
343 killed the old Halo on purpose so that they can get people to buy Halo 5 and future games. Consider the following.

>Bungie leaving, 343 inherits Halo franchise
>Microsoft entrusts 343 to make more Halo games so they can get more shekels
>more shekels however is not enough for this company, they want to maximize profits considerably
>create MCC, release it in a broken state because kek idiots will buy it anyways for the nostalgia
>didn't fix MCC for months
>promise to "learn from mistakes" as they have said even before MCC and they say they will make Halo 5 worth it
>completely remove much of what made Halo Halo including but not limited to (forge not on release, no splitscreen, no lan, online multiplayer only)
>include things that ruin Halo such as but not limited to (thruster packs, sliding, ground and pound, ADS, and worst of all microtransactions)
>all of this winds up backfiring on 343 (although they do have a lot of passionate fanboys regardless that love to eat shit)

I fail to see how this isn't completely obvious to anybody that is observant enough. It is a lot easier to make your game like everyone else game then it is to make a truly balanced competitive game which classic Halo was. This doesn't even include the obvious shilling they wanted to force down on people like "oh cool black guy spartan that can kick Chief's ass even though he should be much inferior" amongst other bullshit.


Other urls found in this thread:

The game sold like crap compared to the others even if you adjust for console sales, and it barely stays in the top 15 most played. it's competing right now with BF Hardline and SWB whcih sums it up greatly. Who cares about Halo anymore, I told you all to call it quits back in August 2011.

>the original halo
>balanced and competitive
It was fun as fuck, but Halo 2 is the best multiplayer, with 3 right behind it. Also, practically everyone knows that 343 is not cutting it, which is why Halo is no longer a big enough draw to make people buy the bone instead of the ps4.
And no, they didn't kill the previous halo games on purpose to get people to buy the next halo. If people had enjoyed MCC, it may have incentivized people to buy Halo 5 more because playing the old games might get people in the mood for new stuff.

Halo 4 killed Halo. Honest to god, I own an bone and I forgot Halo 4 fucking existed until I read "Halo 5" in your post, then I had to google it to remember what the fuck it was about.

I don't believe Microsoft would push the game regardless quality, considering most Microsoft games are polished and it's literally just 343 fucking shit up.

I should have been a little clearer but I got a bit lost in my own post since it was so long. Sure 5 is much more competitive/balanced than 4 ever was but it lost it's originality while doing so.

Where with Halo 1-3 they had their own form of competitive/balance that worked well while also being more unique and innovative. Halo 5 isn't as unique since it's movement can be found in plenty of shooters today. Halo 1-3 were very unique shooters in their day.

Basically greed and a complete contempt for their very own fanbase is what will kill Halo for good.

>the original halo
>balanced and competitive

>but Halo 2 is the best multiplayer,

This. Halo has never had good weapon balance, 2 included, but 2 is by far the best halo MP.

Halo 5 is pretty close though MP wise, i'm suprised by how good it is. The SP is as shit as you'd expect though

>Halo 2 had the best multiplayer
>Only one viable weapon

You can't really balance the weapons when half of them are meant as power pickups and are basically map objectives.

>I don't believe Microsoft would push the game regardless quality

Don't be so sure friend. Although it's probably true they wouldn't want to release a game in as sorry a state that MCC was in. It largely does fall on 343's shoulders though how fucked MCC was. Microsoft wants the largest profits possible but as I said in the OP, they entrusted 343 to deliver them this by allowing them to make the Halo games now.

I would imagine that if things don't work out you could see Microsoft outsource Halo to another developer. 343 is that incompetent that we could see them go under if Halo 6 performs worst than 5 did.

>Halo 1 had the best multiplayer
>Only one viable weapon
>Halo 3 had the best multiplayer
>Only one viable weapon

thank you man. Thank you for this post.

Thank you for this neogaf post i'm never going to read.

