't even call it an episode man

Its like 20 minutes of Maddox and Boistyourus Coconuts talking about the show ending and not mentioning dick, sean deleting jokes then congratulating everyone then replaying an old episode. Also they do the full intro son at the end.

Souls fans ARE terrible, which is why Pat is so fucking awful in this playthrough. He is a Souls fan to a T, he makes up whatever shit he can to make his way of playing look like the best. Like pretending over levelling isn't making the game easier or straight up lying about how he got the same levels without grinding.

All of them are drunkards except Liam because he's still a baby.

You know he has sensitive feelings.

I thought Matt was the baby?

I don't think so, I think I remember him trying to explain CMB and the background to Tsukihime to Pat, or at least something you couldn't know from just watching the anime. And of course Pat didn't want to know.
I could be remembering wrong though.

he wants to save face since he dropped like $200 on that piece of shit Kickstarter.

Matt's breadsticks couldn't take it if he posted here.

He certainly acts like one

Babies don't have wives.

>Implying the Washing Pole isn't that bad.

He started with a babby weapon, moved to a real man's build, got his shit pushed in and switched to a crutch again.

I literally fell asleep watching ffx, I love p4 but don't have the attention span to watch them play it.

They'd have to edit out so much grinding and it'd ruin the story talking over cutscenes.

Pat needs to get far far away from these retards, especially Matt. I absolutely fucking despise Matt. He's an unfunny simpson quote machine who think's he's the coolest thing in the world. Fucking faggot. Liam is just annoying and Woolie is ok, but Pat is the true star. I wonder how Matt feels when he shills himself to be the coolest dude in the world and most popular, but in reality he's the least popular Super Best Friends member by like a super wide margin.

>Real man's build
>Wanting casuals to either optimize or play a specific way when it's supposed to be blind
I get that they aren't actually playing it blind and are just shit, but come on man.

Hopefully Nameless King will push his shit in since his HP is pretty low.

>Crutch builds existing in single player games

Soulfags are the fucking worst, I swear.

I'm glad Gundyr gave him a run for his money, but at this point I'm only tuning into episodes with the cool ass bosses instead of watching full ones.

Prime example of souls fags being shit

I genuinely don't understand what the fuck people get so butthurt about Pat grinding for.
If he was grinding in the LP itself and wasting everyone's time? That would fucking suck. But since all of that stuff is done off-camera, who gives a shit? It's a fucking comedy-based LP.

>I wonder how Matt feels when he shills himself to be the coolest dude in the world and most popular, but in reality he's the least popular Super Best Friends member by like a super wide margin.
Well, you've seen how much shit he talks about Pat. So there's your answer.

How many times a week do you think Pat's gf fucks other guys? I'm going to be in town next week and wondering if I should take a swing at it.

The problem was that they said it was blind. Everybody knows Pat can't control himself. Should've had Pat complete the game once, check out some missable / secret shit, then guide Woolie or Liam through it.

Are you short and balding?

I don't care if he grinds or uses scrubby weapons, but when he starts calling the game easy and voicing how much of a supreme badass he is it gets pretty goddamn annoying. Then he denies that grinding has ANYTHING to do with it.


>"Let's see what's in the catalog"
>"Video games video games video games I hate women video games poopy video games video games Y-y-y-"
>"I, I need to shit in this thread! I have to save Sup Forums!"

He beats the Nameless King on his fourth try, the second time he gets to that phase of the fight.