NOW suddenly people give a fuck about the series now that it on the PC

>NOW suddenly people give a fuck about the series now that it on the PC

Please explain.

a good portion of Sup Forums are pc users

You new?
Been threads about Senrans every day since burst.

PC only players? Those do exist you know, just like how there are Nintendo only players, Playstation only players and xbox only players.

Bringing this game to the PC was the worst thing XSEED has ever done and I will buy every single game from them onward used.

Go fuck yourselves you fucking jews

Or you can ignore their PC releases and exclusively buy their games on console if you're this buttblasted about them bringing their games to PC

More of the point they fucking people over who bought their game on console by making dlc free on steam.

how do you buy a used digital game

There were daily threads without shitposting until your nigger ass started making this into a console war

Even now there's no shitposting from the pc side other than fags like this

It's a 2 year old game man, plus a lot of PC players are jew as fuck. Most won't buy this game until it's $5 on sale
If it makes you feel better, japanese companies will always prioritize consoles over PC. they're not called pcucks for nothing

So I guess senran kagura normie trash now that it hit the PC, like neptunia pc ruins my weebshit again

Bullet girl or VC localization fucking when?

Beat it, newfag

it always good when u want to see some tities or ass

Who cares?

Holy fucking shit are you implying there were NEVER ninja titty burst threads? All day every fucking day these whores are posted and THAT was people not giving a fuck? I implore you to jump off of the nearest bridge.

Sup Forums is basically reddit mustards

Nude mods

Just think of it like a GOTY version you crybaby

because i wanted to play it, but didn't want to buy a shita just for one or two games

>Can no longer enjoy senran kagura because It's on the PC


>wah wah, more people get to enjoy MY game!

How petty can one nigga be?

sonyggers are very protective of their """"""""""""""exclusives""""""""""""""

It's shit game anyway


But didn't Senran Kagura first appear on the 3ds?

uh, delete this

get that """"logic"""" OUT OF HERE!!


sure is summer in here

Anyone who actually gives a shit about platform wars for this game is a faggot and never cared about the franchise in the first place.

Everyone has a PC?

there's have been shit ton of threads about it since the vita release
what are you smoking?

I don't know man, a lot of implications here. Who said I wanted these games on the PC?

we care because now we dont have to buy a dead handheld in order to play it.

Give it a week. Note how no one talks about htoL#NiQ anymore.


The fact that two sK threads are near bump limit should be enough to probe him right

that's because it's bad