Are you a storyfag or a combatfag?

Are you a storyfag or a combatfag?

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both of them at the same time together at once



Combat. Too much exposition can make me drop a game immediately. I'm sure I'd enjoy some stories, but they're almost all shit and it's just not worth it. I get enough enjoyment out of the setting and story of Bloodborne, I don't need more heavy-handed storytelling.

I'm a good game fag, so I never even thought to touch The Witcher 3: Wild Huntâ„¢

Combat, stories are shit. As long as it's consistent it's OK. Oh and no asspulls.

Why not both?

Atmosphere > Lore > Art design > Gameplay > Music > Story > Sound effects > Graphics

Prove me wrong Sup Forums

It depends on the game. A good RPG needs story, and it needs the story to be interactive. When it comes to action games, it's different of course.

I'd push lore somewhere way down past story.
Also, Graphics > Sound.

Why not both??

Good combat can generate good stories but bad gameplay leaves you with a mediocre interactive novel.

both. which is why playing TW3 on death march is perfect


perhaps you should go back to other games such as fallout 4, eh todd?

Torment, Arcanum, Bloodlines and arguably even Fallout 1 and 2 (though to a lesser degree) have horrible combat, yet they're regarded some of the best RPGs ever made by genre enthusiasts.


I just prefer good gameplay to good story

Gameplay > Art design > Music > Atmosphere > Story > Lore > Graphics > Sound effects.

Assuming by art design you meant the overall visual design choices like world/level designs and character/monster designs.

And I find Torment, Arcanum, and Bloodlines horribly overrated.

You can like both, but most people still have some level of preference.If you only went for games that performed in both areas you would very rarely get to play anything.

So the question is, if you have to pick between a game with a decent story but lacking combat, or a game with decent combat but lacking story, which one will appeal more to you? Obviously if the game excels at one of these areas that might change things, so for the sake of the argument let's stick with average or slightly above average.

And you're probably not a genre enthusiast.

Story, as long as the combat is serviceable: I'm in it for the exploration and adventure, not mastering buttons.

I am actually. I've been playing through the dark savant trilogy recently.

oh shut your fuck. witcher 3's combat is horse shit and only reason I can't enjoy the game. So much effort on environments, voice acting and such but only dept the combat has is rolling away and spamming igni and light attack here and there, or sometimes putting down yrden to kill a ghost. And yes I've spent about 30 hours on death march and only thing that changes is how many hits you can take up your ass and how many shekels you loot.

I like it so far, but story should be up there next to Art Design.

Atmosphere > Lore > Art design > Story Gameplay > Music > Sound effects > Graphics

Nothing gets me more involved in the world that creators is trying to present to me than having some rich background and awesome back up story making the world believable.

There have been games that are so fucking fantastic gameplay-wise (pic related), but because the world was so absolute shit, and things just didn't make sense once you continued, I just couldn't get into the game and dropped it.

Gameplay should be influenced by the Story and Lore. Makes for more fun.

In a game when both you really need both to be pretty good or one to be amazing. Ill sit through average combat if the story is enthralling (rarely the case with newer games) but of combat is good shit could be crammed with SJW crap and wouldn't care cos I'll be SKIPPAN that shit anyway

Depends on how good the story is. Either make an amazing story, or focus on gameplay. Don't half ass either.

I judge a product by it's whole. There are games that are good with average combat and games that are bad with great combat. I prefer Ninja Gaiden to Bayonetta and DMC because those two games have annoying, dumb MC. Even worse music. I would rather play God of War because it excells in a multitude of ways. Great visuals, good combat, fun puzzles, awesome bosses and great music. It's a better total package for me than Bayonetta or DMC.

This is like arguing over ass and tits. I love both but I care more about the total package.

I want my gameplay to be great and my story to be cliche as fuck power of friendship slay the dragon bullshit.

Oh shit is Two Worlds II any good? Got it for free from a friend, going to play it either way but I'm curious how the combat is. Also, did you know the dev is going to release a complete engine overhaul for free? That's amazing for a game that's over five years old.