I can somewhat see Mattrick wanting his Halo game on his TV kinect box. Then again I can see the 343 execs being bootlickers
>will the game be ready?
>y-yeah sure it will be ready on launch, no stress, haha

Translation: Thank you for this thing that shits on me which I'll say that I'll ignore, but am already reading right now

Did you know that I have an opinion?

And that you're allowed to have one too? The fuck did you think was going to happen? I was gonna slog through some neofag post and go "Oh, you're right, Halo 1 is the best, my bad"?

That Halo CE is more balanced and competitive is an objective fact, not an opinion
Notice how I or the guy in the post never said Halo CE multiplayer was objectively better than the other games in the series

>Only one viable weapon

Brute Shot
Plasma Pistol

Yeah shut the fuck up kid.

Of course. They fucking outsourced it, they don't give a fuck about what Bungie said, and they've already said they want to make Halo their own. Halo is dead forever now.

>objective fact

Go look up that term

I did, it is objectively more balanced and competitive; there is nothing subjective about it

Where's his extensive analysis of Halo 2 and 3 to prove this?

BR is the only weapon you ever need you cuck scrub

The fact that almost everything he states there is unique to Halo CE. Also read this if you think the CE pistol is OP
There's tons of stuff if you want to keep searching

>The fact that almost everything he states there is unique to Halo CE.
That does not make the game more balanced. Actually, as I'm reading this, he's stating opinions

A lot

But that's not the CE Pistol...

>That does not make the game more balanced
More competitive though
>Actually, as I'm reading this, he's stating opinions
Focus on the gunplay analysis, not his opinions
And maybe on those other links too, particularly the last one if you think the BR Spread game is competitive

Who's talking about CE?

I don't even mean power weapons, I mean shit like the AR, SMG, BR, needler, plasma rifle, etc

Halo 5 is literally the only game with good weapon balance.

>implying power weapons count in this debate

I love halo 2, it's increidibly fun, probably my fzavorite FPS game if not my favorite game period, but it has the worst weapon balance i've ever seen in a game.

It's just BR: the video game. It's so obscneely OP that there's no set of starting weapons that doesn't suck shit. With SMG starts, whichever team gets to the BR's first curbstomps the other team who can't even hit them back. With BR starts, no other weapons bar power weapons get picked up.

Halo CE relative to the other halo games has decent balance, due to having a super limited amount of weapons which makes their niches more unique, but the magnum still does have too wide a dominating range (not as bad as the BR in 2/3/4 though), and the Plasma rifle is pretty much a direct upgrade to the AR outside of super niche stuff with melee stuff.

Kill yourself, Majora.

I still haven't gotten Halo 5 (don't plan on it) and I fucking love my MCC. Online works alright now and I got ODST for free. Feels good.

Did Halo 5 really sell that poorly? I mean there are countless Halo fanboys out there

ty for the laugh

Look, user. You could be right, but I'm not interested in spending the next hour looking up videos and in depth analysis of whether or not Halo 1 is the most competitive of the 3. I had a lot of fun with the game, it was a good time in my life, but if you wanna win this "debate", you just did.

My bad, didn't read the entire string of replies.

you're welcome, m8


Hey I had fun with Halo 3 too, it's just that I've been dismantled myself in debates enough to know that CE's the most competitive one

Halo 2 > CE > 5 >> 3 >>> reach > 4

In terms of competitiveness.

This is they barely functional retard that is trying to talk about weapon balance.
He's shit at the game. He quite literally doesn't know what he's talking about.

>implying majora plays CE

What's the problem with the thruster, sliding, and ground pound, and aiming down the sights?

Halo 5 doesn't have ADS.

I don't know if I believe this entirely, but it's incredibly obvious that 343 have an identity issue and so they shill their own creations to the maximum wherever they can.

>ALL prometheans, ALL the time, no flood and hardly any covenant enemies, both of which are more interesting
>343 comes up with their all-new team of spartans and suddenly those guys take center stage in the new game
>Even if Blue Team is cooler and everybody wanted to see that

I think they really really want validation for adding their own spin to Halo but they just lack the variety and the color that Bungie lent to the series every time they added something new.

