>b-but melee
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Is Officially The Biggest EVO Smash Bros. Tourney Ever
Turns out having more than four viable characters is fun. Who'd've thought?
Melee fans would have you believe that it's all about skill as Fox
EVO probably cares more about viewership than entrants, which is why melee got the Sunday spot. The same entrant thing happened last year.
Most of the events with both Smash 4 and Melee in my area seem to get significantly more for Smash 4 too. With a bigger character roster, more viable characters that have fun gimmicks, a less intimidating community and better graphics, it's just a more appealing and approachable game to people just getting into the tourney scene.
nerfing bayo brought ebeyrone back
So Smash is now the biggest fighting game scene in the world, huh?
It sells the most, has the most active competitive scene, has up and away the best roster of any game ever....
Fuck, even Pokken outsold Street Fighter V.
Anyone got a picture of a JUSTing Ono?
You could say it's less to do with Smash's success and more to do with Capcom dropping the ball with SFV.
I worked at the national championships for Pokkén, and even with a $3000 first prize and no entry fee we got less than 60 people total.
Pokkén players are casual as fuck.
>all those 4Glory scrubs in Pools
Wew lad
oh no more people like a thing i dont like than the thing i like
whatever will i dooooooooo
It sure has nothing to do with the fact that it's a new game.
That's because it's easy to get into, has a low skill ceiling, and it attracts people of all kinds because of the Nintendo characters.
Not surprised at all.
>he calls it Pokkén
Additionally, consider the integrated online play. (Brawl's version of this was garbage). Compared to Melee netplay, Sm4sh is significantly easier to play online.
would have went if it was anywhere near me fammo.
RIP meele, good riddance.
Most of the League Esports boba-sipping korea-worshipping autists are playing sm4sh because it's what's in right now and they are all tools.
That and the FGC normies got bored of UMvC3
>inb4 meleefag damage control
Hahaha Tr4sh hahaha
Melee was the Third Strike of Smash Bros. While it certainly was the fastest one with the lowest amount of viable characters, it's a bright fire that's burning twice as fast. Nintendo could technically save it if they made Melee HD, but why would they? Sm4sh is doing just fine in every regard, and it seems like more people are making that transition. As fun as Melee is, it's only natural this is happening.
>Smash 4 taking over Melee
>Melee ever dying
>melee was the third strike of smash bros
except people actually play melee
let me explain what melee players have been doing to inflate their numbers.
1. viewbot the shit out of their streams.
2. never go to any locals or regionals, they all save mommies money to go to nationals ONLY and appear big.
3. they enter nationals more than once to make it look like there are more people. then when the tournament happens there are loads of people missing for no reason.
looks like they couldn't pull it off this time lmao.
>most players who play sm4sh are casual
>what makes up for most gamers playing games are people who want everything to be easier for it to be enjoyable
>more people turn up to a tournament that will be won by one (1) person again because only one person knows how to actually play
Sm4sh autists will defend this
Melee is still light years better. This doesn't change shit.
This is really no surprise. On a tech skill level its not too heavy and thus pretty accessible.
Surprised Street fighter 5 didn't take most contestants this year considering that game is pretty easy as well with its like (8-7 frame?) buffer
>B-b-but Tr4sh will be dead in a few months!
>B-b-but muh high speed high skill gameplay!
>Muh 7 Foxes in Top Eight!
>Muh Muh!
Who are you quoting?
SF5 has more entrants than Melee and Smash 4 combined. SF5 passed 4,000 over a month ago, Smash 4 is just now passing its previous record of a little under 2,000 with Melee slightly behind.
The entire Melee community
>Smash 4 is won by one person
>Congratulate Armada (Hbox if he isn't there) on winning the tournament!
this guy
>b-but sm4sh players are casual!
>m-muh low skill floor!
Why are Muhlee brats so buttblistered? It's good that the series is evolving. It means that it doesn't have to rely on a decade old game to be relevant.
Hmm who won the last national? And the one before that?
I don't know why both games can't exist.
But that had very little to do with his post, I guess he's just retarded.
Why are smash 4 fags so quick to say it's meleefags? that victim complex.
Meleefags aren't wrong though.
