The first day is stacked as fuck. Looks really good, also having Ty there makes me really happy for some reason.
Other urls found in this thread:
>no Chibi
It's shit.
Caveman is there though.
GDQs are dead
>no Gex
Well anons, looks like Im going to become a speedrunner.
See you in 5 years
I don't recognize any names there, are the original people just fucking done with this shit?
all banned
I thought Chibi's ban was removed.
Why isn't he returning?
Cuz Caveman is there and will whup his ass?
john fucking numbers
I most excited for the designated shitposting threads we will have, and also to piss of the speed running general on /vg/ with SGDQ memes
>Demon's Souls on the first day in the afternoon
Off to a great start
CavemanDCJ on the 2nd day
I forget, which one is Chibi? Was he the one who did the terrible Crash Bandicoot run while making bad suicide jokes?
There is a plethora of Chibi cringe on Youtube, here's a little taste
hope this guy comes back
Choke city bitch choke choke city bitch
I don't know about we, but I think you're a massive faggot.
t. Chibi
Who is we?
>Mario Sunshine, Link Between Worlds, Demon's Souls, Tropical Freeze, and Double Dash all cup tour on the same day, with the awful games block right after
Say what you will about the GDQ staff but they know how to make a damn good day 1 schedule.
Sup Forums
>Flintstones game on the awful games list
I can already smell the shitposting
>Ed Edd n' Eddy
mite b gud
Where's the prize list at? I want to see how much shit I can add to my prize collection this year.
>FF1 guy isn't back
Shame, I wanted to see him fuck up the easiest run ever again
>no Animorphs
it's shit
>No dark souls runs
Fucking fur fag
>he didn't watch the Animorphs play through with Keizaron
that shit was gold user, not even a furry