I've never played a Souls game

I've never played a Souls game.
I picked up DS1 at FUCKING GAMESTOP for about $14 today.
What am I in for? What class do you recommend for a fresh born?

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It really doesn't matter what you pick. Your in for one of the best gaming experiences ever assuming you actually get into it.

Don't google or youtube shit, it ruins the experience. It's an amazing game to play the first time through without knowing anything.

don't level up resistance and keep away from the skellys and everything will be daijoubu

It does matter, OP pick deprived.

The Knight gives you an easier time early on due to great starting armour, weapon and shield.

People will tell you to pick the master key but for your first time it's absolutely not needed as you'll get it later anyways. It's mainly used to open shortcuts early on given you know where to go, which won't be the case for you.

Always pay attention. Keep your shield up. Don't let dying a couple times frustrate you. Learn from your mistakes.

And yes, don't look up guides, wikis or youtube vids. You'll just rob yourself of the fun of exploration and surprise.

class absolutly don.t matter, you upgrade what you want

You should have started with demons souls you fucking faggot.

not op but i've had used demon's souls game on my shelf and never played it, i got to the first boss and stopped playing it.

>silky smooth 10 fps edition

This is all you need to know. Try to avoid looking anything up past this until after your first playthrough.

Not casual enough for you?

>start game
>controls feel a little weird but you'll slowly get used to them
>you can't pause during the middle of a fight
>don't start with magic, your first run should be a pure melee
>get lucky on a black knight kill and use a black knight weapon
I guarantee this is what your first playthrough will be like

seriously don't use magic on your first playthrough it's pretty much easy modo

OP here.

So I started as a knight. The boulder on the stairs killed me and I feel like I now know how the rest of this game will go. Also, is there anyway to make my rolls faster? I feel like I'm just throwing myself on the ground right now.

>magic is easy mode

I still don't understand this. I played two melee builds for my first time (str, then faith/dex) and still find int builds to be trickier in PvE.

Your weight percentile determines your roll speed/length. Experiment a little as you progress through the game and fight small/big enemies.

Strip some armour. Later you can level up endurance to be able to wear heavier gear.

Read this OP. I'd like to add that you can and SHOULD experiment with different weapons. There are very few bad weapons in dark souls and most of them are bad for obvious reasons(broken straight hilt).

Also ignore all the faggots who tell you not to take the master key. If you want to explore and sequence break, go ahead. Just be prepared to deal with the concequences that follow(stronger enemies, getting lost). This game encourages you to explore. While going to the graveyard is ill advised, you could very well make it far worth your trouble poking around down there.

There are three different rolls you can have depending on what percentage of your maximum equipment load you're at. As a Knight you're at the heaviest roll, you can strip some armor or start as a different class if you want more mobility. It affects movement speed as well.

OP here.
I have prevailed past the Asylum Demon.
I also feel bad for bro knight who died and dissipated in the hallway. RIP broknight

Remove some armors pieces until your rolls are descent

Never raise resistance
Always raise endurance to 40 and stop
Never raise vitality beyond 50
Never raise strength or dexterity beyond 40 unless there's a weapon you want to wield one handed
Two-handing your weapons will deal 100% damage rather than 70% and enemies get stunned easier
Two-handing multiplies your strength stat by 1.5 rounding down so you could wield a zweihander at 16 strength rather than 24.
27 strength*1.5= 40 strength.
Pyromancy is independent of any stat
Dex scaling weapons don't benefit beyond 40 dex but 45 is the cap in regards to speeding up spell casts
Grass Crest shield is the best shield in the game

Bandit or Pyromancer are the best classes to choose.

Just remember that when you get to the Knight Archers, they're not as hard as they used to be. They got patched and moved around to be easier.

You can't really experiment with weapons until endgame for reasons most people don't know.

deprived or you are a casual faggot

Read about builds for stats, how weapons scale with stats, soft caps and hard caps for stats. That's one thing that matters a lot in the game and it's really easy to fuck up.

>stand 40m away from enemy of your choosing
>choose magic of choice
>press r1
>they die
its pretty easy if you understand spacing at all. barely any enemy in the game has the tools to deal with ranged attacks

What every reply before mine said, also don't just spam roll, time that shit. Bait the attack if you have to.

