Yfw he whips it out

yfw he whips it out

>Spider Mastermind boss

Hey you can't just take the Doomguy's sword like that! That's stealing!

where is the crack already

But Doomguy still has his sword.

>blizzard buffs bastion instead of nerfing him

They gave him a sword now?


It's from the leaked singleplayer campaign you idiot. Blizzard wasn't content with just shitting on Battleborn's plate, so they decided to steal it from them too.

is this one of the worst endings in gaming or what



Being a poorfag must really suck i feel u senpai

>ends with a satisfying boss fight
What ending would you have wanted? You killed the demons, what's more to say?

>And so once again the day was saved, thanks to the Doomslayer

Why the fuck didn't Doomguy just rip and tear this asshole the moment he saw him? He had more than enough reason to. Dude just wants to take a nap after defeating hell for the billionth time and these candy ass scientists ruin everything.

Doomguy wants to rip&tear for all eternity but the demons tricked him into taking a nap.

>Crack? Crack? Crack? Any y'all niggas got da crack?

Fuck off Tyrone

New doom singleplayer was boring as fuck,has shitty arena maps, and boring gameplay, and that shitty and stupid as fuck half life ending. Repetitive as fuck and not worth playing because of it

I think its a perfect cliffhanger ending desu. The crisis is solved, portal closed. Hayden got what he wanted out of doomslayer but still has his own agenda. He may be useful in the future so he teleports his ass away before he can do more damage to the infrastructure. Its only disappointing because theres currently no planned dlc :/

Take off your nostalgia googles and you will see that it has better combat than original doom´s circle strafe everything and never get hit

>not getting paid to play new videogames
Housesitting/pet sitting is dope

no user you are the demons

>missing shoulder trumpets


man you really convinced me I didnt have a blast with this game with those hot opinions, the threads def better for it

>It's over, doomguy. I have the high ground!

>rich kid gets sympathy "work" from parent's friends
>thinks everyone has it this easy
even other first worlders aren't as lucky as you are

I have money, but I'd rather use it on booze and unhealthy food, since they're harder to get for free than videogames

then get a real life job you nigger.

Thats still the basic strategy for projectiles. I kept getting rekt by imp fireballs trying to juke them only to find that they will always miss strafing in one direction. Thanks misc rune trial!

>I'm not the villain in this story

There's a community page for people here on the base for pet owners and people constantly look for sitters. Easy $15-50 a day just for changing my base of operations, playing with animals, and going for walks.

Plus I have an actual job as well, it stacks well.

its basically half life...which is ironic because half life is just a rip off of doom

Its because you make shit money poorfag. This game is bought and paid for full price in less than 3 hours at my job but please keep blowing what little you make on alcohol and cigarettes goiym no one cares that you cant afford you hobby so you have to steal.

holy shit

>a chainsaw is a sword


Funny thing is that no one said anything about a villain. Guy subconsciously knows it or some shit


whats it like being a criminal you piece of shit

What a bad, sad opinion

thats a chainsword
not a chainsaw


There will be dlc. you can buy the season pass right now

supposedly its only multiplayer maps and shit. Maybe theyll change their mind now that the game has sold like a gorillion. They clearly werent confident in the game because they only started running ads once it was well received.

>I'm not the villain in this story

liar, LIAR!!!