>There will never be a good game about the Flash at the height of his powers
Just end my life now, family
>There will never be a good game about the Flash at the height of his powers
Just end my life now, family
Basically impossible because the character is too powerful
I just want to run at 18 quintillion times the speed of light, it's not asking too much
There'd be no real challenge or progression in the game
I don't give a shit, I'm the fucking Flash
Would a Flash game be as hard as a Superman game?
Would it be more fun?
Probably easier since Flash is so op.
Please post more flash stuff.
I come to these threads to read conversations of how ridiculous he is
You realize his arch nemesis can and has time traveled back to the past, to before he had powers even, to relentlessly fuck with him, and his rogues gallery also includes Captain Cold, whose abilities counter super speed specifically, and Mirror Master, who is an entirely different brand of OP. Overpowered is a relative term.
Still one of my favs
How'd that work out?
Post the image where someone calculated Superman's power level in DBZ terms. It was in the quintillions or some shit
I am very familiar with the Flash and his villains
Flash at his peak easily beats all of them except for the other speedster villains and even those he doesnt have much trouble with aside from Zoom
Where would the conflict be
Once you press new game roll the credits, than jokingly ask "did you miss it? Lets slow down for a second"
And than you start the game
while i hate this topic i gotta be that guy.
The power level takes into account the energy not physical power of the foe.
I'd make it a rhythm/runner gamewhere doing well makes you go faster.
Think pepsiman meets rhythm heaven.
Oh no, muh capeshit can't be a vidya, boo hoo
>Oh no, I'm a faggot with nothing to contribute
Literally you
this tho