You shitlords ARE buying this, right?
You shitlords ARE buying this, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Which one is the game?
Humble Movie Bundle?
I'm going to pirate all of those out of spite
What the fuck is a Cibele? Seems like some MFC banner.
Nice movies.
Actually worse than if they just had a button asking you to donate to charity.
80 Days, Sorcery and Shadow Run are good, Her Story meh, everything else is shit
Sorry, m8. I bought Senran Kagura.
I'd honestly rather throw money away then receive those games in return
>see tits on that one game
>what the hell, might check out steam trailer
>buying this
I'd prefer SRHK to not be lumped in with the rest of that garbage.
It's a legitimately good game and great toolset. Wish the user-dev community for it hadn't died off because they did so many incompatible re-releases.
Cibele is a porn game right?
My exact thought, can one elaborate on the sex aspect of Cibele ?
>Sup Forums thinks Her Story is about a female devs trials and tribulations
>its a detective mystery
shadowrun hong kong
I think it's just a tranny taking selfies
No tiddies or tranny vajayjay
mild camwhoring, it's in the trailer
>tranny vajayjay
>sjw bundle
also why is hong kong even there
Ah, god damit
Just watched the trailer and of course they had to dissable comments and likes
What a blunder
But Sorcery is a pretty fun INTERACTIVE game.
It actually does a better job in making a game that offers different ending/paths than TellTale Games.
Fuck humble bundle, fuck it right in the ear, fuck it to death
>"pay what you want"
>but if you don't pay what we want, you dont get half the stuff
eat shit
I'll wait until Shadowrun is
They started doing that after other sites would buy the maximum amount of things for one cent to resell them.
>that entitlement
just buy the fucking games you white pig
Shadowrun is good but it you could get it for less than 10 bucks before. Rest is garbage
Can Her Story even be considered a narrative game? The story is up to interpretation, even after you unlock all the clips because you don't know for sure the correct order. I can't even remember if there is actual verifiable proof that she has a twin, other than different mannerisms and shit someone could act.
That's largely because of faggots like myself who used to get all the early bundles for a penny. I only did it during the Steam Xmas event, but I bought 15 bundles to make 15 alt Steam accounts.
how is read only memories?
Honestly, the trailer for Cibele gives away 95% of it. I liked the desktop part of it but there's simply not enough there. Before each act you get one poem, a few pictures, a super short blog entry or two, and a couple messages from friends. Cibele would have been really cool if:
>it set up the story better, where you actually get to interact with more people in-game, then you gradually isolate to just playing with the one guy
>the voice logs were better and you didn't spend half of them getting caught on invisible walls
>the computer was more widely populated and you could get a really complex set of texts rather than just "hi, this is the one feeling I am expressing this act, fyi"
kill yourself
why the fuck would you need 15 alt steam accounts?
I wanted to like Read only memories until the robot threatened to rip my arms off if I didn't help him
what kind of writing is that?
>Shadowrun Hong Kong
Honestly at this point I think it's well worth $10, you'll get more then that much fun out of it (assuming you're into that kind of game obviously). That said I'd be more inclined to get it as a gift code for someone if it DIDN'T have all that other shit there.
>It's a legitimately good game and great toolset. Wish the user-dev community for it hadn't died off because they did so many incompatible re-releases.
Yeah this though, I was a backer of the original SRR and they did ultimately deliver, but in terms of longer term community building and the like they've been their own worst enemy which is too bad.
Looks decent, but the writing is just not up to snuff. Gameplay is generic, albeit stripped-down, P&C. Also, their analogue for trannies are human/animal hybrid freaks (even though they try so hard to be "inclusive").
le game is not le game xD
Awful in every regard. It's the worst of the lot next to that camwhore thing Cibele.
how would an actual charity thing be bad?
Are you okay, user?
>no Gone Home
Who here making $0.01 full charity donations just to low the price?
I kinda feel bad for broken age.
Ya, the developer squandered his public funded resources without budgeting properly. but it is a game, you can hardly call most of the other shit on their a game.
>feeling bad for anything made by Shit Schafer and Double Shit
No I like playing games.
I honestly don't have a problem with the others, even broken shit but
Paid $60 but gave it all to Cibele because it was the only thing I cared about....gonna have some great faps.
Suck it PCfats! Us loyal PS4 users get Gone Home for "FREE" with PS+ next month!
This is pretty much you're getting a great deal for one game (Shadowrun) but you have to get a ton of shit for free
We could only take your bait if you show receipt
Is the monthly bundle at least worth it? My laptop is kinda basic, so I don't know if it can play Rocket League.
Are there links for the Humble Exclusive games?
>gonna have some great faps.
I guess if you like lanky vegan ass looking girls then sure
fine here you go
Is 10 bucks worth it for SR: Hong Kong? It feels like a weird thing to stick at the end of all of that other shit.
just make a $0.01 charity.
SR Dragonfall DC and SRHK are both easily worth $10.
You actually played it? What are you a fucking faggot or something?
Yeah? It's normally 20 on steam so yeah
if you buy it just send all the money to Harebrained. they're the only devs who deserve money out of that bundle.
got the one dollar tier because read only memories looks cool. everything else looks like sjw poop shit
Pull the trigger faggot
No steam keys at .01 sadly.
ROM is sjw poop too but it's CYBERPUNK sjw poop. It's worth .99
these games look like netflix suggestions i'll never watch.
On the other hand, is the Ubisoft bundle worth it
Humble MRA Bundle:
Hotline Miami
Senran Kagura
Hunnie Pop
The sex aspect of Cibele is watching what is essentially Nina Freeman masturbating to a picture of herself masturbating.
Is Shadowrun HK fun?
>camwhore the game
this might come close to being decently interesting if the girl was even close to being attractive and didn't have dyed hair
Hotline Miami seems an odd one out
and who cares the games? i just want to down the average price.
Do you like turn based combat? character creation? Being a cool mother fucking wizard that shoots people in the face with magic or bullets?
If the answer to any of these is yes than yeah, Shadowrun is neato
ROM is incredibly tumblr-tier bullshit.
He means he would rather just give money to charity than give money to charity and get something in return, as the things being offered in return are at least 57% dogshit.
you gonna post spares or what?
You know you can get the games make sure the devs get shit from your money?
I already bought it for 3 bucks. The split was something like this, obviously.
What did Harebrain do?
Is it Shadowrun? If it is, it's behind a second paywall, and I didn't get it.
Well shit, it was the only thing worth getting
Oh yeah. Forgot about that. There is two ways you could look at it.
>They should have all three stories playable for free or at least cheaper than what they are asking for now DLC
>The return of standalone expansions which have went the way of disco
Shadowrun, or the only actual game there
I meant why he was not giving them any money.
I'm from huehueland. It would be cheaper to just buy the game on steam.
At this point, with more than 2.5k games, i'm basically collecting games the cheapest way possible. Be it -90% on steam or from a bundle, if it's cheaper for me than the combined -90% of the games, and SH will be like 1 dollar. Paying 7 seems like a waste.
I like me some choose your own adventure books, so, it's worth for it.
Since I didn't get it, I'd rather give to the ones that belong in the paywall I got, and are not known for being shit (sjw cocksucking /3.3)
Is that the same sorcery for mobile?