>Be good at Soldier in TF2
>Suck ass as Pharah in Overwatch
>Be good at Soldier in TF2
>Suck ass as Pharah in Overwatch
Other urls found in this thread:
>Be the best Scout player in the North American region
>Tracer is one of my least favorite classes to play
becuz is not tee eff two nigga
You are not the best in NA. I know the guy who is. Show us your steam id.
>Master League in Starcraft 2
>Lose every game where I try to play D.Va
Get off Sup Forums clockwork
>be good at street fighter
>realize that this is a completely different genre and my skills don't carry over at all
>be 5'2 engineering student
>get killed every two seconds as Tobjorn
>Not good at any video games
>Good at Overwatch
Keep it to a fee threads you spamming Overshilled faggots
Also not your blog
Why is she dressed like the Blue Falcon?
How does one even play tracer? I wanted to play her or Mei, but I don't understand how tracer works while being so weak.
>target squishes
>recall out of danger
>mfw mediocre at Soldier
>mfw good at Pharah
That was the first thing I thought when I saw her. 100% Blue Falcon.
because d.va is dogshit
and yet i like playing her
your job is to be going sanic speed at all times trying to backdoor squishies and being a cunt in the backline
I don't even like Pharah that much
what is this
Soldier has his shotgun to fall back on and finish people off. Pharah has to kill with the rockets or else.
same lets break down why pharah is ass
both have 200 hp but Sol can get 220 with bb
there's also overheal in TF the has "armor" and "shield" which are kinda a replacement but let's be honest Pharah is mainly for attack and you're not getting a Torb or Symetra on attack so there goes your hp bonus
while Pharah's rockets do 120 which is more that sols 112 with Direct hit the sols DH doesn't actually require a direct hit to deal a good chunk of it's avg damage Pharahs does
Sol has better escape options because of boots or escape plan speed Pharahs jets have a fucking 10sec CD while someone like winston has a 6
you fall slower in OW than in TF2
Sol has a shotgun option in a pinch (long rocket reload or scout etc. ) Pharah has a fucking 8 sec "knockback" weapon that does NO damage at all (it's good on maps like Ilios and Nepal though )
fuck this character I lover her so much but after the conversion it's clear Sol is better than her in EVERY way possible
I doubt Blizz will buff her but if they do maybe they need to see why Soldier is such a staple in TF2 and ALWAYS a good pick
>OP assuming the power armor is for frontline duty and not for flight and harassing the shit out of the enemy
how are you harassing shit when the rockets are easy as hell to dodge from a distance and have an pitiful amount of splash?
flying with Pharah is a death sentence if the enemy team has hitscan on there team which is MAJORITY of the OW cast.
She flat out sucks at how Blizzard wanted people to play her AND she sucks in how you're supposed to play her by meta standards
Get behind them. Shoot a few times. Dash out of the way, rewind if you get hit.
>Demoman was my favorite class
>Korean and watch a bunch of /m/echa
>Dva and Junkrat are two of my favorite characters
thats because your supposed to sneak up on them. I am a beast at Pharah because i am squirely piece of shit that doesnt like staying in one place. I fly all over the place and rain justice from above with my mother fucking missles and i sneak up on enemy counters and put rockets in there asses. The key to playing Pharah is constant movement and the element of surprise.
>uh oh im almost dead
>OK I've got full health again :^)
repeat until whatever you're shooting at dies
She isn't dogshit, but she needs a buff to her ult. That shit used to kill everything near a payload, now the fucking floating car is able to block the entire blast. That is not OK.
stop lying to yourself nerd. you're shit.
also quake 3 died for your sins.
You have to gauge the EXACT moment they have you in their crosshairs, then blink to an unexpected location. A lot has to do with being faster than your opponent.
Go fuck your mother! You people are the reason this board is shit
if pharah played anything like quake 3 I would play her non-stop, with her cool skins and jetpack she would be perfect. Too bad she's slow and has a small af blast radius.
Pubs have a really bad habit of chasing after Tracer
Harass them, run away, watch as your team shoots them in the back and wins
no the reason this board is shit is because people are playing overwatch instead of getting gud at literally any other game.
Can they give Pharah 25 armor? I don't see why Mei has more HP than Pharah
I never liked tf2 apart from the pyro, sniper and medic.
I really like overwatch.
Becasue Mei is thicc
Because she's fat.
mei has blubber health
Thicker than Pharah's armored flight suit?
She didn't fly so good.
I don't see why Mei is even in the goddamn game
>Frost stream can't be blocked, can hardly be ran away from; pretty much requires flight or a teleportation/dash
>she can freeze herself invincible and regenerate health
>ult works just like frost stream
>always fucks up her own team with shitty ice wall placement getting them trapped and killed
fuck Mei
Concusion blast isn't just for enemies. You can move halfway across the map with her
btw overwatch just downloaded an update a second ago for me not sure what's in it
>deals barely any damage
that's why
I mean general movement speed, quake 3 is always fast, while what you're suggesting is that you just rocket jump to go fast.
How am I doing Sup Forums?
bunnyhop hero with five different guns when
She needs either
A) Secondary medium range weapon
B) Normal walking speed while firing
>He fell for the TF2 Soldier = Pharah meme
If you're not in a suit of armor or aren't a tank then she can just freeze then 1 shot with her ice shard, and that's IF the rest of her team doesn't immediately destroy you. She has too much going for her, just like 76, who has unlimited shift, a powerful weapon with plentiful ammo, autoaim ult, and can basically undo any damage done to himself within 2 seconds by pressing E.
