Sniper is featured in the game

>sniper is featured in the game
>"One shot, one kill"

Other urls found in this thread:

> sniping a person in the head kills them instantly

>sniping a person in the head doesn't kill the instantly

>sniping a person in the head sometimes kills them instantly

> snipe an armored person in the head with a sniper rifle
> they don't get knocked out
> they just stagger back and start shooting at you

>"One shot, one kill"
>sniper only gets one bullet
>it's a one shot kill
>if they don't kill someone with it they don't get to reload, and have to find another way to kill someone to get their bullet back

>sniping in the foot, dick, arm, or torso kills instantly

hanzo and widowmaker do too much damage imo

>sniper is featured in game
>"Don't run, you'll just die tired"

>the last thing you never see

>sniper wildly sprays everywhere instead of waiting for an opportune moment

>sniping an armored person in the torso is only a one-hit kill from the front
>shooting them in the back doesn't kill them at all

>those shoes

Lmao is that a fucking teacher?

>sniper plays with a 1x scope that blocks 1/3 of the screen
>keeps killing the same person over and over again

I'd teacher a thing or two

college was suffering

>His helmet just flies off with the guy himself being completely unscathed

if she is a teacher

i'd breach her.

That is how she likes to get railed it seems

>sniper someone with a .50 BMG or other similarly high-caliber round
>they die but their body is 100% intact

All shooters need gibs, no exceptions.

>tango down

>a good kill, initiate, but you have not yet earned your place.

God, his fucking voice is burned into my head

I had a science teacher in sixth grade that wore black stripper boots every day.

did you fuck?

She looked like a grown up version of Braceface.
That didn't help with the boners at all

Slutty dressing teachers is my fetish.

For all of thiir students to see.

no game get sniper rifles right

did you ask her about getting extra tutoring on the topics of reproduction systems?


No, but there was one time during lunch she made a comment about my hotdog lunchables

I dropped DOOM multiplayer the moment I realized the sniper wasn't a one shot gun.