Steam Profile Thread

Post em' faggots

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Do you really care this much about what others think you have to get approval on 4chab?

>Dumb Reddit levels irony memer is insecure about his life

oh wow haha nice

Maybe if you put more memes in your profile you'll look cool for Sup Forums. Actually no not really you're just a faggot. I hope you posted that image ironically

Kill yourself faggot doom is a shit game I bet you are 14

I don't get it. How can you be so utterly retarded and incapable of functioning that you think it's cool, unique, or funny to reference that you browse Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums?

Coincidentally you're the type of cancer that ruins the site and you alone.

my profile has a big titted anime woman with cat ears and i think thats okay

>paying money for Doom in the fucking current year
It most certainly is.

My profile image is of a cat making a funny face.

Fuck off faggot.

Like seriously what is the point? It looks autistic to peolle that don't browse the site and they will isolate you. It looks autistic to people that do browse Sup Forums and actually have discussions outside of 5 year old Reddit shitposts and they will avoid you like the plague. All you'll get is attention from other cancerous shitposts as completly oblivious to reality as you are.

Get my blog post?


>King Slumlord the Degenerate

So another pretentious faggot trying to alienate the rest of the Steam multiplayer playerbase by presenting himself with an obnoxious profile

I'm pretty gay

fuck off Sim

Can you or anyone itt please answer ? I legitimately don't see the logic in doing what these underage faggots do.

cutebois where u @? I wanna stalk cute profiles

I'm a cute boy. You can have fun stalking all the lewd details of my profile here:

Haha dAE quirky to ironically hate stuff you clearly spend alot of timr on??????11

They want attention from cancerous shitposters, clearly.


cuteness level: 2/10 step it up

I'm gonna stalk your lemoe frie- aww. he's canadian...

>38 hours in 2 weeks
>a lot
you're pretty casual if you think that, user

such a weaboo,

wanna be my friend?

Hey user, I think I saw you in a thread a while back. It was something about steam avatars?

Small world.


Most cancerous profile at this time.
Lets see if we've got any more good candidates.
Your effort to be the cancer is 10/10

You should re-evaluate your life

Shitposting thread?

Damage control desu.

jesus christ

What's wrong with Canadians? Explain to me pls, people seem to hate em.

Nothing really. Apparently they're nice. But I just hate them. Nothing personnel.

I've been meaning to update my artwork showcase for a while.

>152 friends
>Sup Forums groups

Latest pioneers of CURRENT YEAR and often embody the worst of American-type progressives.
Often smug while also holding up that image of "aw shucks, us polite Canadians huh?"

>using Steam for your PC games


>cuteness of the charts
>but canada
So this is the power of crossroads? Not bad.

That's embarrasing, user...

I hardly ever use steam.

It's always Ontario. Always.

This is the most "pls validate me Sup Forums" type thing I've seen in ages

This isnt even worth posting

Well, you replied, so it's worth something at least

What do people find so fun about Dota that makes them log 1000's of hours into it? Am I missing something, or?

that was kinda gay

I know you are but what am I :^)

>what am I


rate senpai

>people with ironic, meme, le funny face, or weeb profile pics.

Whenever i see those things i instantly see the person as less than human.

People who think ironic shit is funny need to die


Would be nice if it had some paberu hakase or cia desu in there, but still stalkable.

ICP? Hahahaha, that's a really funny meme profile you got there

>Le epic Sup Forums meme man

Video games are fun.

Do not even so much as look at my profile if you are unattractive.

>Tfw Reddit has taken over Sup Forums

How did we let this happen?

tell me i'm average pls

what the fuck is the title for that shit your profile pic is in? I can't for the life of me remember.


heres your (YOU) fagola

I know it's degenerate, but I can't help it...

>Dick Kickem and Felicia


Oh. Alright then.

>file deleted

Too bad.

You get stalked.

is that you on the pic?

are you a fighter jet that browses Sup Forums instead of flyring around and shooting stuff?

i bet you are


Holy shit, I was actually checking out your profile a week ago. I didn't know your browsed Sup Forums

Where the fuck did you get a Makoto bodypillow from?


If my anus does not get dick I shall die. Penis is air for my butthole.

I didn't think I was ready for thedegrading bullying ;_;

See though

These are the people that the public associates Sup Forums with.

I don't understand. You clearly belong Reddit.. why drag chan down instead? You're not wanted here

But Sup Forums was made for anime

Steam glitched out or something, I only have 200 hours in cs.

Give me your worst.

Don't even look was the first thing I said so why couldn't you listen
Why'd you skip me

Yes. Here is me dropping a paveway during testing.

Hello, I am looking for friends to play video games with!

Sup Forums was made so I can shit all over you for liking what I dont like

There's a difference between liking anime and actyally making it your entire forced quirky persona and unironically labelling yourself a weeaboo

If you're anything outside the former you can fuck write off to Reddit or tumblr

Your game completion rate is awful
who /anzac/ here?

Blinded by a cute profile.

fucking nice

I believe the website you were searching for is Gaia

Thank you.

Sometimes I think about actually writing a paragraph about me in the "about me" section. I'm tired of the quirky quips. I might sit down and unironically tell people a little about me.

I get bored of games fast.

i don't understand how memes this old can be funny to anyone

or "ironic" memes in general

Is that on some sort of airplane? How is the camera so stable?

But aren't those people indicative of what Sup Forums is?
No idiots with more than 30 friends, MMO players, or EUrochinks.

finally some appreciation

Do it little by little till you have a lot of lines.

Quirky shit only tells me that you bought out a cultural idea and likely as thus due to associating so much with said idea aren't much of an individual but more a means to get random shit. You don't even have to tell someone about your personality. Just tell then your interests and don't try to hyo anything up that you are interested in (not hyping something up will make me think you aren't consumerist in nature and as thus a faggot submissive to groupthink.)