And quite a few people would regard these as autistic games about making numbers go up that aren't particularly great at combat either and lack in tactical depth.


Not to mention you get in a fight with some wolves or a tiny crab
"YAAHH-LE LEY LELELAY YAHLEYLEY" cringey choir music

Correct, or at least respectable

Fucking retarded

Somehow even worse



Fucking why? Sequel games like Brawl were extremely dull without the glorious sound effects that Melee had.

min maxing autist

if the game is about roleplaying, then story (or more importantly the setting and roleplaying) as long as the combat is sufficient
If the game is about combat, or if the combat is really good, than story is irrelevant as long as the art style and setting are sufficient
Some games are like bloodborne, and diablo 2
some games are like fallout 2 and planescape
every now and then you get a bg 2 that does them both pretty solid

Name me one video game story that was actually engaging without all the 2deep4u nonsense.

Depends on the game.
It may sound weasily to say but it's true. People say "gameplay trumps all!" but it's only true for action games, which granted are a hugh amount of games, but in other genres it is part of a whole.
Example: Any TES fan can atest Morrowind is the better game when compared to Oblivion or Skyrim but Morrowind gameplay is complete garbage and most of your combat in the game will be spent missing point blank meele attacks against cliffracers. But the writing, quests, characters and world are so good it doesn't matter.

TES is a shitty series

Paper Mario 2

Atmosphere, Art Design and Theme, is what pulls people to a game.

Who buys a fucking game for the Gameplay?

You picked up Fallout because "Oh shit, its a game based on a post apocalyptic world and has some some mutants and general cool ideas"

The Gameplay is the thing that makes you stay and continue playing.

The Story makes you decide whether the game was good overall, and the Lore is the icing on the cake that gives extra points, especially on sequels.

Sound Effects is not necessarily important but when in high quality it's great for realism and immersion.

Music is shit, there are fantastic games that had just plain atmospheric soundtrack (THIEF SERIES) that didn't break from how great the game was. People who put so must importance and emphasis on music in games like the musicfags just need to go and jump in a ditch and die.

People with fine taste.

Graphics are more important than sound effects, though that's not to say sound effects aren't necessary.

Take SMT Nocturne for example, the punching sfx and stat boosting sfx were both really annoying, but didn't do anything really harmful to the overall quality of the game. If they were improved it'd make the game better, but not by that much.

yeah I'm not gonna play too many shooters for the story, and I'm not gonna play arcanum for the combat
the op question doesnt account for the setting and atmosphere
the best games are fun and engaging because of the setting, music, art, and ambiance more so than the combat and story, assuming theyre serviceable at least

>Who buys a fucking game for the Gameplay?
I don't think people buy Souls games for their stories.

System* > Gameplay (minus combat)* > Quest-design > Lore > Atmosphere > Story > Combat > Art design > Music > Graphics > Sound effects

* marks shit that are not necessarily applicable to many games, but I naturally gravitate towards games that have them, and get turned off worse than usual when they have them but it's shit.

I play them for the atmosphere. Gittin' gud was just a (worthwhile) bonus.


I don't give a shit about story. The games I mainly play are War Thunder, Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 and Dark Souls (skipping all story shit)

what does dialog and dialog choices fall under? story or setting?
dialog is huge in roleplaying games

First Post Best Post.

These are the only correct ones.

If I want good gameplay I'll just play DMC3 and make parties go crazy.
If I want something that engages me into the world and characters I'll just go with DA:O.

Though it's not as white and black as it sounds like. Some games have good stories and gameplay, but most of them don't need to have both of them to be enjoyable. I woudn't play C&C generals for story, nor would I play NieR for combat, but both are really good games.

part of the appeal of bloodborne was the new and unique environments and enemies
after the 4th souls game it was obvious people are burnt out on the setting
granted the combat in bb was a step in the right direction, but the new setting is what sold it

Not really. I've been playing lots of early '90s RPGs and they're very light on dialogue.