64 is the best game anyway.
t. nostalgia fag
Oh I'm sorry Leffen makes a appearance here and there but if your going to do that then the last two Smash 4 majors weren't one by Zero shitposter-kun
It's not a PM tournament user
I'd be interested in knowing how many entrants cross over from FGC games.
I'm willing to bet a lot more register for smash 4 than melee.
I don't know the Smash 4 meta but it's got to be healthier than Fox, Falco, Marth, Shiek along with the very rare Peach and C. Falcon all in the Top 8.
because Sup Forums just shitposts and falseflags
most of the people who actually go to locals dont' give a shit what you play
Leffen one the last one and Mango before that
Armada had a run with Hbox as the runner up.
Smash 4 literally has one person winning all the time. That's the point. It's like I'm arguing with someone with downs lol
I'm not saying Melee is dead. Fuck, if a game as bad as Marvel is still going after all this time, Melee will always have a scene. There's still a community for SFIII, and there always will be, but it's a lot more difficult (for a variety of reasons) to get into older fighting games and their scenes. Transitions like this happen naturally, and sure enough when Smash 5 comes out, the same will happen as Melee continues to age.
No, you need a Fox Wojak, user.
Yes and no.
There are more characters that are viable in tournament overall then melee at this point.
But those top 4 melee characters can do more shit then the entire smash 4 cast combined.
its literally the worse of both worlds when comparing the two.
more like
t. fighting game fag
I bet 99% of ITT can only play one game mediocrity at best.
>Not playing them all
>Not getting good on all of them
>People instead choose to shitpost and circlejerk on rosterfag and/or e-celeb threads
And yes, 64 had the best of both and it's fanbase is chill.
Well, when your game is the most accessible, it's probably gonna see the most entrants.
You forgot Pikachu, Samus, and Jigglypuff. But at least you didn't spout the "lol Fox" meme.
>15 year old game has same 6 (six) people winning tournaments
>2 year old game has same 6 (six) people winning tournaments
Except, downie friend, that the last big tournament wasn't won by zero, you humoungous cock gargling retard.
>Congrats to Mango on winning
>Congrats to Leffen on winning
4 people beats 1 user
Hell I'll even give you Ally just because
>gameplay is as bland as ever
It's not even gameplay being slowed down, it's the fact that Sakurai has messed up on so many other parts like how Shields are broken and players aren't punished for rolling so much. It's fine if the skill floor is lower, yet it fucks the game over since the ceiling is also lower
At this point, it's usually Fox,Jiggly,Falco, Marth, Sheik with Pikachu (Axe) becoming more common alongside Falcon, Peach (Armada pocket or MacD), Samus, plus ICs. 4 definitely has the bigger cast and more variety but it's usually the same characters on top. The meta still has a long way to go before it's developed to be diverse
And how many of those majors were won by Mango or Leffen when Hbox or Armada were present? The only time it's anyone different than Armada is when he isn't present and then it's 90% Hbox I actually watch these things so I know who's winning them
Smash 4 had Abadongo and Ally take the last two majors I'm using your shit logic against you
>Diddy Diddy Diddy Diddy Diddy
>Sheik Sheik Sheik Sheik Sheik
So many viable characters I can't even count them all on half a finger
oh man that damage control
i guess when you butt gets hurt so hard by genesis you have to literally make things up like viewbots that only work on certain channels at certain times
or whatever kind of autism the sm4sh fanbase comes up with
Again when Armada is present how many times has Mango or Leffen won anything? I'll give you some help GOML 2016 good luck with the rest.
>implying they aren't just literal whos
People literally get out of their seat to see someone beat Zero, literally the only person relevant in Sm4sh, and still the only person who plays that game that I know who actually is good lmao
Like he was so dominant for a long run that -literally- no one took a fucking game (or set?) off of him, are you joking?
>Abadongo and Ally
Literally who? lmeo. I'd bet they are the only people other than Zero to ever win sm4sh majors
fucking fags get so defensive about their party game even though they talk shit about melee
Don't really go to events anymore but when watching streams I often see Cloud, Shiek, Diddy, Mario, Fox, and a occasional falcon and megaman.
I don't see rosalina anymore out of a few well established mains, i guess everyone came to term that she actually isnt that fun to play as or watch.