Well no shit OP. You can see it from a mile away. They are going to "retire" MC in the next few games and kill off everyone else that Bungie established. Locke is going to be the new Master chef and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Greed has killed this series, just like greed will kill all series.

It does.

No, it doesn't. it has zoom on all weapons. It's not mechanically similar to ADS at all.

It's as much ADS was as zoom was in any of the prior halo games, just on more guns. you don't slow down, guns are accurate without using it, etc

>It's not mechanically similar to ADS at all.
That's literally what it is.

Halo was always supposed to be a one weapon mained kind of game. I don't know why people shit on this. For CE it was pistol. For 2 an 3 it was BR.

This is what made Halo great. You had a main gun and then a secondary gun.

>I think they really really want validation for adding their own spin to Halo

It's understandable to certain extent. They way they've been going about it though, feel like they have nothing but contempt for the established fan-base.
What was our crime exactly? Loving the franchise for over a decade?

>killed shipmaster
>killed the rookie
>crew of spirit of fire implied dead/going to die
>trying to write out the rest of the spartan IIs
>main line halo game where they try to force team diversity down our throats
>you play as chief for 3/15 missions

Fuck 343. Yes I'm mad. I miss Halo. ;_;

Who wants to play some fucking Halo.

It's litterally not. It's 100% mechanically identical to zoom in past games

Except bungie has said that the point of the weapon limit in CE was to prevent that: To force the player to have to switch their guns to match the situation they were in, vs having a go to gun to use in every situation.

Wait a minute, you definitely go into an ironsights view in Halo 5 which is all I thought OP's problem was.

fuck off majora

I don't know who this majora faggot is, go fuck off and spam another thread.

Yeah, but that's all that's different about it. Instead of a black circle overlay you just move the gun up to your face, in terms of actual gameplay it preforms exactly like zoom was in the other halo games, vs ADS in CoD/BF where it slows you down and you can only fire accurately while doing so, which isn't the case in 5.

There's a ton of dumb bullshit in your post, but "they killed the shipmaster" is an outright lie. he's still alive.

>100% mechanically identical to zoom in past games
Fuck off, when you zoom in with the fucking assault rifle your spread tightens up.

Just like zoom in past games

You couldn't shoot while still being zoomed in with the assault rifle and have it's spread tighten, dipshit.

No automatic gun in the past games had zoom that's doesn't mean anything, and zoom did reduce spread on some guns in the past tiles

The fact of the matter is guns are more accurate then they ever were in 5 even without using smart scope, and using smart scope doesn't slow down your movement.

That's completely different from how ADS works as a gameplay feature in every other FPS, and is very similar to how zoom works in other halo games, and smart scope works identically on the guns that have it in 5 that also had zoom in past games

The AR has never had zoom untill 5.

>there are countless Halo fanboys out there

Fanbase has split just like the Resident Evil fanboys. Difference here though is that there are much less modern Halo fanboys where the reverse happened with RE thanks to RE4.

>Implying the original Halo games shouldn't have had ADS.
When was the last time you played them?
I just replayed 1 and 2 and the main things that make them feel dated is the lack of sprint and ADS. Some of the guns have sights on them. You just can't use them. You see Master Chief sprint in the cutscenes. You just can't do it. Bungie wanted to differentiate Halo from the other games on the market, but ADS and sprint are almost universal FPS features now. Even the original Doom had sprint. You can disagree with me, but I just replayed them and they should be in there. Bungie even wised up and put them in Destiny. Those weren't the things that ruined Destiny. The story and execution are what ruined Destiny on launch.
t. Fan of the Marthon games, Bungie Halo games, Half-Life 1, Doom, Quake, early Call of Duty games, and many other first-person shooters.
>CoD sucks
Sure, now it does.

