Since SV is flopping on steam we won't get EV huh?

Since SV is flopping on steam we won't get EV huh?

Don't care, I'm having fun

>You didn't fall for the PC meme

>3rd most selling on steam

Nice one salty sony pony

I really wish it was a better port. I'm disappointed in XSEED

Xanadu Next when?

what you need to understand is that if you port a game to pc it is not for the revenue
it is for the free publicity that pc gaymers create

Thank god, PC kiddies have forever ruined SK threads, maybe we can recover if the PC never get a glorious ninja titty game again.

>not being pc+ps4 masterrace


It was pure waifuposting. Now there'll just be more of it

>Tried multiplayer game once
>Joined game. Doesn't know what to do.
>Kill some bots
>Killed by ult from other side of the room.
>Game ends as someone already got 30k score.
>Back to story mode

IDK man, I feel like this game would be ruined by hackers before anything else.

Have you seen the fucking threads on Sup Forums? They been nothing, but shitposting

I want PCfags and normies fuck off.

Where did you get your data from? It's been available for only 5 hours.

>PS4 masterrace

What's so great about the PS4 that I should buy it over a new card and CPU?
>But PSN ex-
Adding in emulation of any past gen before the last, mods, and actually being useful outside a second media player?


I rather want the 3DS games on steam instead of EV

EV was never going to get released anyway, XSEED already said so.

Anyway if you actually cared about this series you would already own the consoles for it.

This happens with every new release. Wait a few days and the threads will go back to normal

What so great about PC gaming if it has no games?

I don't think any PC player would be terribly upset that this less-than-mediocre musou clone won't be getting any more games on PC. The game isn't even good wankbait, the models are absolutely terrible and the characters are the most generic, uninspired anime shit possible.

Define flopping though?
SV isn't GTAV or Tortanic, 10k should be enough for breaking even.

Give it time, look how well Neptunia sold. Never underestimate the weebs.

>XSEED already said so
post source faggot

Not him, but they said they were unsure if they were able to bring EV to the PC.

Sony probably cockblocking it.

You're preaching to the choir, most positive posters are xseed employees. We're their bank on cons.

I'm guessing he looked at how many people are playing it. Peak is 707 people. That doesn't represent sales of course.

I know you want to project Sony onto PC but :
It doesn't need games unlike the PS4 to begin with.

Ports are better, can play any gen before 2007 with improvements, can get games for way cheaper legally as well, I can multitask with gaming.

You DO realise most of it's just shitposters and falseflags right? Besides the shitposting comes from both sides.

>Fucking PCfags will RUIN these threads!
>Thanks for beta testing Sonycucks!

>PC doesn't need games

Why would you need games when you can just shitpost and play scraps :^)

Bringing this game to the PC was the worst thing XSEED has ever done and I will buy every single game from them onward used.

Go fuck yourselves you fucking jews

Games aren't food and have some universal sense of quality unless they really fuck up the port.
Since when did even trolling memes become awful food analogies?
Never mind most people end up playing a game for a month then shelving it on any platform. You're wasting your money regardless.

>When you can just shitpost
You're doing that now fuccboi.

Man, this place is just awful from every angle. Why do I even come here anymore? And I don't mean, Sup Forums, I mean Sup Forums. Most of the other boards I go to are alright.

I hear you user.

This user speaks the truth. Vita releases on steam are some of the most cancerous times on Sup Forums

If you want to talk about the game then you will just have to wait out the shitstorm and come back in a week or two, preferably never, for your own good.

so many companies trying to copy neptunia's success
it will probably never happen again too since neptunia was a novelty on steam before the wave of weebshit that followed


Getting away from Sup Forums is a good thing. It's such a cesspool of shitposting and trolls. You'll find you enjoy games in general more when you aren't here very often.

PCfags don't deserve it.

So I hope it does flop.

in these pc ports cases, it's just buttblasted vita/pscucks.

60 fps warm anime titty