
Is there any hope for Valkyria: Azure Revolution?

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No, looks like fucking Sword Art Online anime shit


It looks dope as fuck. Dunno what you faggots are complaining about. It's a spinoff game, so chill your manboobs.

I hope it gets a worldwide release.

The footage we saw looked awful. I know they're adjusting for feedback now, but if a good game wasn't in their original vision, I doubt they can make one just because they were told to. Keep your hopes very low.

It looks like it'll be FUCKING FUN

As a fan of Valkyria Chronicles, this makes me sad every time I see it.

Didn't you learn with Federation Force? Spinoff games that look a little different in series that haven't had games in a while are basically cancer brought into videogame form. Actually Hitler.


Even if they change it, all it will do is make people worry it's going to be a half assed middle ground.
They should have just done what everybody wanted and made a fucking proper VC game.

I hope the remaster has far better sales than this ends up getting, that should be a clear message of what people want.

It looks dope as fuck but the demo was absolute shit.
Sega received "harsh" feedback as expected too.

I REALLY HOPE they delay it an entire year to get good gameplay this time. Also good world, good animation and better graphics would help otherwise they can fuck off.

Here's a good review of the demo

>what everybody wanted and made a fucking proper VC game.
Very few peoples want that sadly. The SRPG audience on console is dead it seems.

I'm not really excited for it. Apparently Sega got some really harsh, but constructive criticism for the demo and they've made some adjustments since then.

That being said I don't see this getting localized anytime soon if it bombs in Japan. I hope they give the main series some more love after this project is over because I really miss it.

VC3 HD when? VC3 localization when?

dumb animeposters.

>soundtrack by Yasunori Mitsuda

Stop pretending to be reddit dumb

I don't understand how games that look this awful get made. No part of this looks fun at all, I have never heard a single positive comment about it, everyone is telling them they are wasting their time making trash. Yet, they still continue to develop this garbage.

Something about her looks off.

It will get shitposted into oblivious by shitters

It will flop

People will complain to SEGA about not giving the original series love

People who actually give a shit will figure out it's a good game

It will become a cult classic

It's popularity will build

People will complaint to SEGA about not giving Valkyria of the Blue Revolution enough love

SEGA will test the waters with some other spin-off

Repeat process from step one

It's an hilarious fuck up. I don't know anything else recently that fucked up this bad actually so I'm not sure why you're using plural.

That said they could still save it.

I like Sakimoto more.

>no Sakimoto
>no Raita

Funnily enough, the original Valkyria was shitposted at first because it wasn't Sakura Wars.

That's why I posted that. People forget the amount of shitposting the original got.

It saddens me that this game is going to do poorly because faggots can't see past character designs that aren't as rediculous as they make them out to be compared to other character designs in the same series, and compared to real world inspirations. Zweihanders existed, people. They were bigger than the sword that the guy character is using.

why would anyone care if the original vc wasn't sakura taisen?

The problem is that the game actually looks very, very bad in it's gameplay and tech. For now anyway.

>Zweihanders existed, people. They were bigger than the sword that the guy character is using
It's not okay when anime does it apparently.

I don't care what Sup Forums thinks. I'm excited for it and hope they're able to really utilize the feedback from the demo to make it something at least worthy of the name.

No matter what, it'll be better than the shitty second and third games.

Japan wanted a nextgen Sakura Wars real hard, and Valk had some of the core SW staff.
Of course they would get mad

>Zweihanders existed, people. They were bigger than the sword that the guy character is using.
They didn't look like spaceships.

Oh yeah, I forgot.

> That said they could still save it.
No. They game is salvageable, but they cannot save it, they have a bad design philosophy. The only way to save it would be to fire everyone involved in the project and replace them, but that would set it back years. At this point they best they can do is rush the product out as soon as possible and hope they can get a few sales from unsuspecting customers who haven't done their homework.

It's a black blade. And it's smaller in game than the art makes it out to be due to lolperspective

I played through the demo, and there were definite problems, but it was actually pretty fun in it's ideas. I hope the scope fills out, and we're apparently getting another character for the party, which either implies party of 4 or changeable characters for the party, which I think is the way they're gonna go. We'll see how they take the balance changes and reworking, but I think there's something really good there, that I hope doesn't get ignored because of shitposting.

Looking at this I got reminded of
>Ophelia's tights removed as a result of fan feedback.
But all I can see from the gameplay is her spats. Please don't tell me they're removing her spats. That would just make her even worse than she already is.

I actually kind of like the enemy designs in AR and the graphics, but everything else can suck it.




>no raita
boo hiss

Riela is pure sex.

But Imca is infinitely better

That's just your opinion man.

I LOVE the look of the game. The graphics are really nice and that reveal trailer was hype. But it looks like garbage to play. I dont get it? All they had to was take VC3s mechanics and make an HD console game out of it. VC3 was perfect

I also want more games like VC3, but VC3 wasn't without it's flaws. We need VC3.5.

>titty monster yet again attached to some other guy's dick

They never learn, do they?

>director of shining
>capable of making anything fun

She's probably gonna end up dying in a stupid way as well.

They learned something by VC3. They give you two, so you still have one left after they kill the other.

Maybe we'll get a game that doesn't have one die in the near future.

I cant think of anything wrong with vc3. It took the improvements of vc2, scrapped the "improvements" of vc2 and reverted back to the vc1 (you level up just by playing the character/class, exp at the camp, bigger maps, can have 9 people out at once). The story and characters were the best, there was some good tension, and a lot of interesting locations and missions, especially if you ever managed to get the dlc. The only i thought was dumb that valkyria mode couldnt 1 hit kill tanks but some of my anti tank snipers, lancers, or war hammer characters could lol

>I cant think of anything wrong with vc3.

