Tank starts hitting on you

>tank starts hitting on you

>healing tank
>hit on him in party chat
>he tells you to stfu fag
>he shyly whispers you asking to continue

>not taking a huge load whenever the tank demands it
are you that worthless as a healer?

>healing tank
>he calls me a healslut
>stops healing
>sorry babe, it was the last time, gimme another chance
>heals again
>mfw he call me a slut again

Jesus man... it ain't easy.

(Also sauce on?)

>Tank calls you a faggot and tells you to shut up and heal
>heal badly on purpose so he can yell at me again.


Gimme sauce

>healer forgotten to heal you because he was too busy sucking dicks

Is being a healslut in WoW any fun?

>teammate takes a killing blow for you

>get a new healer
>old healer gets clingy for some reason and will not leave the party even if they're playing dps now

Do this all the time as Reinhardt for D. Va's ult. Charge it away and back at their team. Very few times do people even notice, but I'll always keep doing it.

im curious about this as well. currently leveling a Disc priest and i must know

You know you can just shield up and get everyone behind you... Right?

Yes, but it's always more satisfying to send it back into the D. Va who ulted and kill her.

"Healer go help with dps FFS"

It used to be great but only if you got a guild. Haven't played in many years tho.

The most fun thing was early WoTLK disc priest healing.
Why? Because you needed to manage your mana. And a little talent allowed you to heal very efficiently, as long as you do not overheal. So you needed to time your heals, not spam them.

I was a main healer in my guild during Naxx v2.0 and Ulduar. Had a holy pally bro. It was awesome. I knew he had the throughput to heal through hell and back. He knew i got the shields and burst heals to save a tank from brink of death.
...I should return in Legion.

Fuck healing. DPS is king. Can easily kill tank or heals, only trouble is with other deeps. I guess it is a good thing that there are so many you fucks in game though.

Warlock master race reporting.


>Have gay fantasies all the fucking time
>start drinking chamomile tea
>gay thoughts go away

sorry senpaitachi its just from my collection of cropped porn

>restored his insight
>doesn't understand why he is slightly less retarded

Fucking casuals.

too bad chamomile tea is just about the GAYEST thing to drink second only to cum

>be tank
>healer keeps running ahead and pulling groups
>work hard to keep everything under control even though we're constantly overwhelmed
>healer yells at dps for not doing enough damage
>healer adds me and makes me tank for them all weekend
>yells at me for trying to tank for another healer


life is a series of compromises

Panzermandels was great.

>Have gay fantasies all the fucking time
>start balding
>gay thoughts crushed
I'll never be a cute girl but I'll be the spookiest bald skeleton instead

Who is this semen demon?

It's the best
>treated like a girl. everyone wants you in their groups and gives you free loot
>people treat you very well in general, dps gets the majority of blame in fights.
>healers in PVP are not that common but every group NEEDS one to do well.

You're not bald online unless you wanna be, user. Plenty of young fags would want you to stab them in the anus, might be hard to find it the other way though.


What about 2 warlocks against, say, rogue and priest?

These get worse with every new iteration.

Were they out of Chili Dogs? Iszat why he cry?

That ones kind of accurate though. Most healing threads on Sup Forums are just people erping

>Sup Forums healers

For me DPS is the most boring job in MMOs. You need to know how to gear, and learn your rotation, that's it. It's so repetitive and...unambitious.

Healing on the other hand is very situational. There's no set rotation. Every fight has different damage sources and knowing them is key. Often you need to make split-second decisions and if you choose wrong the raid wipes. A good healer can carry more than you might think.

What's wrong with her vagina?



get that shit out of here, why is everything gay here, jesus christ.

>cast heal on the tank when he gets hit
So dynamic and fast paced, I don't know how you do it

ew, cooties

Actually, it`s tanks job to herd a pack of wild monkeys on dps duty. Healers are too overwhelmed, while tanks often just have to stay in place, use his rotation for 5 minutes and sometimes push "ohshit" button, letting him be a raid leader.

It's ok user, I still love (and heal) you.

we need more versions

>tfw im a straight cute boy
>tfw no cute onee-san

I like to think that the gays here are just a very vocal minority

>this is what DPSfags actually believe
Not every fight is tank n spank.