I bought Bloodborne because I heard it was supposed to be a Cthulhu-like.

I think he's right.

>Who buys a fucking game for the Gameplay?
I picked up Underrail because everyone said the combat system was one of the best in ages. They also gave a warning that the game has basically no story whatsoever.

Does that answer your question?

i want both. playing vagrant story and final fantasy tactics has spoiled me with what a good game can be with both aspects well done.

unfortunately the industry is infested with failed hollywood writers trying to shove their nu-male SJW shit with no knowledge on how to make either aspect good.

>dialog is huge in roleplaying games

>I've been playing lots of early '90s RPGs

Not the guy you're talking to, but present tense doesn't apply to 90s RPGs. Back then dialogue wasn't huge, but it became huge during the late 90s - likely due to influences from the point & click adventure genre and JRPGs.

yeah the late 90s and early 00s rpgs were a lot more dialog heavy

>likely due to influences from the point & click adventure genre and JRPGs
But traditionally both of these have even less dialog than early 90s RPGs.

Only combat parts that are shit are the fist-fights, and that's only because you don't have the tools to succeed.

The second you stop paying attention, even the experienced monster slayer Geralt gets fucked up.

Souls games are pretty light on their actual stories though. Sure they have lots of lore and stuff in item descriptions and whatnot, but the don't have much in terms of story presented to the player beyond "Kill these things for their souls to stop the first flame from dying out".

Point & click adventure games? Like Monkey Island? Day of the Tentacle? Indiana Jones? Sam & Max? Dialogue is huge in them and multiple choice dialogue was a big component in them - way before it became commonplace in RPGs.

And JRPGs put a stronger focus on story way before western RPGs did so - not to mention the concept of "party NPCs" that would have their own personalities (with the 'main character' later being turned too into that sort of character). And dialogue was indeed a big thing. It wasn't interactive or anything, but it was used as a storytelling element.

Good music is what makes a game memorable.

I'd rather have a good story really, which is why I like The Witcher series, not one of the three games have good combat, they're all bad in their own way, but I do like the atmosphere and characters.

If any of you are soulsfags, I'm that guy you invade and see staring at the carvings in the wall.


Why not both?

Combat, why else would I play a game besides for gameplay

It honestly depends on my mood. Sometimes I want one more than the other. If I havent played a good narrative in a while, I look for that. If I am just itching for some great action, I go for combat. Why does everything have to so one note and false dichotomy with you niggers?

I like 90% of the games Sup Forums hates.

I would say Witcher 3s combat is solid, the controls are just clunky.

shit combat + good story = drop immediately (witcher 1, gothic 1)
good combat + shit story = get bored quickly, feel nothing to continue game (serious sam, doom)
good story + mediocre combat =play and love it

i need a good story to enjoy game. good combat with shit story is like micheal bay movies.

This guy gets get.

Fucking this

I can feel this.

I can play a game with a somewhat shit or mediocre gameplay, but if the story/lore(world), theme and atmosphere is good, I get hooked almost always. Morrowind comes to mind lel.

I did.

Gothic 1's combat is perfectly fine for the time.
Did you only play it for like 5 minutes or what?

To this day Gothic has the absolute best combat skill leveling system which is actually improving your moveset.

I like combat.
Story is a bonus.

So many people underestimate sound effects and how amazing they can be

sword swing and other movements feels retarded.

>tfw writer
>tfw gameplayfag

In all seriousness games do better with minimal narrative or just the kind that knows its place relative to the actually gameplay, older games like Max Payne 1 knew how to do it.

>tfw playing old RPGs or roguelikes and crafting my own story from my experiences

Depends on the game.

depends on what the game is selling

worst part is open world "you can do anything" games with tedious garbage combat like bethesda games

I'm a funfag, but if I had to pick your options I'd say combat/gameplay.

One of the best of both, prove me wrong

Nah, wont prove you wrong, but pic related is even better in both categories.

>combat in a game from 2000 feels awkward in 2016
Wow ... what a surprise!

You might have a fucking point...