ITT: Disapointing bosses

I'll start with a heavy one.

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Naah he was great.


Compared to every other game that ended with QTEs or no bosses are all, he was pretty good.


how could such a big boss fight fall so flat? was it even part of the planning stages of the game or did they just tack it on? it was fucking painful to sit through.

everyone memed the shit out of him but the fight is unbelievably boring

the only decent boss fight in that whole game was Croc and he wasn't even really a conventional boss fight. more of an environmental hazard. Ivy was just ripped straight from fucking Metroid Prime.


I just spent the whole game shooting at Geth Hoppers, I don't need a single one with more HP as the final boss.

Ah, Kos, or some say Kosm...

Fuck, forgot pic.

Fight him without it then you fucking retard

Every screenshot I see of him makes it look like a little action figure. Like he's 5 inches tall or something/

Fuck Saren he was a little bitch

Doesn't change anything. He has like 2 combos and one extra move that are all super easy to dodge and barely change when he flames up. Without the sword it just takes like 20 full minutes of wailing on him for the kill.

So it's a too easy gimmick fight or a super boring Vendrick without the Giant Kinship endurance test.

>gimp my shit up for the "experience"

How about they just design a better boss next time champo

bloodborne had a lot of bosses I would consider disappointing

shadows, rom, the one reborn, amygdala, micolash, wet nurse, hemwick witches, wet nurse, moon presence, emmisary and yharnam

the other fights were pretty good though

I thought it was pretty disappointing until I started playing mass effect 2

Seath. Hyped up as being extremely powerful, instrumental in defeating the other dragons, and he's a complete pushover with a tiny moveset.

>the giant terminator baby

Despite crazy amounts of hate, AO has some of my favorite boss battles in the entire series

My friend is a pretty dudebro chad and brought his xbox over to show this game to me. He played thru almost the whole game as I watched. I remember when the boss fight happened and he beat it. Even he was dumbfounded by it being so bullshit.

We went out for beer and food later that night and he got so shitfaced drunk he revealed to me he's an in the closet gay. He told me while crying.

The game broke him that hard.

He was still a big guy

That's nice. Did you even read the thread topic?

Arkham Asylum, turning people gay since 2009

That's kind of the point. Souls usually paints these fabled beings that seem to be godly in terms of power but in reality aren't really as powerful as you'd expect and are completely off their prime.

That said it doesn't excuse how irredeemably shit Seath is.

I know this thread is disappointing boss fights but the "raid bosses" In Borderlands 2 are absolute trash. This boss has an AOE that is unavoidable so even if you aren't in the arena and are standing at the area spawn you still get hit.

Yes, and in a series where every "main" game has had more shitty bosses than good ones, the fact fucking AO stands-out really highlights how bad Rocksteady's bosses are. AK was a downgrade in every department, if you even consider the bosses in that game "bosses"

the whole game is trash

Literally every "boss" in Destiny

I dare you to find a more disappointing boss than this

For you.

It is, There's so many bad design choices. But the Raid bosses in particular are just one of the most poorly designed set of fights I've ever seen in a videogame

game is fun, writing is trash

>probably the most impressive looking boss in the game
>biggest pushover
at least he gives you a shit load of souls


>expecting anything more from Assassin's Creed: LOTR Edition

That's not a boss fight. That's a sequence.

Thread's over, pack it up.

>Rushing The Depths
>Forgot to kill the Channeler once again
>No Homeward Bones

Can someone explain?

I love how Molyneux was basically never around for Fable 2 and this happened.

"We had a meeting," McCormack recalls. "We'd not seen him in weeks because he had other things on. He opened the door, walked in and goes, the hero has a dog, and it dies. And then he left and we didn't see him again for another month. We were like, what the fuck? That was it. That was the direction."

I thought that was pretty out of place and dumb before I played Mass Effect 3

the final boss in Shadow of Mordor is Sauron and guess what? It's a QTE Boss, nothing else

Shame, the game was decent.

>final boss is the fucking devil himself
>entire battle consists of chucking rocks back at him

The boss fight was literally like 4 quick time events and that's it

Sounds about on par for western boss design.

