What games allow me to build giant walls to keep out foreign invaders?

What games allow me to build giant walls to keep out foreign invaders?

>not minecraft

Balloon defense


15 minutes
Rule 1


Age of empires

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes.


dorf fortress?

ass status: butt blasted

Fallout 4

MY BRUDDA!!!!!!!!!!


>546 replies and 79 images omitted. Click here to view.

Are you announcing a report newfag?

Kill yourself immediately.

What games allow me to make guacamole?

lmao stay mad bernigger

I'm sorry you're a asshurt little manchild that can't handle different opinions.

This is the video games board you nigger faggot.

What opinion you braindead nigger?
If you don't want to talk about video games then go back to


Wall King: Wall of the Walled Wall lets you build as many walls as you want

they don't work

>this retard literally cant read the thread

>nigger faggot

You take that back, user. niggerfaggot is one word.

Stronghold Crusader my man.

>what are some games where [blatant non-vidya shite]
fuck off

Kill yourself, Sup Forums. You make muslims and SJWs look reasonable.

>haha what video games allow me to [BLATANT OFFTOPIC THREAD]
Sup Forums will never stop being a dump until you retards are gone.

Why the fuck did this game never get released on GOG yet! Sad day.

How does Emperor compare to Impressions' other games? I already played the ever-loving shit out of Caesar III and Pharaoh. Though I haven't touched Zeus yet.


Invention of dynamite makes the great wall obsolete

They will never leave. You lost, the only way to bring balance to the force is if SJW's are thinned enough to match the vocal alt right minority.

Be warned, if ye don't... they will cause the happening, and you will get fucked.

Ok user, your identical posts to mine are starting to scare me.


What video games allow me to save western civilization Sup Forums?

>person wants specific type of games and we give advice
>not vidya
good try bernigger.

Halo 3



At this point I find the vocal alt right minority far louder than SJWs and far FAR more obnoxious. They are the personification of the "pancake" guy

I know I sucked at strategy geams as a kid but even taking that into account, was that game ridiculously hard? I remember after some point, if I actually bought siege weapons and so on, I didn't have enough unit cap left to get through the breach properly

Fuck off back to Everyone else, you know what to do.

your loss is another man's gain

if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if

t. bernie cuck

Hey guys, I know we like to call each other cucks, but I'd let Trump fuck my wife. No questions asked.

That's because SJW are a majority now. You did this, you created this. I warned you, you didn't listen, you didn't fight back.

Now welcome to hell.

ace of spades before it became SHIT


Call you a Bernigger, Bernigger?



Go to any college campus and tell me if you see a single alt right vs hundreds of obnoxious SJW faggots. They're 10x as numerous

>pancake guy
Holy shit that is the definition of the alt. righters
They get called out for their stupidity and they immediately go

There is nothing wrong with being a cuck.

Keep replying Sup Forumsfag

>A majority
They are a loud and obnoxious minority, if they were actually a majority Bernie Sanders wouldn't be losing :^)


Berniggers on suicide watch

i need to remind you that this board was made for that.

When people go with a trump image they dont want to discuss games or whatever the content of the board is they only want to slide into political discussion.

Hatred is all about Jeb Bush post-election

You should be grateful for Sup Forums for preserving chan culture. Without us, the Soldiers of the West, Sup Forums would fall to the SJW's like SA and Reddit. Instead, this site serves a far nobler purpose than in the heyday of Sup Forums - the Preservation of the West. You just take what you get, libuck.

Sup Forums is Trump territory. Do you want total war? When necessary, do you want a war more total, more radical than anyone could ever imagine?

By posting here, you commit to this cause. You're a soldier now. If you refuse. you can get cucked for all I care at Reddit. You are USELESS.

Most alt righters are too stupid and/or too scared to be open about their beliefs

bernie has taken 200 MILLION from the bottom class retards.

I'd be pretty butt blasted every time I was reminded on that on EVERY Sup Forums board.

The fuck is an alt right


>America could elect this bigot

Nuke yourselves USA, you're a fucking disgrace to Western civilization

Saged and reported
Back to you cancerous faggot

>whaaaaa muh feeeeeeeeeelings

If Trump's blue then I'm converting to green

What if it's both Trump and vidya games?
Students for trump is a thing. What about that?

>SJW are a majority
Stop being so delusional and try to see the world and society outside of your bitter 4channer act

DNC rules in favor of clinton, democracy is a meme and there's nothing those fags can do.


Look at every major city, and blue states, they have the power. Sup Forums allowed GG, people let SJW's roam free and take the reigns of power, now they have to suffer the alt right doing anything to survive.

You could have prevented all this.

>post-GG libcuck numale reddit migrants getting triggered by the God Emperor
It's a shame none of you have jobs, otherwise maybe you could actually move to Canada or Europe or wherever once Trump gets elected.

It is the truth and you know it. Fuck off, bernigger.