>bait me with the qtest fps girl ever
>turns out she's total shit
fuck blizzard
buff this goddess
>bait me with the qtest fps girl ever
>turns out she's total shit
fuck blizzard
buff this goddess
>buying games for the waifus
There's your mistake.
>being good at fps
Dont worry user, buff is coming soon
It's time to grow up and worship a real woman.
They are buffing her. They are giving her a little more mobility.
How to play D.Va
1. Learn map shortcuts
2. Boost straight into the enemy backline through those shortcuts / flyovers
3. Kill backline
4. Boost out, repeat
>turns out she's total shit
You don't know how to use her, gitgud
git gud
She is my main and I have no complains, you just have to know what to do with her.
1. Learn map shortcuts
2. Boost straight into the enemy backline through those shortcuts / flyovers
3. Get fucking shredded trying to kill anyone with your ticklers
4. Die
sure if you are terrible
Or if the other team is worth a quarter of a shit. You must be a console player.
All the D. Va's I've played have been vicious and game/in your face as a suicide bomber; as if they had nothing to lose. A force to be feared when played well.
>Desperately try to kill a squishy for 5 full seconds of fire
>Have to retreat because their team is reacting
yeah so fun
At that point you're just a poor man's tracer and even tracer isn't particularly good
I bet Pharah would be into pegging or some nasty shit
>buff dva
Someone can't headshot.
>killing anyone small with your dual peashooters
The koreans should replace her shitty-ass cannons with 2 of her off-suit guns
i refuse to give such a low tier chink whos moddified to look white any attention other than dick she is whore goodbye
die scum
>have to destroy your mech to tank anything
she should be faster when shooting imo
But the chubby eskimo is the cutest. Who cares about the pink Evangelion OCDNS?
>neo Sup Forums thinks TF2 and Oblivion are below the surface
wow this is just depressing. am I getting old?
>boost around the back
>tickle backline
>boost away
>team chases you and tries to focus you down
>defense matrix means literally 0 damage even hits you
>you've distracted the enemy for the greater part of a full fucking minute
>even the most retarded of teammates can take advantage of this
>you finally get obliterated by the concentrated fire of 6 people
>you dont even die
>your team is now shooting them in the back so the enemy is now completely routed and is scrambling for some sort of defense
>you're back in your mech as if nothing fucking happened
>tickle backline
>enemy team ignores you
>no more backline
its a fucking win/win
im almost certain D.VA is the reason why blizzard does not want to add kill/death ratio scoreboards
>hit back line.
>kill Mercy.
>Reinhardt proceeds to follow me around trying to kill me for an entire minute while the payload just keeps moving forward.
>He finally realized his mistake as i threw my mech onto the payload as it was about to cap.
>send me a message.
>"Notice me D.Va Senpai!"
>hear it in Reinhardt's voice in my head.
>lose my shit.
tf2 isnt really considered the most hardcore mainstream modern fps and oblivion has sunk low due to graphics and age
I also love the damage she does with the handgun when she doesn't have the mecha.
You can snipe squishies really easily.
they both were popular and pretty casual
just because they're a few years old doesn't make them better or more hardcore now
More like
>Hit backline
>Enemy team ignores you until you fly in to do more than plink damage
>two people turn around and kill your mech and you immediately
TF2 is THE casual PC FPS
No one has ever given a shit about competitive TF2, most people don't know it exists and the game was clearly not designed for it either.
This has always been a retarded thing to say. People say this about tracer as well. If the character needs to get perfect headshots just to do decent damage, that means their damage is trash. If any other player using a real character just got headshots every time they would fuck things up incredibly instead of just doing acceptable damage. This is leaving aside that generally the characters that need headshots are firing spread weapons and are required to constantly move and reposition making it harder than most characters to begin with.
>headshotting with huge spray cannons
It works perfectly well for hentai games.
Not so well outside of that, though.
Even if I think that a buff to D.VA is not absolutely necessary, thats a good argument.
>he's bad at d.va
>"Huh, what's dedman.org?"
>look it up
no thanks, that motherfucker's artstyle hits something fucking primal, i can't even look at that shit without immediately feeling uncomfortable
how to tell someone doesnt play d.va
>he gets carried by his friends
i wish i had friends :(
im abandoning ship people are gonna start posting level five shit anysecond
>Not fighting for honor
>Not fighting for GLORY.
It's like you hate winning.
>implying anyone would put up with 100 games of an autistic d.va mayne
no mate, maybe you are just bad
What do you think D.Va's buttcrack smells like?
Live octopus
Ill never know
I do like playing Dva but the main issue I see is that the other tanks can do what she can do but better.
For all her armor, her giant hit box and lack of reliable shield(Sure it intercepts projectiles but its a forward cone on a cooldown that punishes you for using it incorrectly), her head hitbox is the size of Junkrat alone.
Her damage is piss poor. You can claim you boost behind their team but be real, once you get past level 15, teams start reacting to a giant, slow, weak mech behind them cause it's an easy kill.
Maybe you just play shitters lol
I would put my security in her hands if you know what I mean
how to buff dva
>you can now get out of your mech anytime and use it as cover
>you can still E when you're not in the mech
The only buff she seriously needs is her ult shouldn't be completely nullified by sitting behind a small pole/pillar
It has obvious audio and visual cues and takes seconds to detonate, it shouldn't be juked that easily
There's not a whole lot of D.va in this D.va thread.
keep it to /vg/ you fucking spamming Overshill shitters
Problem with D.Va is that she was overnerfed since the early betas. She was originally a fucking monster.
Oblivion would be at this point because of it's age. Main streamers don't play anything that old.
Nice dark font on a dark background retard.
I want to marry Hana Song!
>bought disgaea hod for the qt.314159265 flonne
>played all the releases thus far
Never regretted a thing if you don't count the third.
eh nah