When did the COD kid stereotype even start? Did it just come from nowhere?
When did the COD kid stereotype even start? Did it just come from nowhere?
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This thread is pointless. These kids likes to shoot stuff and feel they can kill someone. Most of them have bad parents who don't care for them
Let them alone.
its not a stereotype. it just became the game and every kid played it
>mlp hat
I'd speculate around 2007.
All the kiddies jumped into CoD 4, leaving Halo 3 relatively screecher-free.
Ahhhh ok, is this also when kids started getting into online gaming?
7 years ago when CoD kids were kids and not young adults discussing how "4 is the best game in the series and totally one of the best shooters ever made".
Really? Back when I was a kid I thought shooter games were boring and would rather play Mario.
t. ex-CoD kiddie who "grew up"
This meme always gets me
regular show*
eh, they were always there. I reckon there were more than a few kids in DOOM and quake deathmatches
not everyone is an autist like you family
Me too but maybe he had good parents.
I despised shooters and thought they were an idiot genre back when I was a kid. I don't really regret is since playing doom and quake 3 as an adult managed to leave even more impression than it would back then.
Those sure are some badass kids with the new Xbox, huh?
It came from reality. Just like GTA kids in the PS2 era. Do you really think just because it says M on the box that parents didn't buy this shit for their kids when asked?
>Xbox markets every 360 with a mic
>play most popular shooter
>open mics everywhere
Gee I wonder.
I was an idiot who just didn't "get" FPS as a kid and was confused when I tried playing doom on SNES or turok on N64, didn't really grasp it until I played the demo for Halo and had a ton of fun
CoD kids are the evolution of halo kids circa 2005. I blame halo for dumbing down fps and opening up the market.
you sounded like a huge fag as a kid
I still refuse to believe this isn't edited.
It's hard to say, user. I was like 12 when I first got XBL, so it's hard to remember what the make-up of the population was like. I want to say that around 2003-2007, most of the people online tended to be pretty cool and easy to talk to. And in 2007, CoD4 was the "cool, realistic" game at the time, and Halo 3 was the "big, blocky, colorful game for kiddies".
The kiddies wanted to be hardcore, so they gravitated towards CoD 4. And since then, Xbox Live has felt like degenerative trash. I wouldn't be surprise if CoD was the reason children and manchildren started jumping into online console gaming enmasse.
Not that I have anything against CoD. The little I've played of it was enjoyable, but it's not my type of game.
the problem was COUNTER STRIKE not Halo.
I was 13 in 2004 and I remember everyone was playing Counter Strike and couldn't care less for Halo or single player shooters.
Yea but back then you needed lans or an amazing modem with a dedicated line to play against other people. That kept out most of the douches.
I edited the photo just for this fucking thread...
I was a freshmen in college and I remember being hyped that people were gaming until I noticed it was all bros. than tjat summer I came home and all the bros wanted to play halo with my friends. They didn't understand that we played smash
Not the text, the kids holding the boxes.
Surely they're holding regular 360s.
Near my house two LANs were filled with fat kids who were there from 1 PM to 10 PM.
They screamed all day long. They used to eat cheetos with Pepsi and Grease the mouse and keyboard.
Yeah man, I was 12 when MW2 came out, that shit was sick.
Sadly no...
You should have done something dude.
I tried to convince them to let me suck their dicks but they said they weren't gay and beat me with a garden hose.
As weird as it sounds I was jealous of those kids. Thank heavens my mom forced me to go outside
My house is right beside a schoolyard, and I have to hear kiddies all the time.
I hear this shit every day:
>indiscernable indiscernable CALL OF DUTY indiscernable
>kids on monkey bars
>one of them swings and lets go
>shouts "CALL OF DUTY ATTACK!" as he lands on the ground
I mean like you should have told them you worked for IW, and say that the server would be shut down and they would all have their accounts removed if they didn't shut the fuck up so the mature players can enjoy the game.
They were ok, their parents were awful though. They didn't give them any moral education, today they are lost.
