Will there ever be another Superman game?

Will there ever be another Superman game?
will it ever be good?

>Will there ever be another Superman game?
Probably not. Not with him as the main focus anyway.
>will it ever be good?
I sincerely doubt it. It's hard to make a game about an emotionally well-adjusted demigod

Superman is way too OP

Not to mention he's one of the most boring heroes out there

Can't top the best

>he's one of the most boring heroes out there
Only when he's written poorly. All-Star Superman is one of the greats

Where's the fun in playing a god?

Playing as Darkseid would be pretty fun

Spotted the plebs


Nothing fazes Superman. SUPERMAN, that is. And if he were some self-serving character whose priorities began and ended with himself that certainly would make him a boring character (and an unlikable dickwad).

As it happens, however, Superman is the kind of guy to put other people above himself. People who can be hurt. People who can die. Superman is strong and fast and everything but he is still one man. Superman's flying above and looks down and on two opposite sides of the city one person's falling to their death and the other is being actively held at gunpoint. Superman can save one of them but he can't save both of them. This is magnified a bunch of times now that Superman is global. He's a guy who has to deal with the Trolley Problem (google it) every minute of every day for EVERY PERSON on the planet.

Not to mention he has to constantly keep his powers in check. Hits a dude just hard enough to knock him out when he could decimate his skull with one finger. He's an artillery cannon in a world made of glass.

And you jokers think that's EASY?

Spotted the person still reading comic books in their 30s.

Watch your mouth, I like Superman

Being an emotionally well-adjusted demigod doesn't make him a boring character


>judging anybody on Sup Forums

>people think Superman is boring
>meanwhile these same people worship at the feet of Batman

Just make it a space adventure.

I would rather a Silver Surfer game for that

Annihilation game never ;__;

Where do you think you are

You're essentially a god in most games anyway, it'd be easy to make there's just no interest.

Cool meme

>I literally don't know shit about Superman
Nice one

>where's the fun in playing 80% of videogames

Some people prefer a less powerful character because they're usually taking a much greater risk than someone like Superman, also they're easier to relate to

I want them to use the Just Cause 3 engine. Best flying engine that I've ever seen, along with a fantastic destruction engine.

take a look at how fucking horrid Saints Row 4 was with fucking super powers and shit. where losing and challenge literally isn't a factor.

that's a fucking superman game for you

>but Superman is op, it'd never work!

Take away most of Superman's powers and slowly give them back to him, a la Metroid. Problem solved.

>let me just create some problems to dilute the original problem

All a Superman game needs is enemies equal to or stronger than him

has there EVER been a good superman game?


Spiderman is objectively the best hero to make a game around.

Says the videogame player.

Make it like God of War or Asura's Wrath.

There, you got a great Superman game.

You spelled Batman wrong. Spidey is second and that's a fact.

Superman Returns was the closest we got

All-Star Superman is not what Superman is about. It's a tribute to the Weisenger era. People who don't read a lot of comics have mistaken it for some kind of definitive story when that's not what it's meant to be.

If you want what Superman is REALLY like, read Birthright. Sums up what the character is in the modern age very well.

Superman is fucking gay, so who fucking cares

Superman is cool.

I'm going to agree with you on the basis that they have yet to make another spiderman game right, i.e in the vain of spiderman 2

To continue with this, there's absolutely no reason Superman in a game needs to be able to go light speed and lift skyscrapers.

To take an example most people would be familiar with, look at the Justice League cartoon. He's significantly powered down but still distinctly Superman.

So for a Superman game, you don't need to do some sort of crazy weird gameplay mechanic. Just make a game where you can fly around and smash shit. The game Shadow of Apokolips was actually very close to what it should be, but it was held back by shitty controls and limited technology.

Ironically, the casuals championing All-Star are just reinforcing the perception of Superman as an unrelatable god.

>implying a game about The Question wouldn't be infinitely superior

Think about this my niggas

>you are The Question
>you patrol Hub City which is as much an absolute SHITHOLE as it appears in the comics
>over the course of the game you discover a massive Deus Ex-type conspiracy, despite The Question being an unreliable narrator and the player not believing him for like 2/3rds of the game
>the player doesn't believe him because he sees Malkavian-like shit everywhere because The Question is fucking crazy
>batshit insane fetch quests that actually end up tying into the main quest
>mixes in aspects from Denny O'Neil's run too like his Zen philosophy and the insane racism in Hub City

>still no open-world Dredd game where you dispense The Law in Mega-City One