>literally make things up like viewbots that only work on certain channels at certain times
>mfw, this is completely made up by me and doesn't exist
>fucking fags get so defensive about their party game even though they talk shit about melee
>dat projection
sweet sweet meleefag tears
>One of the highest PR players in Japan and the best Canadian players
>Literally who
You blew your cover, nice job
Pokken, unlike smash, is a pure fighting game, though
Armada is present pretty much any time Leffen is, and Mango beat out HBox and Armada for years, and has just been in a slump this past year
like this?
>Only 1 guy has ever won tr4sh majors lmeo
>What about these other guys who have won majors
>lmeo literally who?? XD doesn't count
This is how delusional melee fags are.
And how many of those win tournaments?
Pikachu, ZSS, Ryu and Ness are also all relevant.
If only it said "20xx century fox"
Well seeing how Leffen can't get into the country but Armada can I don't see what your saying by that.
Since Melee has been out longer than 4 it's only fair to compare it's tournament results since 2014 when 4 came out which is mostly just Armada and Hbox winning and a surge in Foxes
If anything Melee is easier than ever to get into since there are more weeklies around the country now plus it's super easy to find a Wii to softmod for a cheap price now. My cousins in middle school approached me about modding their shit to play Melee and PM which really surprised me. Melee is arguably more popular than ever now since it's revival a few years back
>Leffen took out all 4 Gods who were present in rout to a victory at GOML
>it was also his first major tournament in forever since Customs cucked him
>Mango won a tournament against HBox
Even then, Mango has been in a slump. I admit Melee hasn't had too many winners lately but it's not like Sm4sh is any different.
That's still 3 people
Sure you see diversity yet the top 8 and typically the GFs are same top characters
How many non-fox winners who are not h-box in the past year for melee?
They are still literally whos to me, because they haven't won Evo. The game is so easy that the only tournament worth a damn is Evo
>I-it's not easy!
That one bald guy at smash summit who plays sm4sh getting cucked was pretty hilarious desu
One is easier to get into and has integrated online play
Gee I wonder why
ESAM isn't even top 10 in smash4
If your talking Majors Diddy, Shiek, ZSS, Mario and Mewtwo
Regionals are a lot more varied with Ness', Ryus, Rosas, etc.
Meanwhile in Melee majors are only Fox, Armada Peach or HBox Puff, with the rare Marth and Falco here and there, regionals look the exact same
A friendly reminder that Melee was a happy accident and that there will never be a Smash like it ever again
>only Armada and Hbox
Mango was killing it alongside Leffen user
mango wins with Falco, Armada wins with Peach
Evo isn't the only smash major are you even trying anymore?
Not part of this argument but Leffen's win was legit.
>This level of delusion
Face it meleefags, your game is dying.
>I Missed Zoot Soot Samwhich
good point. My bad.
>easy ass party game with a redditor playerbase has more people signing up for a big tournament as opposed to a hard game that takes years to get good at means the hard game is dying
ye im delusional
>Sakurai could never make another melee-esque game again if he wanted too
It hurts.
I enjoy smash 4 but it gets real stale after a while.
>ZSS, Mario and Mewtwo
If all it takes is one odd major then almost everyone from YLink up is a winner
Every character wins regionals somewhere
I fucking hate comp smash fags so I'm starting my own tournament at home that has items on because fuck it. The theme is beast characters only, so I have to ask:
Do Link and Olimar count as human or beast?
Top 2 of goml was leffen and mang0. Armada and hbox were present. This was the most recent major.
Now this is some low level bait
At this point you're bullshitting because even most traditional fighting game players admit Melee is a different level of tech and execution
>there are people ITT that don´t enjoy both games for what they are
It's like you guys can't have fun with more than one game at a time
>Beast characters
And then there is this furfag
>are link and olimar count as human or beast?
For your anthromorphic fanfiction where they eat each others shit they are beast.
Otherwise no they are more human like.
Melee moves fast and and is more about character match ups knowledge than actual skillful gameplay
Compare SF skill to Melee skill is a much different beast
What is this word?
its~ time~to~move~ on~~~
Using party game as an insult to defend the game your talking about the irony.