I never had any problems with them anyway, they were cool with me. I just thought it was disturbing to be in that place with all those screaming and fat kids.
>>shouts "CALL OF DUTY ATTACK!" as he lands on the ground
I probably would have done this for my favorite game as a kid
I don't think that most stupid kids know about PC gaming, so we should keep it that way.
Believe it or not, I was the only one in my class interested in video games.
Wow are you legitimately fucking retarded? It was a joke you stupid faggot. Also you spelled retard wrong you stupid cunt.
God, how do fuckers like you even breath?
Fucking piece of shit.
"CALL OF DUTY ATTACK!" That's just amazing...
Now you sound like those fat kids.
>remember miming the stupid animations from resident evil and dino crisis as a kid
Epic le FEEL MAN XDDD meme you stupid fuck. Get the fuck off of my board.
You sound like a massive cunt. You also have to get the fuck off of my board.
Why are you linking to the cooking board?
I remember reenacting animations from Call of Duty Modern Warfare as a kid. Man, so nostalgic.
why do autistic people have to ruin every thread on this board?
Holy shit this autism
you do realize you fell for a very old bait didnt you?
>inb4 merely pretending to be retarded
Calm down dude, and I'm the OP, it just changes.
Those kids are old enough to post here now.
Shut the fuck up kiddos. You can't tell me who I am or what to do because you aren't worthy. I swear if I saw you in real life I would break your fucking noses.
Get off my board cunts.
it came from kids playing shooters and swear online. that's where it came from.
Please stop.
Neo Sup Forums
nigga those kids are 10 at most and mw3 came out late 2011
Times are changing grandpa. Get used to it.
Is he gone?
>Let them alone.
Shut the fuck up you miserable pile of dogshit.
Get off my fucking board.
jesus christ kids are terrible, my mom would literally punch me if i talked that way to her
i was more into platformers as but I enjoyed local shooters as well because it was a great way to spend time with friends.
When online multiplayer became a thing i wasn't interested at all because of both lag and playing with strangers held no appeal to me.
2007, after CoD 4 came out.
The dudebros and kiddies that played Halo switched to CoD, making CoD the king FPS game on the block.
"Get off my fucking board"
*Link to the cooking thread*
where did this meme start? MW2 was the last one I played but everyone I knew hated this map
Man, just looking at Rust makes me feel nostalgia. Such a good game in my childhood.
it was the best map for 1v1 private matches
its a game that has a 'run' button instead of just running all the time
its a game where the guns don't fire straight, because thats easier than making difficult or interesting enemies
its a game that recreates "realistic environments" instead of being creative with the visual design
its a game that teaches you the useful nationalist propaganda, that the people you are murdering are 'terrorists' and that battlefields are safe and fun
its a game where you follow one path to one goal, with constant prompting
its a game where every enemy is a man with a machine gun
HOLY SHIT, I'm triggered by you 'stalker fans' or arma players or whatever that somehow imagine you aren't playing a game tailor made for blue collars turds like yourselves
look how everyone ignored your stupid bait, user
I audibly laughed. Youre silly.
I hope that kid got smacked in the face afterwards by his mom
No. They didn't ignore me. They left because they knew I was the dominant alpha male.
Eat shit kiddo.
Those times when CoD was just another copy of Medal of Honor...
What bad parenting.
>MLP hat
well nintendobabbies think "virtual violence" is problematic and only like childish colourful games so it's to be expected :^)
I had the first Ratchet and Clank game when I was a kid. That seemed like a good midpoint between the genres.
I did the same with Beyond Oasis, pretending I'm summoning spirits and fighting big guys, running all over the damn place, gives me a damn good sense of adventure
Vidya games are for kids and kids like pretending to be older than their age, so when games became more mature focused they just went along. It's pretty normal behavior.
>When did the COD kid stereotype even start?
Who said it was a stereotype?
The fact that you have to be young and stupid to enjoy such a shitty game, that's where.
Google it you stupid fuck.
no thanks I don't want to go to jail
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