D.va thread

D.va thread

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I'm in love with D.Va! I'll probably never play her game, though

Same. I feel like I put in way too much work to get so little out.

She's still best girl though.

post more gamer goblins

i do what i want then i spaz

I could never play her, I hate people the same race as me.

I need your best D.Va strats


Rush to point A on every map
distract te enemy team long enough for your team to move up while the enemy at your spawn comes back to stop you
If you're still alive, repeat for point B
If you died on the point, swotch characters


The things I'd sacrifice in life just to hold their hands.

Nerf This

I just want to stroke that hair

>getting a buff

I'm taking a break from D.Va until she gets her buff
I'm learning how to play Pharah now


ohh baby




it'd be nice if you shitters stopped picking her over winston and then getting melted the second you pop your clunky asses out.

>Gamegrills are totally cute and funny and sexy when it's a 2D grill! XDDD Cute! CUTE! CUUUUTE!

i main dva and am good with her

The moment I realized that D.va's ult can be dodged by just hiding behind literally any cover I lost interest in the hero and her shitty fucking guns. She's probably one of the worst heroes in the game.

I never play D.va and everyone I see playing her is horrible. But I think people don't use her right, and she is not usefull in every situation.

It's suposed to go flying on melee range to a sniper or a support (not lucio though) and then bail out. If you are not doing this character makes no sense.

>Having a thread for a script kiddie
Sup Forums is the absolute worst


i once went on a 29 killstreak as her and got play of the game using her ult
i she isnt a easy charecter to pick up tho like soldier 76

I want to breed D.Va

I want to be D.va


If Gamer grills were actually good at games (let alone actually played them) like D.Va allegedly is then sure Sup Forums would like them.

She would be my favorite if her gun was a bit better

Yep, her pistol needs a bit more range and power. For that matter, Mercy's pistol needs a little bit more range as well, as it does quite well for a support weapon. 12 shots from it is usually enough to drop or heavily wound any character in the game.
Dva's pistol though doesnt do shit.


What is that face trying to convey?

shes a tryhard


>girls don't play games
>And they all suck!


I want to like it, but my dick senses something is off.

>tfw like dva as gameplay but hate everything about her about character

At least i got the junk skin

Zarya is about the same deal except her personality is better, just the shitty fucking hair.

Christ thats ugly.

You're right this isn't futa, what the fuck?

No matter what angle I send my mech flying in, I never get a single kill from the ult
What's the best way to use it

>29 killstreak as her
Yeah and in all likelihood your team did 97% of that work as you can tickle someone for 1 damage, run off and still get kill credit with how eliminations are counted in this game.

Not hard to do since you can pepper a room with rounds with her mech (but not actually kill anyone).

If you stand in the blast range you can guarantee at least one kill.

I play both of them mainly in koth and they have slightly different strentghs.

D.Va excells in closed off koth spots, Winston is better in the open ones.


Honestly don't expect kills. It's more useful as something to make the enemy team scatter. It's good for throwing in on big pushes or using in overtime to clear them out of the objective.

If you actually want to get kills with it, you need to take advantage of chaos. It has such a long timer that enemies have plenty of time to take cover so it helps if you use it in the middle of a big fight when enemies might be too distracted with your team to properly take cover. You can also coordinate with characters like Mei, Zarya, and Reinhardt to use your ultimates at the same time.

>friend plays lucio running around briefly spamming M1 at everything he sees

There are 3 ways to get kills with the ult.
1: Play on a team that purposely sets you up for it, with zarya/reinhardt/mei/readhog/etc.
2: Throw it into an area behind the enemy team when your sick-ass teammates are forcing them to retreat. Either they run into your ult, or they run into your team.
3: Play against absolute retards.

Since having a good team is pretty much impossible, the only real way to get ult kills is #3.

Lucio's gun actually does decent damage though

She'd the kind of girl that does anal only.

Why does Lucio have a bunch of dildos strapped to his head?

Yeah, but it's difficult to hit with, especially when you spend most of your time avoiding being shot so you can keep healing your enemies.

I managed to get triple kill with it yesterday because I grouped up with my friend who just got the game and everyone was less than lvl 10.

That's probably the only way you can get the achievement to kill 4 people with one ult.

You only need to tickle an enemy once in order to get credit for the kill, fortunately.

I wish she didn't sound like a cunt

To better fuck your team's ass

Now that Blizzard is removing Overwatch porn, are you all doing your part to archive it and redistribute it?

So I'd been pronouncing it "Dee Vee Ayy" but I just realized its a play on "Diva."



What's undeniably the best character in overwatch and why is it roadhog

Because he's the perfect hero for solo Q

Stop being a gullible tool.

>you will never relentlessly bully and harass d.va until she's in tears

Her voice doesn't even sound korean in accent or pronunciation

At least Undertale talked about the game, you guys just shitpost. This is neo Sup Forums I guess, not much different from NeoGaf.

Thanks for the blog

i wanna have s*x with d.va...

I wish she didn't keep switching from having and not having an accent.


Thanks for finally gaining the courage to suicide.

Is 15.5 average eliminations good?

Fly into the air and then activate your ult. It's especially effective if you throw it over a wall you know people are behind.

I don't get it.

PS don't judge me for Bastion, I only use him when my team sucks and we're defending.

i like this style
i hope theres more

The original picture had pokemon characters instead of overwatch. It didn't make sense, either.

>voiced by half Vietnamese/Chinese Canadian

D.Va is basically a mobile flanker/backline harasser. The problem is that she's worse at this than Winston (the biggest competition), Tracer, Reaper, and Genji at it. She is easily the worst character in the game, her only competition for worst being Bastion.

>not posting the futa variant



Also, inb4 >tumblr
I literally just use it to get the freshest fanarts.

tumblr names show up on things taken right from google search so right now only autists should get fussy about it

This is your daily reminder to appreciate the cutest part of D.Va: her facial marks!
Look at how cute they are!

I think they should either up the mech's damage or remove the turning penalty since it's gun doesn't do nearly enough damage to justify it.

Because literally every other hero is sexually attracted to him

Vote best girl

>Can vote for more than one

Will we get to see other MEKA pilots (like how we saw more of Pharah's power armor pals in the comics) or is D.Va the last one?

he finally stopped shitposting on his own website

Most likely in a comic, she isn't the only one. Just the most famous

Anyone got the salty meme with d va licking a dorito?

>Gearbox makes butch darkie tumblr women to appeal to the tumblr crowd
>tumblr loves the girly ivory Korean /m/waifu more

Too delicious an irony.

what are they for?

Not gonna lie, the only reason i like her, is because people pull out fan art so well. art based on her is much better than other characters