My advice is don't feel bad for being bored as the game while decent is vastly overrated. Not to mention its fanatical fanbase is pure cancer.

Saying that I recommend going DEX instead of STR, DEX weapons are more interesting in general. If you go STR you will just end up swinging lighting Claymore or Zweihander paired with Greatshied of Artorias like every other turtle out there.

i agree with this user. because everything is so vague and the game is pretty challenging, you'll be tempted to google things but try not to. your payoffs when you figure out how to defeat difficult bosses or finally fix your build so that you can use a certain weapon or whatever are much sweeter when you're trying to play as blind as possible.

of course, my first time i google'd tons of shit, especially at the beginning and I still loved the game. So I'm not sure if you can really fuck up your playthrough by doing dumb things or messing up your build to the point where you cannot proceed. Basically: exhaust the dialogue of all the npc's you meet, begin by leveling health and stamina, and try to enter boss battles with an insignificant number of souls whenever possible.

You are in for a challenging but very rewarding experience, and I recommend the Knight class for a beginner.

Lower your equipment by removing pieces;

Fastest roll: Naked
Faster roll: 25%
Normal roll 50%
Fat Roll 75%

Hey man, I just started this game for the first time myself a few weeks ago. I hated it at first because it doesn't explain shit and you die all the time trying to learn everything. But now I'm almost through the game and it's been really fun.

Don't be afraid to look stuff up if you have to- they really don't do a good job of easing you in to things

If you or OP want help and happen to be on PS3 My tag is ZeroSymbolic7188

Op here.

I've been in the graveyard forever.
I'm not supposed to be in the graveyard.
I feel dumb.
Atleast I got a Falchion?

>Fastest roll: Naked
>Faster roll: 25%
Theres a difference here?

Falchion is gud for dex characters. So if you're leveling dex, you could use that. Also, if you are having trouble figuring out where to go, here's a hint: only go up. Also, get out of this thread soon because it will eventually fill with spoilers.

Well, It is possible to beat the graveyard skeletons with a starting character.

Backstab, parries, and kicking off the cliff, but yes the area is intended for much later.

After fighting the skeletons for an hour, I feel like the way I am supposed to go is much easier.

Yes but it is so miniscule that you wont notice it unless you see it side by side.


Pick the master key and go.
Every thing else doesn't matter.

>I literally have this game right here in front of me but instead of playing it I'd rather post on Sup Forums asking what I'm in for

>they really don't do a good job of easing you in to things
Well no, because that's not their intention.
You are supposed to take it slow and pay attention.

>Two-handing your weapons will deal 100% damage rather than 70% and enemies get stunned easier
Wrong, user. Two handing boosts your strength stat by 50% rounded down, it does more poise damage, and you don't bounce off of shields if the enemy is blocking.

OP here.

Two questions:
>What are humanities?
>What does Reverse Hallowing do?

Not OP but I always post the thread "what am I in for" then immediately start playing.

>start with 30 shots of a spell that hits for 70+ on most early game enemies
>can buy another 30 shots from the blacksmith right under Firelink
>early access to your first trainer who sells you stronger moves and a few nice support spells
>even earlier access to a trainer that sells you cool gimmick spells if you can handle the hydra

Humanities allow you to reverse Hallowing and kindle bonfires.

Reversing Hallowing allows you to summon other players to help you with the game, but also opens you up to being invaded by other players.

You could also use a blunt weapon like the Morning Star and "break" them with every hit.

getting the black knight sword from the first black knight makes the rest of the game easy mode too...

Trying to let OP figure that out on his own.

This Reversing your hallowing as much as possible is way to go
You get to experience the game fully as you play.
Not sure how active the console community is now, but I'm sure there are still people invading.

Invasions might seem intimidating at first but it causes you to learn from other players, which is important.

Also don't be afraid to summon for bosses, but give the bosses a good amount of tries on your own first. At this point in time there are a lot of players who know how every boss works, and if you summon on your first few tries it ruins the experience.
Try beating them and learning how they attack and opportunities for counter attacks. If you get really stuck you can summon.
Don't listen to the fags that say YOU SHOULD NEVER SUMMON EVER EVER

I'm not sure if I'll need Xbox Live for summons. But if I do then I might be on my own for this playthrough.

You do. However being human will still let you summon NPCs before some of the bosses, and you can't be invaded since you are not online.