>map reuse
>fencer is a useless class
>could use some more balance on the weapons and tank equipment (grenade lancers, 3 shot snipers, flamethrowers, etc)

Just a few things off the top of my head. It can be fixed and VC3 is an amazing game despite these flaws, but it's not a perfect game.

if there's some decent waifus in it, I'll buy it.

Map reuse is more of a size issue but when totaled with VC2s maps, there is a great variety all around. Revisiting the dusty trenches and gloomy skies of nagiar was so fun since it didnt get enough time in vc1.

Fencer isnt useless, just not that useful in most situations. If you need someone tanky to run in and get a guy behind cover and capture a base, theyre great. And the anti tank fencers with the war hammers, can one shot heavy tanks or leave them with like 30 hp. Id say lancers are the least useful class once you get anti tank 3 shot snipers.

Grenade lancers are useless true, 3 shot snipers are the best in the game, and flamethrowers have their use but the main guns are stronger.

Some things can stand to be fixed but its easily the best in the series and one of the best portable games ever made

>fencer is a useless class

You can 1-hit everyone with elite fencers. For me, they were the most efficient way to kill those valkyra robots (I don't remember their name)

>valkyra robots
You mean VC2? Fencers were great in that game, but nerfed to shit come VC3.

>waned a nextgen sakura wars real hard
lol wat
no they don't dude

last thing we need is a new sakura wars game tbqh

sakura wars 3 HD port would be good though, but not a new game
the formula is exhausted and they can't really improve it after they shot it to perfection on 3/4


Fencers are good in 2 but crap in 3 but that doesn't matter so much as they don't fit into the world where the tech is fanciful takes on practical equipment

You could do the same in VC3 against the calamity raven's robots that were pretty much the same as the valkyria robots from VC2


getting some smt vibes 2bh

anime tiddies = hype

It could be good but it doesn't have the interesting design anymore (practical equipment in a flamboyant jrpg style). Valkyrie's could use magical bullshit melee weapons because they were literally rare magical bullshit but now everyone's swinging around giant weapons and it just looks like a standard jrpg.

These designs are chuuni as fuck.


No, it became sword wielding chuuni shit.

Where is the turn based combat?


The ONLY way I will preorder this is if we get to save Selvaria this time.

Then you can start now

There's no point in talking about this game right now, they're redoing nearly all of it thanks to Japanese feedback from the demo, which was absolute SHIT by the way.

Looks like your brother from fable 3

>a bootleg Selvaria
>settling for a bootleg version of your waifu
For shame user.

>We're going to keep milking Selvaria's big titties and bring her back over and over
>But you can't play as her
>Here's your generic male JRPG protag and his harem of plastic girls instead

Just make a whole game starring Not-Selvaria already you fucking hacks. Her DLC in VC1 was one of the few times I was satisfied with paid DLC (even though you couldnt play as her until the end)

>no tanks
>no squads
>no organization
>just a rag-tag group of 3 teenagers with attitude stopping the Imps

The character designs look okay but god, those weapons. This is something I'd expect from Compile Heart.


I'm fine with a big sword, but what the fuck is a trap wielding a staff doing Is he really going to fucking cast spells like a wizard?

>Just a single teenage scout winning the war

>3 teenagers winning the war

Its an upgrade

This is a spin off right?


>Imps running at you in gothic plate that doesn't even try to not be medieval and swords

Yes, but it still pisses me off that this is the Valkyria game we're going to see return on consoles since VC1 instead of VC4.

Not all that hyped about these character designs.

Bring back Raita.


Now the game becames a Mouso/Action shit ?

Can we have turn based game back ?

This game is going to be shit, and you sadly know it anons.

WHen is this getting released again?

>no one mentioning that his absolute disaster is getting a rework due to feedback

come on guys, you gotta be on top of these things

>weapons and magic

Guess that answers

>looking like something that you'd expect from Tsunako
>a bad thing

Compile Heart's designs tend to be great. Same with the writing.

It's the gameplay portion that tends to destroy CH games, along with the excessive recycling of resources.

Wait, can we get these Demos? With a JPN PSN account?

I hope it bombs so they stick to the good old formula for future entries.

>Compile Heart's designs tend to be great. Same with the writing.
Can you please do me a favor and die?

>hating on FFF

okay mr. memes

The only character design I hate is the protagonist looking like a generic edgy serious protagonist with yellow eyes, a long coat and an abnormally big sword.

But the gameplay, that's no cult classic. That's beyond mediocre, that's worse than even launch game PS2 ARPG systems. The ranged combat is also complete garbage, and the cover seems stilted and not worth finangling with except when forced to. It's a good thing they're actually stepping back to turn it into a strategy RPG again, but unless it's delayed to completely allow for a reworking, it'll be complete and utter garbage. Especially since it's the modern Shining devs behind this.

>bootleg steampunk monado

>when using weapons and magic
>and magic

Would a game just about her (or a lookalike) sell in Jap Land?


I can't figure out the taste of the people of Wa sometimes so I don't know, but I'd buy it

>port VC1 to PC
>wow, this sold way more than we anticipated, thank you so much everyone!
>our new Valkyria project is this JRPG with almost zero tactical combat and is literally only related to the franchise by title

Cool, thanks. Fuck a proper VC game, this is what everyone was hoping for. Just kill me, it will be easier than hopelessly waiting for VC4.

Looks nothing like Shin Megami Tensei

What the fuck is this shit?

Didn't we go from WWI to WWII aesthetics? Shouldn't this be like Vietnam or Korean war?

The fuck is with the anime transformer weapoins and shit?

>this sold so much

Bitch please.

They already knew how much the fans loved the first game on PS3. The community was constantly shilling the game for Sega. Of course we didnt call it shilling back then.

And they fucking took a dump on us by making VC2 and 3