>Sony created PS+ to compete with Microsoft
>it wasn't required for online, it was just $50 a year for a certain amount of curated games you have access to while you're a PS+ subscriber
>Microsoft responded by adding Games with Gold to Xbox Live, which gives you better games most of the time and not just indie shit, and you can keep your games even if you stop paying for Xbox Live
>and then Sony makes PS+ a requirement for online while it's a worse deal than Xbox Live
Why do console fanboys pretend one is better than the other? Microsoft and Sony work together to screw over the consumer.
Sony created PS+ to compete with Microsoft
I agree, but at least Sony has games
>but at least Sony has games
Dumb Sakuraposter
It was funny how much Sony fags flip-flopped once they were also forced to pay for online
Are you asking why console peasants are stupid?
Probably because they play on inferior hardware with hardly any games, and pay monthly fees to do so
But if the Xbone ever gets better exclusives, I think it'll be the better console. Microsoft prioritizes framerate over resolution for most of their exclusives, and because nobody buys a console for its specs anyways, the experience will be slightly better on the Xbone. You can also get a lot of those exclusives on GwG after a year or two, I don't think Sony has given away many AAA exclusives on PS+ but I'm not sure.
Lol what, games with gold has been dogshit compared to ps+, only this year have they been any better
Whoa nygger, don't chimp out, it's just a hobby for teenagers.
But besides Gears and Halo what else does XBOX have to offer? Paying for the internet has been a requirement since forever, it's only now that Sony does it people get butthurt about it. You have no reason to keep playing Sony games if you aren't subscribed to Sony in the first place, so that's a non-issue.
>Sonyggers aren't the worst fanbase,we swear
>We dindu nuffin!
What does playing on the superior platform have to do with Reddit? You realize 4 chan is a mostly PC gamers, you butthurt peasant
>and because nobody buys a console for its specs anyways
Sonyggers would like to have a word with you.
why is paying for online allowed
Good times.
>forget to renew PS+ until a day after it expires
>lose all your games
Nobody cares. It's the "le peasants amirite X-DDDDD" that's cringey and makes it look like you just came from /r/PCMasterrace.
>Anime girl in the OP
>its a shitposting thread
every time
Because servers aren't free. The money comes from somewhere even if you don't pay for online outright. My problem is that they way overcharge for it, as evidence by the fact that they can afford to give away so many games with the money from XBL/PS+.
I'm starting to feel like the "nygger" in sonygger is extremely accurate.
Because I don't care. I don't matter in their decisions, the tens of millions of people will still buy consoles. I like playing shitty, generic, yearly released sports rehashes and CoD. Sue me, but they're infinitely better on console than PC. They have way more players, and as of this post, they have far far far fewer hackers. That's the biggest shitstain for PC gaming that I can't stand in mp games on PC, is the hacking. everyone undersells it every fucking time it's brought up. It was bad on PS3 and 360 too, don't get me wrong, but we're at a good point on consoles right now, I want PC antihacks to catch THE FUCK UP.
Also if steam had a $50 a year subscription type thing to get me a handful of indie games every month, i'd happily take it if they guaranteed at least one would have cards. Humble bundle is way too expensive, for way worse games.
>I want PC antihacks to catch THE FUCK UP.
Even if they did, which they won't, it's only a matter of time before they're cracked anyway.
Yeah and? Steam is screwing over customers with nogaems.
Kill yourself neofaggot.
I wish you Nintendrones would realize Neogaf isn't a Sony forum, it just has a heavy Sony bias.
It's actually a great place to browse.
>Nintendo JP having a fucking massive Japanese eShop sale next week, discounts on 100 games
>NoA: le body is le memey! xD Are we hip yet? Don't make us give in to the people who grew up with us that we can easily sway with nostalgia and sequels!
It's not just Sony and M$, all companies are out to fuck you. These companies are not your fucking friends. They don't owe you shit.
You could die tomorrow, and oh fucking well. You're not a shareholder, who fucking cares. With Nintendo, you're not a parent of a family of children they can sell to. Who cares what you want?
no one mentioned Nintendo
>I wish you Nintendrones
How did that post have a Nintendo-bias in any way whatsoever?
It didn't, at all. Are you the kind who just assumes anyone who disagrees with you likes Nintendo?
I assume anyone who disagrees with me likes peas. Fuck peas. The smell of them makes me gag.
>They have way more players
>far fewer hackers
All my this, No one I know plays on the PC. It is literally meant for social reclusives who want to mod and hack the game to shit. Money isn't a problem for me so of course I game on PS4.
I own a ps4 and you niggers are giving us a bad name
the scary thing is people actually think like this
People who are vehemently against Sony usually are Nintendrones looking to save for the Wii U bad year.
>They have to make money somehow.
B-but Nintendo guys
The fact that you have this much of a fucking victim complex is really, really sad, user.
A lot of people don't have obsessive loyalty towards a Japanese company who doesn't give 2 shits about round-eye.
>loyalty towards a Japanese company who doesn't give 2 shits about round-eye.
Last time I remembered, Sony saved gaming from Microshit during E3.
So yes, Sony does care for gamers.
>So yes, Sony does care for gamers' money.
you are one sad little man
Fuck off Nintendrone.
The fact that Sony originally sold the PS4 at a loss shows they care about quality over profit.
No, but keep up that victim complex.
>Quality over profit.
No, quality = profit.
This is a company who doesn't care about you, man. Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, none of them. YOU ARE A WALLET.
>anyone who disagrees with me is nintendo reeeeeeeee
shit taste shit skin
>haha guys, I got my black friend to take a picture with my weeb games! >Sonyggers ROLMAO.