What the fuck is this?

What the fuck is this?

>this no name streamer sucked our dick so let's showcase her to show how progressive we are! Go gurl gamerz!

>grrrrlll game streamer

wake me up when this isn't a thing anymore

And now you give her more publicity. Good job, faggot.

>It's a complaining about women episode

Should've been Lady Kacey tbqh

You seem a little triggered, user.

>i'm a GIRL and i PLAY VIDEOGAMES guys i'm so special look at mee teehee

This. OP is a fucking idiot.

>wake me up when this isn't a thing anymore
I've got bad news for you m8

I would have never known about this girl's channel if you hadn't have advertised it here. Way to go, fuckwit.

maybe it's for the best

>look ma, I posted it again!
>good on you, son; fighting the good fight

Yeah, I'm sure this prostitution thing will be over any minute now.

>bought SJWatch
>surprised its SJW
>Blizzard in charge of not following easy cash flow trends
whew, lad

Or if you've been on anything associated with blizzard.

It was literally the first thing that came up when I opened Battlenet. Anyone who plays the game is going to see this first thing.

I wouldn't know about her if Blizzard wasn't trying to suck up to SJWs and girl streamers like they are. So yeah it bothered me.

She's actually good at the game though, and she doesn't whore herself out like some female streamers.

I've watched her a handful of times. She's not a tit streamer, she actually just plays games.

what's your point tho famz

It takes a real big fucking autismo to get bothered by the SJW boogeyman.

Wait what is the problem here?
Is it that there´s a woman on the launcher or that it´s a no body?

why do I get the feeling that this thread wouldn´t exist if it was a literally who male?

you sound pretty asshurt OP

It wouldn't. OP admits to being triggered:

god i respect her brilliant manipulation of the system

bitch looks like the frankenstein book's description of frankenstein's monster.

OP got triggered by a vagina

this sjw faggot is bringing up some dumb literally who streamer just because she's a girl

go die in a fire OP

>implying it's not the reason they chose to showcase a nobody girl streamer over something more akin to the currently best OW streamer or something like that


She's not even really a nobody. She has 3000 viewers right now, and while that doesn't make her a Lirik or a Sodapoppin, she's certainly in the upper echelon of twitch.

Anne is actually pretty cool and good at the game you shithead basement dweller

She's currently got 3k viewers, bretty good

Thats totally it. You cracked the case.

she's a shit tier minecraft streamer that hopped on the new popular shit
she has a vagina tho

Look at all the people who actually know what they're talking about who disagree with you on her "nobody" status, OP.

Thanks Sup Forums for the screenshot, I think I know what tomorrow's article will be. :)

Video gaming will be dragged kicking and screaming from their caves of misogyny. The future has no place for people like you.

>the blizzdrones have arrived
why is it that Blizzard fanboys are straight from plebbit?

>giving money to the biggest Jews in the industry

>anyone who disagrees with me is a drone from reddit
do we have to do this every time, user

>SJW boogeyman

SJWs shut down free speech and ruin things for people

>implying anyone reads your blog posts
pretty obvious bait bro /spoiler]


jesus christ, has it really gotten that bad? That sounds like some FULL autism.

>watching someone play with lego blocks