>difficult ass area
>this motherfucker shows

Such a cool design, so boring to "fight"

The classic mistake of making something so badass that there is no way for the player to fight it properly.

it's a callback to DeS where most of the bosses were gimmick fights.

you shut your whore mouth

Every final boss from a mainline Mario game, besides maybe Mario 3. Haven't played 3D World though.

>everyone on Sup Forums hypes this guy as crazy hard
>whoops he's dead

You literally climb up a skyscraper while Bowser in a cat suit climbs up the building

capra demon isn't hard
it's the fucking dogs

He isn't hard.
People bitch how you got no room to move when the dogs are chasing you down while the Capra Demon is swinging his swords around.

what do you mean you can become too strong in a jrpg where you can grind.

>I don't like gimmick fights because it ruins the Souls experience aimed at hardcore gamers like muhself

Guess what tryhards, every boss doesn't have to be about the difficulty in a souls game. Hell, half of DeS' bosses were not really hard, but that doesn't prevent them from being still fun

The first boss in DS3, forgot his name. I knew that a lot of people going "HOW DO YOU BEAT HIM" were just trolling or whatever but...

I didn't expect to not get hit at all. I was expecting to die at least once. Then again I made a sorcerer and all I had to do was cast magic missile at the darkness while just outside his melee range


Shut the FUCK up you dumb mother fucker. You don't even KNOW what the FUCK you're talking about. I FUCKING wanted an EPIC FUCKING BATTLE with the Dragon God, but all I got was SHOOT THE ARROW. so FUCK YOU

>magic shitter who boasts about "beating" bosses casually

if you survive the first 10 seconds and kill the dogs, you basically made it

That fight was perfect for Tanimura, because he's a counter dude having to counter 20 dudes is about as good as it could've gotten

so fucking dissapointing

>dies in 2 turns by spamming summons
>no grinding involved either
Fucking Doom Dragon lasted more turns than that.

it's like they tried to combine the old hero and storm king from demons souls and it just came out a hot bubbling pile of shit. this fight is pitifully fucking easy.

what were they thinking?

Axiom Verge bosses are pretty disappointing overall, but it saves the worst for last. With a modest collection of upgrades and weapons, mechanics can be ignored in favor of spamming fire.

Did Dark Souls always look this ugly?

Sandman was far better. Ra's was clearly designed to be the final boss though.

I was expecting some cool boss fight at the top of a wizard tower or something. But what we got was way worse. =(

Not so much Zeus himself but the bullshit fucking QTE event right after him with really short button prompts that are semi-randomized on each repeat. I ended up having to do it like a dozen times, each time taking five minutes or some ridiculously long bullshit like that, and it completely retroactively ruined the whole fucking game for me. I can't remember anything about GOW2 except how much I fucking hate QTE's.

Everyone says magic is completely nerfed and almost useless now, so I thought it'd be fun to try it out for a challenge. Partly because playing the same sword and board is boring as well, wanted to try something completely different.

The problem with gimmick fights is that they're only interesting once. I've gone up against every boss in 3 at least 3 times each, even more on the early ones, yet they still pull out moves I haven't seen before on occasion. It's not much, but it's enough to make the fight a bit more dynamic and enjoyable. Sif is my favorite boss from the series, and he's not hard, but memorable because of his lore. There's nothing interesting or fun about Wolnir, the Dragon God, Ancient Wyvern, etc. aside from their incredibly basic gimmicks. Once you figure them out in three seconds you can beat the boss a billion times easily because they're heavily scripted and linear, allowing for no creativity. Yhorm is probably the worst out of them all because there's actually a pretty fun boss there, but he's made a fucking chore to fight with anything except the Storm Ruler because MUH REFERENCES.

Wow. This is beyond a spicy shitpost. This is genuinely awful. I actually hate this post, and the fact that someone could have thought of this, thought it was quality to post - even as shitposting - then write it out, select all pictures containing cheeseburgers, and then actually fucking post this piece of middle school garbage on this shitty website, making this burning trash heap burn a little hotter, making this meme hell that little bit worse for everybody.

>run around and press E 3 times

I'm playing demons souls for the first time now after playing all the other 4 in the series and it feels really clunky in comparison honestly. So far every boss fight has been underwhelming but I'm still towards the beginning.

How do you like the arrow spamming ?