Only shitters like you complain about Mei. She's slow and her freeze ray is easy as shit to avoid, and like you said her wall fucks her own team more often than not. I can't even count the time a shithead Mei put an icewall in front of the Mercy I was trying to kill-
>suck ass as Soldier in TF2
>be good as Pharah in Overwatch
Yep, it checks out OP.
Just from the way you type, I can tell you're shit.
>>Be good at Soldier in TF2
Soldier is just a class with a low skill floor (does not imply low skill ceiling), like heavy. Most shitters can pick up soldier and have good impact on it while they can't handle anything else except maybe stickies on dustbowl.
I would accept those, but I still think her ult has been completely ruined since the beta. I've dropped it in very crowded areas and everyone just barely hides and survives.
76 is supposed to be jack of all trades though
constant movement OP. Constant Movement.
>Frost stream can't be blocked
Reinhardt shield, Winston bubble, and Zarya barrier block it. Zarya barrier can even be used on frozen allies and it unfreezes them.
>Only shitters complain about her
>agrees with complaints about her
Like I said she's easy to avoid if you're D.Va, Tracer, Genji, or someone else mobile but otherwise you're fucked because her stream slows you enough to keep you from outrunning her.
A jack of all trades shouldn't be better in every situation though, he should be efficient enough to get by. He should be as useful as D.Va is at range, yet he's practically close range reaper at all ranges.
I didn't know Reinhardt's did that, but the other two are so situational that most of the time they won't actually end up saving you.
Zarya's is up regularly. She's a really good tank, I don't understand why I see more Winstons and Dvas than her
>TF2 baby thinking that playing the most casual class-based team FPS in existence means they'll do well in a game that requires a modicum of skill.
Overwatch is casual too, but not as casual as TF2.
I won't even consider playing her until I get one of her siberian legendaries, I imagine most people are the same.
overwatch is way more casual than tf2, check yourself w. your autoaim posts
>first person
>you never get to see your own skins
>letting pink hair affect your enjoyment of a game
>giving SJWs that much power over your life and a hairstyle
No matter how people try to explain it, I just don't get it.
When you git gud with Pharrah she is easily one of the most fun characters to play as.
On the same level as Junkrat and Genji for me
I wanna add some people from Sup Forums to play with.
Or at least a Sup Forums group.
I think it's fine as is, other than maybe a radius close to the mech where you can't avoid damage by hiding behind a wall.
It does extremely well to clear an area, because even if everybody flees, nobody on the enemy team will be near her mech or survive next to it unless they hide behind a wall close to it. Her ULT is perfect for breaking up overtime matches, and usually determines who twins.
It also causes instant panic, and is a great distraction. If your team is competent enough, they can pressure people fleeing from her mech.
>less casual than anything
If I wait until I'm almost dead recall won't get all my hp back
So I shouldn't worry about getting kills? My shot rate is like at 22% with all the blinking and strafing I can't really improve that.
She's hideous. I thought it was funny the other day when a friend of mine picked her and he told me that he was only doing it out of desperation (we were getting stomped) because she, as he put it, "is clearly a pandering dyke."
>you never get to see your own skins
The skins affect the weapons, too. You also get to see them when you emote and on the victory screen if you win.
Yes, your main job is to be a distracting pain in the ass and force enemies to pay attention to you then run away when they do and kill them if they don't.
I wish this artist drew mercy
>Don't play as Phara
>Get her /m/ skin in a loot box
>resolve to main her
>tfw she's one of my best characters now
>tfw my winpose and highlight intro all keep the helmet on
Definitely would like to fuck Tracer. Her playful giggling would make the sex hot as fuck
the only character I completely sucked with is hanzo.
I play D.Va mostly so I'm not gonna jump to some butch ruskie who's playstyle I don't like unless I have a cool skin
>tfw can play well as all these classes
>She's hideous
So? Who picks a character solely based on how attractive they are?
Overwatch is full of very powerful mid-range hitscan classes so it's very easy to deal with someone flying around.
>unless they hide behind a wall close to it
Besides, my team generally isn't competant enough to use the opportunity to move into the cleared KotH objectives.
what video games are you talking about?
(CS:GO and league of legends don't qualify as video games).
Be extremely obnoxious.
dis story!!!
Yes, but more often than not Tracers don't wait that long. Granted they don't do much killing but it's more annoying than it should be.
>suck donkey balls as Demoman
>fucking own every single game as Junkrat
>Overwatch is casual too, but not as casual as TF2.
Spotted the shill.
>Absolute bottom of a barrel of dogshit worst Soldier player you'll ever see
>GOAT Pharah
Happy for you, user
I was complaining about retarded Mei players on my team, not complaining about being killed by Mei.
>hit 30
>get only matched with lvl 50 to fucking 100+
>game quality as shit as usual
>buyers remorse kicking in
>Everybody on the team is Junkrat
>Say fuck it and join them in the mayhem
It was a glorious victory, explosions, car alarms, traps, and tires flying everywhere.
Thanks for the Advice just got my first PoTG instead of losing to another fucking Bastion, I get it a bit more now.
tried this once, too bad the enemy team werent brain damaged and just switched to pharah and destroyed us.
>buying a sub-par TF2 clone for 40 bucks
>expecting anything but disssapoinment
Which was one of my complaints
I quote:
>always fucks up her own team with shitty ice wall placement getting them trapped and killed
and then I gave reasons why it's not always easy to avoid
learn to read