ITT: We describe a game by renaming, "<word> Simulator <year game came out>" and others guess what we were referencing

ITT: We describe a game by renaming, " Simulator " and others guess what we were referencing.

Try not using a word already
I'll start us off,
"Dying Simulator 2012"

Spectate Mode Simulator 1999

Dark Souls?

Nope, nice guess though. Think pixelated.

Also, CS?

Euro Truck Simulator 2012

Autism simulator 2016

Sup Forums?

The unfinished sentence was supposed to be, "Try not using a word already in the title.

Depression Simulator 2014

Walk simulator (2002)

Super Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle Cars Simulator 2015

No, but another one.

Endless pursuit simulator 2009

my life

Real life?

LISA, but close.

>implying you're 2-3 years old

Missile Tournament

Rocket league

game of the year simulator 2015

Feels Simulator 2006


Japanese RPG.

the walk simulator is an fps

>flees after one turn