Disgaea Thread

Disgaea Thread

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What Disagea game should I play first? Or, what order in general?

I own Disgaea: Hour of Darkness for my PS3, but I intend to get whatever version is out on Steam.


The only version on Steam right now is the first game.

If you have ps3, get Triple Play Collection which is Disgaea 3, Disgaea 4 and Disgaea D2 (Sequel to Hour of Darkness) pretty sure it's like 40$.


Since you have a PS3 you can play every Disgaea except for 5. I recommend playing in order, but it's not required since every story is standalone.
The steam release is the best way to experience Disgaea 1, since I believe the PS3 port doesn't include the extra content like Etna mode.

la pucelle>D1>D2>D3 vita version>D4>DD2>D5

>get Disgaea 3 Vita
>beat Baal
>start unlocking classes
>raise a Blade Master
>try to change color
>game freezes and I get a error
>try other classes and find out that it happens with almost all classes and colors
>check boards
>several players get this error for various reasons, some can't change enemy ranks, some can't use the Heal All function on the hospital, some can't see certain endings

Jesus fuck.


Odd, my D3 Vita never froze.

D4 Vita is pretty much objectively superior to D3 Vita.

Thanks user. Etna mode sounds indispensible.

>Pirokhiko, Human Prier, Alex and Gig cut as DLC from D5
>Yet Nisa gets in despite not appearing in her shitty Nep games anymore
What the fuck, NIS? I want another DLC poll.

D3 PS3 is shit
D4 PS3 is at least good

>tfw nobody scanned the artwork designs of Witch and the Hundred Knight 2 that came with the special edition of the PS4 vers. of the game.
Fuck my shit senpai.

Aside for prinnies
NIS is they mascot character

>The steam release is the best way to experience Disgaea 1

With mods

There is a mod to add the exclusive content from the DS/PSP version IIRC.

I'm retarded, I thought you were ranking them when I glanced your post. Still, better play D4 Vita if he can instead of D4. Maybe PSP D2 too but I'm unsure about that.

Do they plan to bring all Disgaeas to Steam?

I was thinking about buying the one on PS4, but if they start coming to PC I can wait a few years to buy it.

>>There is a mod to add the exclusive content from the DS/PSP version IIRC.
What mods? The only thing Disgaea PC is missing is playable Plenair from the DS version as well as the shitty Prinny commentary that only worked because there were 2 screens. Disgaea PC IS the PSP version.

>The only thing Disgaea PC is missing is playable Plenair from the DS version



>Includes content found exclusively on previous console releases! Specifically this mod adds Adell, Rozalin, Zetta, and Pleinair as playable characters! In the future more additions will be included, such as Usagi Drop (Pleinair Exclusive Skill!) and the wanna-be protagonist, Asagi!


Best version now
I hope they "fix" 2 DLCs

The reality is that people would go crazy with mods in a game like Disgaea. Imagine if D5 got ported wirth workshop support or something.

I don't see they doing that
But one can only dream

Anyone got that drawing with Taro, Hanako and the Male Healer?
You know which one I'm talking about.

Please post etna

I'm on it senpai.
Huh. Totally forgot about those guys, Adell and Rozalin only had 1 skill and they both looked absoutely awful on the DS, I hope they were able to mod in proper visual and sound effects.


I've only played a couple disgaea games but I noticed that these games seem to completely ignore the idea of balancing game mechanics and coming up with creative level design. It seems like the developers expect players to find ways to have fun aside from just playing through the story maps (as opposed to typical SRPGs where most of the fun is thinking up tactics to beat each map).
Does this design philosophy extend to all NIS games or just the Disgaea series?


Where does the word Disgaea come from? Does it have a meaning in universe?

Senpai I love you. Also that firearm.

I hope that shit becomes a weapon for Hundred to use.


I was thinking that was the answer, just checking if I missed anything.

I wonder how "accurate" that would sound to someone who actually speak the languate

The word Gaea means Earth from the Greek word Gaia which was the name of the Goddess.

The word Dis means disrespect ful/apart from. In Roman mythology the word Dis also was the name of the God of the Underworld.

Disgaea can be translated as =
1) Disrespectful Earth
2) Disrespectful Earth Goddess
3) Underworld Earth
4) Underworld Earth Goddess
5) Underworld God Earth
6) Underworld God Earth Goddess

Both words are making a reference between the connection between Earth and the Underworld.


Metallica is the best thing to happen to Disgaea

Last one.

>Tfw Metallica was originally made to be a flat loli semen demon with facial markings.

Fuck my shit up senpai.

should I buy D5 or Metallias game?

Thanks for the pictures mate. Can't wait for the W&HK2 looks like it's going to be in a sunny to winter like place.

Kind of curious to learn what Hundred did to get summoned in their world, and what possible shit Nike had in it.


Disgaea 5. Not to diss Metallia's game, you're just gonna have a more wholesome NIS experience with their flagship title.

On a side note, I've been playing and learning about other SRPG series' for the past few weeks. A lot of them hardly get past 2 games and yet Disgaea has 6 and even stylishly handled the transition from PS3 to PS4, I never realized how lucky I was that my favorite series isn't in the same level of obscure then that of like, Dept. Heaven or something.

She's only good for paizuri while berating you and calling you trash


>She's only good for paizuri
Metallia's only good for raising a family full of god blood with user.