People don't seem to get what 343 actually is

Bungie was working on Destiny as far back as ODST, you can find posters for it in certain areas

They knew it would play like a lot like what they'd expect the next Halo to be

Microsoft buys Bungee and makes them pull a Nintendo. That is to separate the team into 2, one for Destiny, the other to work on Reach

Seeing as how Destiny was taking such a long time, Microsoft decided to give the Reach dev team their own studio to work on the next trio of Halo games.

This put a rift in the original Halo team that's obvious to anyone who plays either H4 H5 or Destiny

Its cause essential parts of the original dev team weren't there to ensure the games were going to actually be good

Wew, lad. You have no idea what you're talking about.

The operative difference between "zoom" and "ADS" in this discussion is movement penalty. Unlike CoD or BF, when you focus your aim in Halo you don't slow down.

Halo 5 just made this possible for basically all the guns. It was a dumb move imo but its not the same as adding ADS to the game, not in the sense that matters most.

Dude, what are you talking about, Bungie's contract with Microsoft ended after Reach. Bungie had nothing to do with Halos 4 & 5.

I'd say the fact that guns are accurate outside of it is more important then the fact movement speed is kept for how it's not ADS.

>tfw you will never relive 2005 playing halo 2 on live
Why even wake up in the morning?

The game was in such a state because it was being handed round from contractor to contractor to get everything working.

Doesn't excuse 343i from fucking up, but I'm glad the game is playable now, and it's got ODST too.

You forgot halo 4 existed, which disproves your retarded theory but how does
>release bad game
>release another bad game
>release ok game that still isn't what people want
supposed to make money

MCC was fucked up because MS wanted to rush it out for the 10th anniversary for Halo 2. No rational person would think it was good to launch but MS wanted it to be there for the 10th anniversary so delay was impossible.

I play more MCC than I do H5. H5 is just so fucking boring and casual as fuck. It's embarrassing hearing people that play that game actually think they have skill then when you get them into MCC they get their ass beat so bad they run back to h5 and never go back to MCC.

I miss the fucking days when you could outright slaughter a team because the skill gap was actually large. Now 343i just basically said

>fuck we suck too...let us make the game so easy that even a newborn baby can somehow get kills

The forge stuff is pretty cool in halo 5, but yeah I aint too big of a fan of the multiplayer. Story sucked, and in the worst kind of way where I have no urge to replay it. Fuck those warden fights.

MCC is fun, even if I suck at halo. Hope to see you on a match sometime

>Except bungie has said that the point of the weapon limit in CE was to prevent that: To force the player to have to switch their guns to match the situation they were in, vs having a go to gun to use in every situation.

You still do have to do this. If you have a power weapon you almost always will be maining it. Often times a lesser weapon will be more useful depending on a situation to. A person with a BR and plasma pistol will be at an advantage over a person with a BR and a magnum for example. I actually like the unique balance this brought even if it wasn't always their intention.

Microsoft bought Bungie before the first Halo even came out.

Literally everything you said except the part about Reach being worked on during ODST is false

Didn't previous Halo games have bloom also? Just that you couldn't see it?

The Halo trilogy and ODST didn't have bloom.

yes they did. The only difference was that Reach was the first game you actually saw it happening on screen

A shotgun/mauler beat the sword most of the time

But was it as bad as Reach though? If it was I couldn't imagine people would not notice something was off. Reach was unplayable thanks to bloom at one point. It was too much.

They could have just made Halo 2 anniversary only since you know, it was HALO 2 ANNIVERSARY. Instead they preferred to take a stupid gamble that I knew wouldn't work.

They could have then went on to make a Halo 3 Anniversary. Would have been much better off had they never done the MCC. All that effort could have went to remastering all the H2 maps as well.

Are they ever going to do a remaster of Reach? It would be nice to play one of the best Halo games with 60fps.

Halo 1 the kill times were so quick you never noticed it, halo 2 had massive bullet magnetism and strong ass host that you were still able to kill besides the host, halo 3 people were worrying about bullet spread and leading shots.

