What are you most hyped to see at E3?

Donald Trump DLC

>Xbox 1.5 and PS4.5
>Left 4 Dead 3
>Diablo 3 dlc
Screencap this

As a mexican even I can see how fucking terrible the democratic representatives are.

Trump 2016

PS4 > Wii U
Bernie > Trump
Literally anything > Chick-Fil-A
Coke Vanilla > Water > Coke Cherry
>drinking milk

The Sup Forumsitics are the definion of neo-Sup Forums

>implying neo-Sup Forums isn't more Sup Forums than Sup Forums

>posts eceleb
>thinks he isn't neo Sup Forums

Riddle me this, trumpfags. Why do you support a man who says global warming is a hoax?

This nigga makes a return

I'm not the guy who posted that, but who even is that guy?
I've seen his pictures, but have no clue who he is.

>Diablo 3 DLC
spot the Blizzdrone

Spot the SJW

>drink water
>everything else in common with old Sup Forums

because it literally doesn't make any difference whether he recognizes it or not when China is a thing, and other nations inevitably industrialize themselves.

anyone trying to sell a solution through policy is a huckster.

Because the people who do say its real also support taking away our guns

>supporting trump
>supporting bernie
>supporting anyone

If you don't throw in your vote to the Trump cesspool you know you're going to loose your guns

Way to out yourself, newfag.

meant to quote


>Coke Vanilla
>Not drinking a gallon of milk per day
Faggot detected

>Literally anything > Chick-Fil-A
butthurt fag who doesn't live near one detected.

you probably don't even HAVE a gun

stupid Sup Forums immigrant

Anthony "Strong 10" Fantano

>not taking part in the democratic process

>Not having a gun
What are you, European?

Man op, that image sure did derail the thread! I love all this video game talk : ^ )

I live in the shittiest part of Pheonix
Why would I not own a gun?


Bethesda. Seriously, I'm gonna shit myself if they revive Prey 2.

>supporting a fat idiot who goes back and forth on every issue no matter what it is
>drinking soda

>Prey 2
Its dead, user. They mercilessly killed it

A murderer doesn't feel for their victim