Is there concept of that?

>implying Witches can fuck men
Metallia is undeniably gay for Visco anyways.
I thiiiink this is it.

Into the folder you go

Here's one more since I seem to have accumulated a zillion beta W100k illustrations.

>Disgaea PC has mods to add some of the extra content of the DS version back
I really, really hope this means that modders can fix the broken DLCs from Disgaea 2 (and port the ones that weren't released here) once that game comes to PC.

You beat me to posting it user. Damn.

Also yes men can fuck Witches. Hundred fucked thousands of them.

>Implying Metallica doesn't want that Hundred dick.

Have more concept since one user beat me to posting it.

Holy fuck stop beating me to the upload.


Who's the best character in D4?
In D5 it was metallia and usaria

In the vita version, its Stella.

D4 had no good characters, I stopped playing it because everyone was constantly so fucking obnoxious I couldn't stand it.

Just got D5 recently, it's fun to play but that's basically a given in this series.
Story's a little weak versus the other games in my opinion though. Also wish they brought back monster Fusion from 4, that was fun.

Val is best disgaea MC

Sure, but the rest of the cast of the game is fucking terrible, and they all get TONS more screen time than him and his werewolf boytoy.

Val is shit. Every other word is muh sardines.

This. At least D5 got it right, pretty much everyone on the cast is likable expect Usalia.

Desco and Emizel weren't that bad. If I'm remembering right Emizel was the most developed out of all of them.

>except Usalia
Get out

The only bad character in 4 was Fuka

Fight me!


Shes unimpressive and has so little personality that she ended up befriending the killer of her parents. I like her design but in game I just kinda forgot she existed.

Majorita is the best loli of the entire series though.

If they weren't bad they were mediocre. But that doesn't matter, Fuuka was bad enough to ruin the entire cast.

Why am I enjoying Killia so much? He's quickly becoming my favourite MC.

They were all bad.

I don't care what you think of me! This is just a stupid dream, anyway!

> everyone on the cast is likable

Seraphina exists. I know, it is a pain, but we cannot ignore shit when it is presented to us and we are forced to learn about its story.

>Shes unimpressive and has so little personality that she ended up befriending the killer of her parents. I like her design but in game I just kinda forgot she existed.

You say that when we have forgettable characters like Zeruken in there too? Or is he so forgettable you forgot about him completely?

>Majorita is the best loli of the entire series though.


>Majorita is the best loli of the entire series though

>Darkdeath Evilman
Come on, a 4 year old could come up with a better name than that.

Seraphina is one of the best of the main girls though. She's actually interesting and her rotten personality makes her fun. Much better than Arutina or Sapphire.

Etna is old an busted. I respect my Rasp and Pram bros but Maj is my new queen.

>Majorita is the best loli of the entire series though.
end yourself my man

>>Seraphina is one of the best of the main girls though.

A taste this shitty should be a crime. You should be arrested.

Her final boss tripe got old real quick. Not to mention that Desco sounds like an off-brand soap company.

Why was every character in D4 only given a single dimension of personality?

You do realize his name (and most of the game) is a big fat parody of the super sentai genre, right? No shit the last boss has a dumb sounding name.

I'm having a lot of fun actually, my tastes are usually so close to popular characters that its interesting seeing all these shit taste claims. Pray tell, what are the best regular girls of the series? Rozalin?

It would only be a crime if he said Saphire was best.

Best girl is actually Evil Ranger Pink, then Yukimaru, followed by Asagi in Prinny 2.


The only one that actually got on my nerves was Fuka. Everyone else was fine to me.

How long until we get D2D2 with female Adell?

>How long until we get D2D2
I hope for it every day

>female Adell
This good enough for you?

Rozalin is pretty damn good.

Did you like how they approached the LoC in Disgaea 5? With the whole pink items shit and how it was mixed with the regular game.

I kinda miss the rank36-40 being exclusive to the LoC and I really disliked the fact that it makes the vast majority of your items irrelevant once you unlock it. It wasn't bad but I prefer the old way. And I pity the completionists too.

I've been playing Disgaea 4, and a few months ago I finished the main story. Now I can grind as much as I want...but what the fuck am I grinding for? I also got Adell and that THICC nun

To beat every map on 20 stars, LoC included.

>> D2D2
Probably soon
>>Female Adell
No, DD2 was a forgettable mess of a storyline and FemLaharl didn't help anything. She herself isn't a bad thing, but I don't want NIS to think we'll forgive a shit plot just by slapping tits on the cover. This isn't Neptunia.

Do you have Axel an the other postgame characters?


Did they bring back combination specials in Disgaea 5? Are they no longer broken?

I don't understand the Fuka meme, at least she actually played a part unlike Seraphona or Emizel who could be cut from the story with little to no consequence

Yes, but it's only compatible between certain moves and only usable when characters have enough of a bond with each other.

Yeah, I did all of the post game chapters to get best girl

Her being relevant only made it worst. The problem wasn't that she was unimportant, the problem was that she was unbearable.

That's kinda how it worked in Disgaea 3.

Can Generics do it?

What do you mean? People don't like the "Blah blah blah this is all just my dream" shit.

I forgive DD2 for creating best girl

>Yes, but it's only compatible between certain moves and only usable when characters have enough of a bond with each other.

What bond? I don't think that's in the game. They either have it or don't.

Not to my knowledge.