What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


The almost non-existent marketing/advertising

also not appealing to waifu fags


what game is that?


Nothing went wrong. Players love the game, more content is coming, and the playerbase remains strong.



>only checking the PC stats
Consoles exist too, you know

> a tremendous band of badass heroes



On PC. There are such things as consoles that make up the majority of the gaming population.

They challenged Blizzard.
The End

you mean plebs?

Xbox game hub says 982 current players

The game is also $39 burgerbucks

If it has the word Badass in the flavour text then based on my experience it's probably shit

This, the game has been out for less than a month and they're already rediculously desperate to boost the playerbase

Not him but is there a way to check those numbers then? I couldn't imagine a game like that being very popular on consoles and playing it on a larger screen doesn't seem like it would be any easy either.

unappealing design

challenged Blizzard


1 fucking month later

No way to check those numbers on the computer

EXBAWKS has some playercount thing and I'm sure Playstation has something simmilar

We don't have exact numbers but it's ranked next to titan fall on the xbox live's popularity list. take that how you will.

Don't lie


Australia pls leave!
also yes it was 5 hours ago when it was linked.

the non-waifu characters suck too
it just has a bunch of shitty characters that appeal to no one


Sigh. I guess Sup Forums really is populated mainly by literal children. I guess you guys were busy with rehearsing for the school play to remember that Borderlands 1, and LoL, and Dota 2 started off with low player counts but then exploded in popularity. There's no reason to think that Battleborn won't do the same.

I didn't think Chinese people were allowed to use Sup Forums.

Go back to where ever you came from. Your kicking and screaming wont save a literal dying game.

> even kotaku says it's a dead game


*slaps you*
Stop that

i want to believe this is a copy-pasta

Oh okay I guess my photographic evidence is moot because it was different 5 hours ago

I was able to find Battleborn though, seemingly doing worse than a mobile game port

Jesus christ dude again? Fucking rotate your images.

fuckin aussies man

Surely I'm not the only one who finds it suspicious how shortly after release many gaming sites and posters declared that Battleborn is "dying" or "dead." Something is amiss. It's like someone organized a campaign against Battleborn.

>almost non-existent advertising

Nigger, they were spamming this shit every 2 minutes on every television channel where it was even remotely relevant to interests. It just looked like shit with them airing their tryhard OP video against Overwatch's character commercials and Tracer spam.

I seriously can't believe how big of a flop Battleborn is. Holy shit dude, someone hold me.

It's "journos" fishing for clicks

the same thing happened with the gamers are dead thing

>implying that people actually watch tv

Wow you are right, look how it slowly gains players!

But Battleborn has 37 billion players on pc

someone post the image
I didn't save the proof

Maybe it went down because of Memorial Day weekend? It'll rise soon.

> Battleborn is superior to Overwatch and has more content
> Blizzard bullies and sabotages Battleborn
> Sup Forums cheers on the bully instead of the victim

You people make me sick

Nah, it's just a bad game

>A games popularity going DOWN during a 3 day weekend

Nigga, look at the stats for any of the other top 10 games on steam. They all went UP during the 3 day weekend.

> less people play a game a month after release compared to the release date

Wow. Got any more nuggets if wisdom for us, captain obvious?

They just jump ship when they can't win, you should know they're spineless gits.

They tried to compete with this.


>Sup Forums cheers bullies

where do you think we are?

also, Gearbox deserves it for what they did with aliens and duke nukem

It was released.

>Bad advertising
>Shitty art direction
>UI is barf worthy
>Trying to compete with Blizzard
>Trying to use the humor they had in Borderlands 2 that was already stale by the year Borderlands 2 released
>Bad gameplay
>Somehow less original and interesting designs than Overwatch
>females are completely unattractive losing the waifufag sex appeal
I just don't know.

>Blizzard bullies and sabotages Battleborn

[citation needed]

Okay, by your logic, TF2 should have nobody playing it. Yet it has almost 40x the playerbase of Battleborn.

go away australia

>Gearbox games
Why did you even bother asking.

people are tired of gearbox and their shit

>company systematically destroys all goodwill with the general public.
>surprised people are cheering when they fuck up.

>da big ol meanies at blizzard SABOTAGED gearbox (see: the greatest developers ever) by releasing their new game around the same time as ours


Nukem was fucked before gearbox got it, but you are right about aliens

That was exactly my reason not to buy it, despite playing beta and thinking it was ok.
I just hadn't the faith that gearbox would support that game farther than they could throw it.

it tried to compete with overwatch instead of being its own thing.

also that price cut swindled fucking everybody who bought the game out of 20 bucks so that was poor form on their part

Its GG sabotaging everything! Didn't you see the twitter?!
fucking BB drone

Yeah, fuck Gearbox! We have something called integrity here!
*buys activision game*

Learn to use a camera, Australia

>immediately thought i buy actikike products

damage control i see eh?


lmao how is this still up, I thought Blizz was removing all Overwatch porn.

Kill yourself.

>Implying I bought Overwatch or any Actishitzzard game
>Implying I even buy games

Keep eating the cum coming out of Gearbox's vagina, asshole. The only good game they've ever made was Opposing Force, and that wasn't even a proper video game.

take the picture and then rotate it instead of just throwing it on Sup Forums

I'm playing the shit out of Battleborn. Partially because it's damn fun, but mostly because it seems like it won't be another month before the population falls into triple digits. RIP in peace, gearcuck. I don't think I'll miss you.

This qt is trapped in a failed game. He will never get more porn. Who else is trapped?


the loli, just cover her mouth with a tape and she is great

Unappealing character design?

At the very least, it's a strong contender for the biggest failure of 2016.

Turns out people don't really want to kill creeps in 1st person

I want to tongue her brown hole


Oscar Mike is the only decent character design in this game and it's a damn shame he's stuck in it.

And he isn't even super good, either.

Is there any context to this webm? I've seen it around but I'm curious why that hamplanet is freaking out


>Dying Light


>Plants V. Zombies

it went up against Overwatch

plus the bad rep of Gearbox hurt it

Is it him or the Heavy with a tiny head that thinks feminism is awesome?

That's the number of people who rated the game

elaborate on their bad rep, just out of curiosity

A presentation from a group that she doesn't agree with. To be fair the group is pretty much only known for trolling SJW crowds at colleges for being SJW, but the people that protest it only really prove them right.

aw yeah here we go this is my favorite part.... >MUH CONTEXT!!!

What's the context?

>elaborate on their bad rep, just out of curiosity

the shitstorm of Aliens Colonial Marines
how bad everything in Borderlands and it's sequels
fucking up Duke Nukem Forever

Just wait someone will show up to try and defend it.

Is the page supposed to show population?

Because Sunset Overdrive sure as shit doesn't have a higher population than Killer Instinct and Gears of War

Overwatch has less players than black ops 1 and destiny


Duke Nukem Forever
Aliens: Colonial Marines

it's a line for when he kills women, it's literally him mocking them, but Sup Forums is too stupid to know that context does matter

YESSS thank you

To answer your question (not defending cuz I think it's kinda silly) he can say that line after killing female characters. It's vaguely written and I'm not totally sure why it's even in the game.