Its ingrained in everyone's head to summon rush him, and even then, if he is starting on a favorable pre-determined pattern, he will still fuck you up.

Doom Dragon has HP Buffering to stop that.

It was terrible yes, but disappointing? I expected nothing and I got exactly that.


>yharnam, shadows, rom, micolash, amygdala, moon presence, wet nurse (wasnt hard, still was fun if no cheese)
you see thats where you're wrong

I fought him without the ruler and it was fun

15 minutes of heart pumping
maybe you should try it

me and my friend co-oped on our new game plus playthrough for him and after like 8 minutes of dodging his attacks and only getting him down like 20% we finally caved in and pulled out the storm ruler. it is fun to do though

Arrows? Can't use'em. I lack the stats to use even beginner bows. In fact I haven't shoved points into luck, strength or dexterity at all. Or the other one that raises equipment load which I don't remember the name of.

Literally just vigor, endurance, attunement, intelligence and a bit of faith.

Going for pure mage build. If I can't equip it with 7 STR and DEX, I don't need it!

Oh yeah? How about bosses that don't even exist?!

I hated the fucking shit out of the last phase of the Ares fight in God of War 1 because they threw out your entire extended move set and locked you to the giant statue sword and that made me fumble like a retard for about ten deaths, especially since if you fucked up Ares would regain at least half of his "health" easy.

He's a chore to fight because they didn't bother taking the time to give him an interesting moveset. His first and second forms are almost identical with the exception of a higher damage output, and the only thing he did that caught me off guard in the 20 minute long fight was his stomp, which does no damage and doesn't even have a follow-up. He's not awful, but the Storm Ruler should've been an easter egg that you only see by completing Siegward's story line, and he should've been given a better moveset so he's not the most predictable thing in existence, or a reasonable health bar.

>dont forget wet nurse

There are optional bosses in JRPGs that have specific defenses against common cheesing methods like pic related. Dullahan has no excuse.

This 2bh.
Dragon God and Strom King are my favorite bosses.
Fuck gameshitters, cinematic experience all the way.

>15 minutes of heart pumping
>Yhorm has easy to dodge combo 1, easy to dodge combo 2 and easy to dodge big wide drop swing
>15 minutes of roll, swing swing, roll, swing swing with literally no variation or danger

come the fuck on nigga, even Wolnir can surprise you with death fog or wheelie bones. even Crystal Sage has given my alts the occasional humility death by actually swinging his fucking rapier.

Wolnir is easily the worst fight of the game. It doesn't help that it's fucking RNG. They should have made a fight closer to the armored spider where there is just a scheme to get instead of just relying on DPS and sheer luck.

I don't understand the hate on the dragon god though. Yes there is no "creativity", but it feels like an old school puzzle boss and I still feel a chill in my spine when he spits his flames behind me as I pass. Same with ancient wyvern I like this fight.

Yhorm is not difficult. Hell the most difficult thing for me was figuring out how the sword worked but it still feels like a cool fight where you epically put down a giant mofo with a magic sword. The souls games take you so often the power from you than it feels refreshing when they make you OP for just a few secs.

Tell me more about this scat fetish user

Loved the whole idea behind it, boss was a push over

I was talking about soul arrows, user. This is literally all you can do when you're a mage.

I thought damage scaling was such a great addition to BoI, I'm surprised they didn't add it before. It really meshes well with a game entirely designed around unpredictable experiences and randomized items resulting in different strength runs. I especially enjoyed fighting his ten minute long boss battle as the lost, a character that can only take two hits at most. The best part about fighting as a character that can only tank one hit is towards the end of the fight, where he has an attack that forces the player to run through a bullet hell at sonic speeds, protecting a gigantic hitbox. Even touhou wouldn't ever dream of doing something like that, but that's just because touhou is too scared to force the player to slow down and really genuinely savour their steak.

But my absolute favourite part was that they decided to nerf the stopwatch shortly after introducing this boss, just so that none of those sneaky players could go and try to eat their steak a little quicker before the mold and rot set in.

Imlerith and Caranthir were better

The fun thing about Souls boss fights is that even the bad ones are still better than 90% of all other recent boss fights. Its also because there are less boss fights today. This is also why Souls is dominating this thread.