Why is Sup Forums suddenly against it?

Why is Sup Forums suddenly against it?

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delete this

Kill yourself.

Invited a bunch of new fucks to the site that don't bother fitting in. Kinda like project chanology did.

because it triggers mods more than Unteralterbach and deal threads

fell into the journalism meme that GG only contains sexist manchildren

babbys first culture war never interested anyone but teenagers

Because it's no longer relevant and all the people who caused it to happen got fired or had to go independent.

half ironic contrarian-ism

It made everything worse

Because it failed to be politically neutral and gaming journalism used it against gamers.

Because Sup Forums doesn't want a right wing hate group squatting in their video game board.

You can't be politically neutral when the corruption came from the SJW side, just saying

this, reddit has infested

I can't wait until Trump kills all gamergaters. We have no use for people like that in Trump's society once he's President.

But Trump supports GG :^)

Purge anyone from Sup Forums who uses twitter or kikebook.

cause i want to play games.
not brand a game "SJW shit"

like most of them.

they are basically the same shit they are figthing

Trump kind of plays all fields, honestly. I'm still not sure what his platform is but it seems like he's "supporting" anything.

Oh piss off faggot.

trump is anti corrupt journalism

It became about sjw shit instead of game "journalism" being a massive circlejerk.

>forgetting reddit

Oy vey my Sup Forums friend.

>Source: my ass


I don't care for it either way, i just want my vidya left alone. I want to fuck Vivian though

Trump's against defamation and slander against individuals.


You should've just gone all out and kept the tumblr filename.

But it was crying about sjw shit from the beginning

You can't be against something that no longer exists.

Gaming journalism doesn't exist. Hasn't existed for probably around 10 years now. You either go watch some twitch letsplayer shave his eyebrows or to paid-shills.com

There is no journalism. Just shills and people playing video games and getting paid.

reminder to play the best written game ever

it's free on steam but plz leave an inclusive pro+plus positive review

Well, the issue was both. Game journalism had become a circle-jerk of morally conservative SJWs who all shared the same opinions. They gave paid reviews to big titles and ideological reviews to small titles, and got so big about themselves that they figured they could blow back GG by calling it misogynistic.

They did win the PR battle on the front of the mainstream outlets, but people like Leigh Alexandra still had to be laid off because over on the gamer front she was busy calling everyone a "mansplaining shitlord" and it was a PR disaster among their actual consumer base.


no surprise.

you fags stick our like a sore thumb.

Sup Forums was there from the beginning tbhfam

Why does it trigger mods?

>Depression is one of the most common illnesses
>Many people experience one bout of it in their lives
>lets make a game that shows how bad it is because im sure nobody else understands


How does it feel to be part of one the biggest fuck ups in this website's history?

only if you suck my dick

Because anyone with a functioning brain knew gaming journalism was a joke and just pirated any game they were interested in.

fuck you faggot. this isnt videogames

Twitter users/8GAG are redditors.

Pic related.

Man, even the bigger Youtubers and Twitch players are paid. Sometimes on contract, sometimes off with all kinds of gifts and free offers. You can't beat advertising revenue in an industry fueled by it.

It got hijacked by Sup Forums, /r9k/ and rebbit

its a "pedo" western game.

Changed Sup Forums for the absolute worse.

Now it's so fucking easy to shitpost and bait all the new idiots that came here after GG, so now there's even less video game discussion.

Same deal with Tortanic but to a lesser extent, if those two events didn't happen Sup Forums wouldn't be the shitpost capital of Sup Forums right now.

Being a keyboard warrior for any cause isn't a laudable action.
What sane person would actually pick a side in an internet fight and take it seriously?

and the green and purple rape colors don't?

there's nothing to be against anymore

gamergate died a while ago, not it's just normal day-to-day sjw whining

It's cute when newfag shitters like you try to pretend they know what Sup Forums looked like before.
Sup Forums before GG was every bit as bad as it is now

Stupid movement, giving attention whores what they want
she's okay.

Bullshit. Plenty of people from all sides are tired of SJWs. But you're probably a millenial and don't remember the left before George W. Bush was in office.

I tried to get involved in the documentation on Wikipedia before I realized everyone working on that page was fucking crazy. And I mean like some of the worst kinds of humans as far as pot-stirrers and drama queens.

>Sup Forums
>Shitposting capital of Sup Forums.

There's literally nothing wrong with using reddit if it's for spreading news like it's meant to be. If anything reddit is closer to the golden age of usenet posts than Sup Forums is.

you don't need a damn hashtag to call out bullshit. too much abuse led to it being irrelevant except when to discuss GG events of 2014.

silly to think a hashtag could change the world in the first place.

