So what are your expectations/hopes/fears for this E3?
So what are your expectations/hopes/fears for this E3?
I haven't been hyped for an E3 since 2011. I just want a video game that'll give me hope man.
-new honest to god Metroid game, 2d or 3d I don't care
-new 3D Mario platformer that isn't SMW3D style on the wiiu
-something new by retro studios
-no news about the NX
and Capcom vs Shonen Jump a man can dream
>Dishonored 2 gameplay
>Prey 2 tease
>Fallout 4 masturbation
>TES VI announcement
>New Wolfenstein
>New Fallout by Obsidian (never ever ;_;)
>Skyrim Remaster
My expectation and fear is that there will be a lot of VR bullshit.
I'm hoping to at least see some new IPs and actual gameplay footage of anything instead of pre rendered videos "running on hardware".
>Sports line up
>Blatantly Scripted Battlefield 1 Multiplayer Demo
>Star Wars
>Star Wars 1313 isn't dead
>Battlefront 2 will actually have content
>Mature-Rated Third Person Action Star Wars game
>Some sports hero from a previous generation who has no place at a video game event awkwardly takes up 10 minutes
>On top of the usual EA asshattery
I have no hope
I just hope it'll give birth to new epic memes and TGS will come sooner.
>Battlefront 2 will actually have content
It already does.
woah now lets not go making any broad promises
>broad promises
>game came out in 2005
>2TB Slim Xbone (available now)
>Halo Wars 2 gameplay
>Gears of War 4 campaign demo
>Scalebound gameplay
>Crackdown 3 multiplayer demo
>Red Dead 3 trailer, Red Dead Redemption finally released on backwards compatibility
>ReCore gameplay
>Scalebound framerate fixed
>Crackdown 3 beta
>Phantom Dust isn't dead
>Xbox HUEG Backwards compatibility
>Perfect Dark revival
>"Scorpio" coming 2017
>PES, FIFA, etc
>new pokemon games
>battlefield vs cod
>anything good with star wars
>star wars 1313 pls
>a star wars action rpg that plays like a polished and modernized arx fatalis
>"we are putting the star wars ip on hold until 2025"
>painstakingly long demo of shitty new ass creed
I didn't even know E3 was coming up. I'm always so disinterested or disappointed by it each year that I never bother to keep up with when it is.
>Assassin's Creed no longer an annual series and is getting a much needed reboot in 2017
>Far Cry 5
>For Honor
>Stage catches fire and all the big dog Ubisoft suits are killed, forcing the company to close forever
>Aisha Tyler
All I want is embarrassing and funny shit. Vidya is hopeless at this point.
>For Honor news
>AC7 gameplay or any info
>rumors about the ps4.5 and xbox1.5 cleared up
>Shit ton of VR stuff I dont care about
>PS4 Sales Masturbation
>Kikestarter bullshit
>Last Guardian gameplay, 2017 release date
>Gran Torismo
>Neo Reveal
>Crash Bandicoot faithful reboot
>Metal Gear Rising 2
>Uncharted 4 Neo Edition
>new sweet rts
>new sweet fps
>new sweet 3ps
>new sweet mmorpg
>new mass effect
>star wars
>same sports lineup
>gameplay from games that were teased at last e3
>new consoles
>destiny 2
>new saints row
>capeshit games
>survival games
>new halo besides halo wars 2
>new lol or dota
CGI trailer for a game to be delayed and release in 2020 by Sony/SquareEnix
Nothing about the Nintendo NX.
90% chance of this happening.
Expecting to get solid dates for Zero Dawn, Last Guardian, Persona 5, and some news on more Fallout 4 DLC. Lots of wanking over sales numbers from Bethesda and Sony. Hoping to get some info on Shadow Warrior 2, Prey 2, and maybe some positive press about DOOM's reception and hopefully a sequel announcement. Afraid that this intermission of consoles is going to tank those platforms moving forward, but also hopeful that if it does then maybe we can move to Sony, MS and Nintendo doing games as services and moving to PC as a central platform. Crazy unlikely, but it would be nice.
New IPs
Deep Down
Beyond good and Evil 2
Some games to be released this year
Less indie shovelware
Bullshit cinematic trailers with no gameplay for games that will not release till fall 2017 at the earliest
Too early for doom. Consoles need to stay. Not everybody wants a gaming PC.
its sad isnt it? them good ole days are long past
Yeah, but exclusives are kinda bullshit. Even though I got a great deal on it, I kind of hate that my Wii U was just a Platinum/Zelda box, and even though I've never owned a MS console, I'd like to play some of the Xbox titles like Forza. Plus, I'll admit that it kinda blows for PC/Xbox fans that they'll never get Bloodborne or Demon's Souls.