Reach fucked up because the damn recticle was so fucking huge and that pacing that Bungie said was how people were suppose to do didn't even fucking work. Spamming killed people faster than pacing every time so people were tired of that shit.

From what I understand, Halo 2 and 3 didn't have it on semi-automatic or burst fire weapons. The issue with putting it on something like the DMR is that spamming it was objectively better at close range unless you had really good aim, which most people don't

Halo CE had it on every weapon you could fire fast enough to notice.

mcc was a clusterfuck because they were behind schedule, and they ended up having matchmaking still based on the 360 editions instead of how xbone handles parties and shit

even how xbox1 does matchmaking makes no sense.

Halo 5 I go into ranked MM and I get people from level 30 to level 1 in the same fucking game. Trueskill doesn't fucking work

>Halo 2 Online Coop STILL doesn't work 100%

Literally the only reason I even bought the Collection and I can't even play it how I want to.

But 2014+2015 in general was a shitheap of a year.

yeah i get that too. i mean the core mechanics of how matchmaking works and how parties worked were different between 360 and xbone and no one bothered to figure it out. when you playtest on internal/local xbox live 'networks' you never realize it.

i bought the game at launch and it is fucking amazing that it took like a god damn year before it was actually playable. in the very beginning of the clusterfuck they said they would do an explanation of what the problem was when it was fixed. but that was probably when they actually thought it would take a couple weeks to fix

>halo 3 people were worrying about bullet spread and leading shots.

This was mostly thanks to the netcode though. When Halo 3 was at it's best it was truly the best Halo online. Good dedicated servers would have done wonders for this game. Also people mainly bitched about this in regards to the BR.

The update did fix Reach terrible bloom a lot. The bloom mechanic can work but Bungie went full retard with that shit on launch.

>took a year before it was actually playable

BULLSHIT. I got it on launch and have been playing almost every day on that shit. I mean I get the weird ass occasional "updating MM," Shit that i have to exit out then reenter the game but you people make this shit out to be like you never got a game.

>the update did fix Reaches terrible bloom a lot

well yeah because they turned it off but by then it was too late and Bungie jumped ship

I'd argue the patch made it worse.

Bloom was fucked for the DMR in reach, yeah, but not the other guns. The solutioon would have been to increase the rate bloom raises, but also increase the rate it disspiates, not what they did.

In any case, 5 got bloom right. Percisioon guns don't have it, nor do they have spread, wheras autos have it, and are highly accurate, but the bloom also makes bursting more viable. It'sw the first game where autos are actually just as good as precision guns.


I disagree. 5 may not be as competitive or CE or 2, but it's a good amount more competitive then 3 was and fucking certainly reach and 4.

Leading in Halo 3 was intentional. It wasn't like the PC port of CE where it was a bug

Nigger I'm a Microsoft fanboy. This shit hardly worked for me since it came out and even today it still has problems. Still I'm having fun so it paid off, really

Mcc's online mutiplayer is the definition of "well, it works for me".
I had a friend that had it work perfectly since launch. We would all go to his house to play it because he was the only one it worked for. Yet I still can't get it to work consistently.

Leading wasn't a bug in Halo PC, shot lead was in the console version. It did function differently between PC and Xbox, though.

There was increased spread if you held the trigger, but the spread didn't increase at all if you just tapped as fast as possible.
Difference between old games and Reach was that Reach forced time between shots in order to remain accurate.

>they turned it off
That was some gametypes user. Those were the no bloom gametypes. It still had it last time I played. Just way toned down. It at least made the DMR function how it probably should have functioned.
Nah problem started to become DMR had too much range (I think it zoomed farther than the BR and had more range on top of that) and the damage was probably too much. Slightly weaker the gun would have been better balanced.

Pretty much. When it works it's great, when it doesn't (most of the time) I wanted to throw the game into the donate box at my library. Meanwhile my friend had no troubles either.

Guess that saying really goes well with this game. Should be a slogan for the series.