I wholeheartedly disagree but you're free to think that.

kys nintenchildren

>inb4 mountain of spiteful (You)s

Because it stopped being about ethics in gaming and more about Sup Forums crying about how much they hate women and faggots

I find it unlikely that gaming journalism calling it sexist harassment had anything to do with its political affiliations. Just look at what they have to say about Joss Whedon.

Because Sup Forums now has the hindsight to see I was right when I told them that picking this scab would not make it better.

Didn't it start because some kids got butthurt about "gamers are dead" articles? If you identify as a gamer in the first place you're cancer.


Unless he's the one doing it.

>Changed Sup Forums for the absolute worse.

But GG made it so all the shitposting is contained in twitter screencap threads. If anything GG was a blessing to Sup Forums and you're a fucking redditor faggot if you disagree.

I've got this how to draw book I've kept for a while and one the examples drawn in it looks like Vivian right down to the ginger hair and same colored hoody.

I thought she was bad for being a Tomoko rip off but this is embarrassing.

It's what brought all of these shitposting faggots back from cripplechan who think this site is their secret club for alt-right shitters.

holy..... #based!!!

thanks doc

You see?

There it is.

Nothing to even do with Nintendo but they just throw words out there to get replies. Shitposting has had such a fall from grace.

Sup Forums will never admit it, but there are several Sup Forums tier subreddits with a lot of subscribers.

right wing hate movement the whole time
just took you faggots some time to realize what was going on

moot was right to ban it from here

>coming from a fucking tripfag

But it totally did, though. Enough people finally got agitated over being morally brow-beaten that the public got sick of it. You still hear about "women's issues" but Gamergate was one of those capstones that made a lot of people realize SJWs were picking on nerds and other underclasses and not helping rape victims.


It didn't change Sup Forums that much, Sup Forums was already really shit by that time.

>GG made it so all the shitposting is contained in twitter screencap threads
I can see you've never been here before this minute.

Here, have a (You).

>contained in twitter screencap threads
now you're just blatantly lying

>go to poll
>find a thread listing "redpilled" subreddits that they approve of

It's easy to tell who are Nintendo fans on Sup Forums. With that being said kys nintendrone.



A good portion went to greener pastures after that summer.

The rest were left here to rot with the new more "social conscious" portion of Sup Forums who constantly blather on about the terrible people surrounding videogames and not the actual bloody videogames.

Honestly though, the US will be a liberal utopia; a nation without hate with all the government programs for every minority and ca,the laws you want for everything and no government building will have separate gender bathrooms! all you have to do is this : SHUT THE HELL UP. Let the jews do their work and deflate Trump and co by starving them of the attention and controversy they thrive on. If you stop chimping out over every mean twitter post, every CNN story, every fucking picket at a rally like you're from the Westboro Baptist Church then Hillary will win and the US will be better than Denmark in terms of social equality in 20 years.

Its probably too late, and I bet none of you gaylords can do it

I found it to be a fascinating example of the Streisand effect
>Journos try to claim that gamergate is all about Quinn when in reality she's the most uninteresting thing in the whole ordeal
>Then their push to censor and condemn it with "gamers are dead" caused even more people to join the bandwagon
>Turns out they were trying to cover their own asses and it backfired tremendously, resulting in a lot of corruption and manipulation at play
>So they continue to throw more shit fits, causing more people to be brought on board

Yeah I might be a tripfag but my post is still valid.

>Enough people finally got agitated over being morally brow-beaten that the public got sick of it
Do you not watch the news? How can you possibly be so wrong about this with such confidence? Social justice issues are a daily occurrence now, and all we did was give them momentum. It was never like this before GG.

Maybe I worded that poorly. Sup Forums was definitely shitty at that time but GG was the final nail in the coffin and the point of no return imo.

fuck off, tripfag.

We leveled up.

holy shit, ad hom, drumpf is stumped xDDDD

I for one am such an intellectual to because the TV man tells me to hate those scum, they hurt feelings!

Where can I try a trump steak? Is it a USA only thing?

It turned into e celebrity cancer.

>Honestly though, the US will be a liberal utopia; a nation without hate with all the government programs for every minority

spot the troll/idiot

They are chronically butthurt over the gayest shit. Who cares about that shitty joke in that Mighty Number 9 trailer?

>why people hate the most cringeworthy fiasco in the history of Sup Forums

Gee I wonder why.

>>go to poll
What was the poll about?


Sup Forums was never one person

we never created or cared about Thanks Doc girl, or her made-up conflict against made-up enemies