Complaining about armor being unrealistic

>complaining about armor being unrealistic. a video game.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why is she upset?

muh dick

if the game strives to be realistic and lists one of it's features as "realism" then you have a right to complain about unrealistic armor in a video game

otherwise you're just a faggot


I always assume they mean graphics when they tag Realism on Steam. Only seems to be a small handful of Western developers who do that anyway.

She was watching people argue about muh realism all day.

I'm more annoyed by how dumb her hair looks, it's like she combed it with an egg-beater.



pussy stank

I don't get why Giant Dad is front and center in that image when the souls series has a ton of normal armor in it.


Meanwhile my favorite fashion souls is to put on the visorless steel helm and basic knight gear.

Is this the sexy armor thread?

Hot as that is, that all looks 200% uncomfortable

>fictional creature

>two legs

>about a factional creature

actually i'm complaining about how retarded buttfloss is in general. do sexy armor the right way instead of passing off as a cum dumpster.

If this wasn't obviously a troll image I'd be mad.

Which makes me wonder if the other replies are genuine or not.

Maybe I can't complain about armor, but I can complain about garbage design like your pic.

Two legged "dragons" arent even dragons they are wyverns.

Four legs wings or not is a dragon.

There is a difference.

Dragon =/= wyvern

i don't know what it was from but I saw a skimpy armor from some hentai where she wore a helmet, can someone post that


>Wyvern fags

They have always been the same thing until DnD classified them otherwise. There is no difference unless you are playing DnD.

It's pretty much just a D&D distinction.

Though it has permeated from there to most pop-culture.

Then of course, there're wurms, wyrms, and other such alternative names.


I don't have a problem with sexy armor necessarily, but I just think armor that's designed to look cool first ends up looking way more aesthetically pleasing.
I say the best solution is to keep armor on the "practical/realistic" side then go as all out sexy as you want for optional costumes or casual wear.

Okay, so give us similarly sexually dressed male characters and it's fine.


TERA has you covered.

Too bad the game is shit though.

Why not?

The other replies are probably genuine. Sup Forums falls for bait most times.

I think he's talking about in a videogame where armor complaints pop up.


I'm pretty sure topless muscular men is just as common as bikini mail

Scantily clad armor + high heels is best fetish.

Post more.

Bonus points for elf

Do you not history wyverns has been a thing since 16th century writings if not older. Pretty damn sure DnD wasnt a thing at that point.

I dont even play DnD.

>Can't find the whole cgset for this
>last I heard there wasn't a translation yet
>even then apparently there's a bunch of bad ending

He-mans magic, nigga. He doesn't need armour.



Are you for real?

Just play Chivalry you autist

>fat suicune with sword and shield
What the fuck, and why

it's fine then

The distinction being firm and clear is a modern thing.

Hell, I'm reasonably sure that they're all different languages word for dragon.

>but I just think armor that's designed to look cool first ends up looking way more aesthetically pleasing.
Opinions, i rather have armored bikinis and armored trunks that more of this

>like fat females
>most fat art is gayshit or slob
>have to sift thru mountains of slobs and gayshit to find even 1 decent fat female pic

Agreed. I always liked Titania's armor for being at least practical

But user, that's grotesque.

I wouldn't consider Frankenstein's monster a sexual being.


I have no problem with fantasy armor. But please someone just make a decent game with real armor for once.


>this thread

The distinct was firm and clear in 16th century as well in certain european countries(the ones that made the distinction) while some didnt make a distinction. Just because some game had its facts in check doesnt mean it created the nomenclature.

Yes, and in the 16th century Wyverns and Dragons had no distinction. Both were used to describe lizard monsters. Winged or not, breathing fire or not, even if it had no appendages at all. All counted as Wyverns and Dragons because it was a synonym. DnD introduced a modern distinction, which leads to stupid arguments like whether or not a Dragon is a Wyvern.

It's more like similarly fantastical/powerful creatures from fiction from many different cultural histories have been translated to Dragon since that the closest idea there was to describe it. You still have the right idea though.

Is this better for you? Reshiram isn't a bad choice either.

It's really not that difficult if you try harder.

The english/irish heraldys of the 16/17th centuries made the distinction. Do some research before blathering on.


Suspension of disbelief mates

They are still on Earth, or something like it


Here you go user

Your fault for liking fatties.


how come most fatties IRL are not cute? Its a fine line between being a cute chubbo to being a lardass.