>play with /vg/ on nostalrius
>make a healslut
>start ERPing with the guild leader
>submissive healslut
>suck his cock in emotes in front of others
>his succubus doms me
>call him master all the time
>obey every ludicrous command
>hot as fuck
>wants pictures of me irl
>he starts asking where I live
>he lives super close to me
>starts asking if he can send me cages and clothes and shit
>asks for my address
>wants to come over


>revive teammate
>they get headshot while standing up

You healsluts are sub-human

>mash 1,2,3 on the enemy's back until its dead
Wow so much depth us DPSers truly are the best of the best

>half the raid is on fire, second healer may or may not be AFK, there`s about 8 seconds before big AOE, tank is being hit, some retard is staying in red circle, your phone rings.

clearly you need to get everyone in on it

You're in too deep!

Good DPS can make the fight 20x less work for healers and will carry the fuck out of the group.

There's a reason why when you get more comfortable with fights you can start cutting a healer here and there.

DPS is king.

>tank calls you sugar

>sage goes in to every field

sluts deserve dicks. You wanted this.

>he thinks I'm dps
You just stand in the back and do what your told while I keep everythings attention and deal with the dps doing dumb shit and dragging more enemies in or keeping them from being attacking while they figure out which end of a sword goes where

what kind of gay servers you people play? all my healer experience are people micspamming me to heal them and brazilians shouting some weird sort of language

>tfw girl who tanks
>want nothing more than a straight qt healer boy
>every healer is a raging faggot instead

Fake stories mostly.

D Va's ult is hardly a threat. I can't get any kills with it because everyone fucking hears NERF THIS and runs to cover.
I'm never going to get the kill 4 with her mech achievement

>playing with PUGs
in-guild runs ONLY

post tits

Be glad he doesn't call you a stupid slut even when you do well.

>Tfw straight boy healer
>No one fucking thanks me or even protects me as I heal them
Life is hard

Source is Otome Drops.

Pretty damn long though, this specific sex scene starts like 45-50 pages in, but there are some before it too.


>tfw healer praises your dps
>tfw tank pulls larger groups because they trust you
>tfw other dps tries to push themselves even further to match you

Chastity cages, they go on your dick

you just have to push the onee-san angle

Faggot penis traps

>great at every class
>only ever get asked to heal
>because everyone else keeps fucking shit up
>because "that guy" insists he can dps or tank when he suffers from narcolepsy and seizures

Literally getting too chivalrous for this shit

>that feel when I am the tank

Literal worst fetish. Even worse than shit.

>tfw at the end of the night you're still the biggest dick DPS
>getting your dick sucked when everyone is going over logs

Feels good to be a God at MMOs.

You're a fucking heal slut. You can't expect anything less.

Chastity should be mandatory for healsluts.

You realize disc healing today is literally DPSing while heals automatically go out

Now that seems highly implausible

>tfw gay healer
>have to pretend to be a girl to get the tank to thank me
He knows i want his dick, but he doesn't know he's getting mine.


>Vanilla WoW
>Be Pally
>Tanking because no tanks were available
>Occasional fuckup because can't hold aggro all the time
>Warrior finally joins
>Get moved onto healer slot

>doubting the Christie suspension

>years ago thought healslutting would be fun
>was a tsundre healslut
>always playing hard to get but a couple guildies got to invade my wet
>join the vent one night
>3 guys are talking about me
>they're all wondering if I'm really a girl or not
>they see me in vent
>ask me to talk
>I panic and jump to another room
>I get some softcore bating porn on and get my mic close to speakers
>one guy comes in, doesn't know exactly what's going on, realizes, then gets the other guys
>these retarded virgins think I'm a girl bating on vent and forgot to leave the channel
>let this go for a few minutes before quickly leaving vent completely
>next day one guy brings it up in guild chat
>EVERYONE attacks him and he nearly gets gkicked
>getting whispers all day asking how I'm doing, getting free stuff in the mail, getting run through everything I want
>don't have the heart to tell them I'm a dog.

This is obviously Redrop, you casteless subhumans.

Damn it, blizzard.

>tfw old man healer
>just want to lead this group of whippersnappers through the dungeon safely
>threatened to have my wizarding license revoked if they don't come home in one piece
>can't save them from their own stupidity no matter how hard I try
>they're fucking dying while ERPing

If you want my opinion, I could probably beat both the priest and rogue with just my lock. Seduce, abuse.

They're that much eager when they can't even touch their cock if they wanted to. And the best part is you can tease and edge them all you want and then slip the cage back on and leave them in their puddle of precum to deal with it.

>Girls und Panzer

I don't really like anime but I feel compelled to watch this just for the title. What am I in for?

A shitty
>cute girls doing cute things
>sometimes with tanks

Sounds boring

>Vanilla Pally

my condolences. They were only good for buffs and memes.

cast meteor please I wanna see it!

I love this pic because girl on the right is totally into what just happened.